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Running a business using linux
  • Sweet

  • Running a business using linux
  • That's because you haven't been using monero :p

  • A cool guide to birth commonality
  • For Christmas it makes sense because it saves a lot of money

  • Running a business using linux
  • Drugs are an affordable replacement for food and shelter.

  • Running a business using linux
  • What is the Linux successor?

  • What food can or has given you the ick.
  • What about bottled mineral water?

  • When is it "enough" money?
  • I know someone who earns 10s of thousands of euros a month. His girlfriend, who has lived with him for many years, had to sell her bicycle to be able to afford something she really needed. He hasn't ever given me the impression that he's happy. Some people just are that way and our society enables their behavior.

  • Aboriginal ritual passed down over 12,000 years, cave find shows
  • Quickread 'password passed down over 12000 years.' It was confusing yet interesting.

  • What uses of a smartphone do you think most people miss out on?
  • as im just getting my shit sorted

    Story of my life!

    who the fucks got the time!!!

    Don't know you of course, but have you ever considered reducing your expenditures and working hours? I had a friend who was quite stressed out and went down from 5 days to 4 then 3 and now has been on 4 for a long time. It also gives you space when you need to get something done at work =)

  • What's the worst invention of the 21st century?
  • The battery life is actually one of the downsides of accessing a lot of memory. A typical way to solve this is to do a depth draw first and then another one that actually samples textures. Textures and even meshes use a lot of bandwidth. But that won't work for all devices because many use their own special ways to solve this by using a screen grid with buckets and depth sorting the tris.

    A unique issue for vr is that you have to render for two eyes and at a high frequency. A typical mobile game might target 30 fps instead of the typical 60 when running on battery. On the contrary, if a vr game would run at 60 fps you'd get nauseated pretty easily. A low end device will run at 100, and in an overly simplified sense that means you're actually doing 200 fps because of the two eyes. Further, you have to consider the tracking cameras. I am not knowledgeable about those but it's safe to assume they need to send a lot of data around.

  • What will happen to all the USA TikTok creators once the ban on TikTok takes effect?
  • They'll live happily ever after in their TikTok houses.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • One time I nearly cut a job due to being asked to make something gambling related, but when I worked on an addictive mobile game I simply didn't realize what I was doing. Honestly, I couldn't have known unless I had asked about their monetization strategy before they brought new people on to implement it. And at that point the game was as good as done. I remember walking through Barcelona and seeing all these kids on their phones in the park and not playing or having fun, it felt surreal. I bawled my eyes out and didn't return to the job. You know I genuinely just wanted to give people some fun in this world.

    The issue with mobile games is that nobody is prepared to pay even 5 euros for a game. So for mobile game developers it is business as usual to do it this way.

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Well, it's one thing to say an 'artificial agent' looks at someone's work on deviant art and learns from it. It's another to use that to make money, as I personally can't imagine many of the posters would have been on board with that.

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Yeah, but anything you create automatically has a copyright, so for example this comment is not in the public domain. Its use is limited to the context I am using it in; that is, I expect it to be copied for federation purposes, but I wouldn't say that AI is covered in this context, just genuine readership, moderation, and bots that are 'part of the community'.

    At least that's the EU stance afaik. Like if I saw this comment on a billboard somewhere I'd see that as a clear breach of copyright and even privacy.

  • Linux market share passes 4% for first time; macOS dominance declines
  • That's cuz the Linux users are enjoying the summer

  • What if car alarms were replaced with personal alarms?

    I mean, whenever I hear an alarm I ignore it, because I just hear it so often. But what if instead we used these types of alarms for real emergencies? For example a personal alarm to protect yourself.

    Join the Trans Housing Network matrix room You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    If you are having issues finding housing as a trans person or would like to help others, consider joining this new matrix chat room.

    I’ve recently been helping some folks with their housing needs and thought that creating a network could be incredibly helpful. By pooling our resources, whether it’s sharing links, tips, or even just advice, we can support each other more effectively. ❤️

    We have a privacy-focused collaborative document to organize our resources and ideas. It'll grow over time. 📄

    Let’s make this a supportive space for everyone! 🌸

    Sharing and updoots appreciated! !bee flag trans emoji

    What's your favorite snack?

    Mine is crunchy dark chocolate muesli with milk and a bit of sugar.

    Update: I'm doing great!

    Hey just an update, as I made a post Thursday a week ago that was quite heavy, and I felt it would be unfair to leave that hanging.

    I've finally gone on hrt and I feel amazing. In a terrible kind of way. Like still totally depressed, numb, concentration issues and the like but in a feeling fantastic kind of way.

    Last Monday I broke a vase. I left it like that until today. I tidied up, cleaned up, moved furniture, cried cuz of music, hung pictures on the wall which I wanted to do for years, apologized to a friend, unpacked more of my stuff. I rewarded myself by going out and getting a pizza. I clicked with everyone it was fantastic.

    While I was biking home I realized that I knew I wouldn't be tired. I wouldn't have to retreat into a dark corner with my phone, pushing away hours hoping for my stamina to return.

    Hormones work. I still can't believe it. I still can't believe I am a woman. I still can't believe that I can decide what I'll do tomorrow. I still can't believe that this is what life is like for most poeple. Ya'll doing a bunch of drugs 24 7 essentially. And this goes on for the rest of my life? Omg

    Edit: this song

    Boogie Oogie Oogie! (fixed)

    So have ya'll watched Pose yet? I can't stop watching the music videos!

    Craftyindividual, thanks for all your posts!

    Picture unrelated, I just liked it. It's from all over you, from 1997.

    Plight of the Transbian Plight of the Transbian

    Why gay trans women tend to have an exceptionally insidious form of gender dysphoria.


    Which trans characters from TV shows inspire you?

    For me:

    What's something you've done that you're proud of?

    I'll start. Not to toot my own horn but I feel I'm at least partially responsible for getting a friend to see the value of romantic love, which she managed to find!

    What do you miss the most from the 90s?

    For me it's holding a VHS in the store and looking at the cover.

    New Dress

    The picture says:

    Smile in my new dress

    Behind me there suddenly -

    Fearless winter sky.

    When I get cold I put on my bluetooth headset and dance

    Just came back from my stupid mental health walk. How are you dealing with the cold? Power was a euro/kWh earlier this year. It's 14 degrees here right now. Sometimes it feels like courage fails me.

    xilliah Elise

    Developmental informatics hacker

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    Comments 1.3K