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  • This approach sounds good.

    I think the correct approach is both, if you have the option.

    Most devices accept two name servers. Redundancy is always good, especially for DNS.

  • Some DNS questions
  • I've used this list generating package for years now with great results:

    It is designed to generate blocking lists that can be used with unbound, the DNS resolver. There are even instructions for how to configure unbound so if you are new to it all you can follow along.

    I use the resulting lists in my two local DNS name servers, running unbound.

    The way it works is that if a query for a blocked address comes in to one of thenlocal DNS servers it returns a domain not found result. If the address is not on the block list then it forwards the query on to an internet DNS resolver securely using DoT.

    You can gain further control over your DNS results by choosing those upstream resolvers carefully. Quad9 and Cloudflare etc all offer DoT resolving, along with some further filtering (eg. for malware), or completely unfiltered DNS if that's what you want.

    Services like offer more fine grained filtering, useful if you want a family-friendly set of DNS results, based off You can pay for really fine tuned results, or there is a free layer which provides still very useful basic categories.

    Combining the two forms of filtering, local advert and tracking blocking, along with open internet content categorisation, seems to be very effective.

    I get complaints about too many adverts when my kids are on WiFi away from home. I take it as a compliment.

  • Router died - Replacement/solution recommendations
  • Edit: Forgot to mention! Another minor gripe I have is that my current 1 router / 2 routers-as-AP solution isn’t meshed, so my devices have to be aware of all 3 networks as I walk across my property. It’s a pain that I know can be solved with buying dedicated access points (…right?), but I’d like to know other’s experiences with this, either with OpenWRT, or other network solutions!

    This works very well with OpenWRT on each AP and/or router device by using the same ESSID and password combo on each of them, enabling WLAN roaming and also 802.11r Fast Transition to allow your mobile devices to hand-off quickly from one AP to another as signal strength levels demand. With this enabled you keep the same IP address, and even SSH sessions don't drop when you move from one AP to another, it all happens in the background. As far as the end-user is concerned it is all just one big happy wifi network.

    802.11r is not mesh, that's a separate thing but and you can do it with OpenWRT too. I don't need to because I have ethernet to all my APs, so all the RF bandwidth is available for the last leg from AP to device(s), and not being used by back-haul from AP to AP through to the router as well.

    In your use case I would consider grouping devices into categories and having a different wifi network for each category with the dhcp and firewall rules set accordingly.

    VLANs on the ethernet-side might also be useful, but it sounds like most of your devices are on WiFi, so it might well be possible to get a "mature" setup without needing that extra complexity.

    As others have said, backing these settings up and restoring them to a new device in the case of hardware failure is generally straightforward. Care is needed when replacing the broken device with a new one because of naming conventions varying from device to device, but the network logic, and things like dhcp reservations can be carried over.

  • Before your change to Linux
  • Windows 98

  • Linux during the mid to late 90s (Windows 95 and 98 era)
  • If you weren't at a university it was generally a challenge to get hold of disks. Downloading at home took forever on a 28.8 or even 56k modem (ie. 56 kilobits per second).

    Slackware and Redhat disk sets were the thing, in my experience. But generally that only gave you the compiled code, not the source (although there was an another set of disks with the source packages).

    If you wanted to recompile stuff you had to download the right set of packages, and be prepared to handle version conflicts on your own (with mailing list and usenet support).

    Recompiling the kernel with specific patches for graphics cards, sound cards, modems and other devices (I remember scanners in particular), or specific combinations of hardware was relatively common. "Use the source, Luke!" was a common admonition. Often times specific FAQ pages or howtos would be made available for software packages, including games.

    XFree86 was very powerful on hardware it supported, but was very finnicky. See the other posts about the level of detail that had to be supplied to get combinations of graphics cards and monitors working without the appearance of magic smoke.

    Running Linux was mostly a enthusiast/hobbyist/geek thing, for those who wanted to see what was possible, and those who wanted to tinker with something approaching Unix, and those who wanted to stretch the limits of what their hardware could do.

    Many of those enthusiasts and hobbyists and geeks discovered that Linux could do far more than anyone previously had been prepared to admit or realise. They, and others like them, took it with them into progressively more significant, and valuable projects, and it began to take over the world.

  • How can I easily and conveniently transfer files wirelessly between my linux computer and android phone?
  • SSH along with the extra stuff it comes with like scp is the way forward.

    The two following suggestions make use of secure shell.

    Termux and then pkg install mc (MC is Midnight Commander)

    Alternatively, if you are feeling brave and GUI, Total Commander here.

  • how to move to a new computer?
  • Consider using tar to create an archive of your home directory, and then unpacking that on the new machine. This will help to capture all the links as well as regular files, and their permissions.

    Take a minute to think what else you have changed on the old machine, and then take another minute to think how tricky it would be to replicate on a new machine. Downloading the apps again is gloriously easy. Replacing configs, or keys and certificates, is not!

    I normally archive /etc as well, and then I can copy out the specific files I need.

    Did you install databases? You'll want to follow specific instructions for those.

    Have you set up web sites? You'll want to archive /var/www as well.

  • Libre and Free A Linux Legacy (song)
  • I have never knowingly used Arch. Am I allowed to like this song?

    Also, Taylor Swift, is that you?

  • [ANNOUNCEMENT] Response Regarding Google PlayStore App Updates · termux/termux-app · Discussion #4000 · GitHub
  • Seems like the PlayStore team should get wiser to how OSS communities manage software releases. They should be good at this, because, you know, their platform is based on the Linux kernel.

    PlayStore should enable Termux community to manage the app name, or at least be able to have a prominent link to an "official" alternative displayed on the PlayStore Termux page.

    Obviously something has gone wrong between Fornwall and the rest of the team for this situation to arise. But at first sight this is not an uncommon or surprising situation to arise. I think PlayStore could do better, and Google could support the OSS ecosystem they benefit from better.

  • FAA to begin environmental review of Starship launches from Kennedy Space Center
  • Roll on to this time next year with the following headlines...

    FAA: discovers burning RP1 is bad for the environment, insists SpaceX must begin deployment of methane fueled rockets.


    FAA: does not insist on development of methane fueled large aircraft.


    FAA investigators complain they cannot get close enough for long enough to investigate SpaceX launchpad before another rocket launches


    Unusually high number of FAA personnel reporting hearing problems.

  • German state moving 30,000 PCs to Linux and LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Blog
  • Awesome. Now stick with it!

    And remember, different isn't wrong, it's different.

  • Advice on first 3D printer
  • Check that it works with Klipper!

    The convenience and control Klipper provides is phenomenal. You don't have to use it if it turns out you dont like it, but I feel like ruling it out as an option now would be a shame.

    I would also point out that you should not be put off by the "official" supported printers list for Klipper, a bit of Googling will often turn up some mini projects where people are actively working on supporting the printer with Klipper before the main project gets round to adding official support.

  • Euler diagram of the terminology of the British Isles
  • Those are groups of northern islands, so they were excluded. Unlike Northern Ireland, which isn't an island so it was included.


  • A weirdo tries some major CAD suites, but also a bunch of half-baked bizarre free CAD program out there...
  • Thank so much for this survey. So much useful detail. Great stuff!

    You mention Blender in passing. Any thoughts on using it for CAD design for 3d printing? "Keep Making" on YouTube seems to love it for that, once some plugins are installed.

  • Filaments Mechanical Properties Dataset
  • I think such a dataset would be very useful. I'm just getting in to 3D printing and have spent a little bit of time hunting for this type of information already. I've had to stick to star ratings on vendor sites so far.

    • What are the physical properties it would be useful to track?
    • How are they measured/which standard is being followed?
    • How do they relate to practical matters like ideal extruder temperature and velocities for particular properties or effects?

    (Edit: typo)

  • Lemmy v0.19.2 Release - More federation fixes
  • Is this just the backend, or is it UI too? Is there an easy way to find this out myself in future?

  • Does anybody use Thunderbird on Android a.k.a. K-9
  • Not tried the app version. Been using Fairemail for a while now, since k9 was unmaintained.

    Fairemail is well maintained. Quick. Supports multiple accounts very well. Loads of features (could be a downside for those who like things simple). Designed with security and privacy as top priorities right from the start. Open source development. For a long time its been the best email client on Android IMHO.

  • yak yak
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