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Bulletins and News Discussion from July 8th to July 14th, 2024 - Nevertheless, He Persisted
  • I read the talk pages on Wikipedia from time to time, there are some real comrade posters in the trenches there

  • How many times has someone said you were a 'Russian disinfo bot'?

    We should have a counter on our profiles that says how many times we've been called a Chinese or Russian bot.

    Most recently while posting on my lemmy account I was called this, by a Trump fan, because I mentioned Biden deporting more people than Trump, therefore I was a Russian trying to get Biden elected?? That was a new twist on it !biden-supervised

    Porky loves it when you blame brown people and women for his missdeeds
  • My parents told me as a young kid "we don't give you money for chores or good grades because we don't want you to do things only for money". It was totally logical to me then, if profit is the only motive people will be selfish to get money.

  • Israel bombs school in Khan Yunis
  • Isn't what the IDF is doing basically the biggest public freakout possible?

  • #praetorianguarddidit #blueanon
  • I'm even more concerned ...for

    Fucking hell the way libs and redditors use elipses makes me unreasonably upset

  • How much do you all love not having dental insurance and putting up with a rotten front tooth because you don't want a gap tooth smile?
  • I had state insurance, it included dental, but only essential things, apparently wanting to keep my teeth is cosmetic. My front tooth broke, they put some kind of cap but it needed a crown, insurance didn't cover it, so now I'm missing one of my two front incisors. I had teeth in the back that could be fixed with good insurance but they only covered the removal. It's annoying to eat most stuff because I have essential teeth missing but that's what I deserve according to glorious USA. That's what I get for being born with low calcium and no enamel and being poor.

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • Both of them had three older siblings, growing up trying to make your siblings laugh seems to be a conducive environment as well.

  • Removed
    A second moderator has hit the CPUSA Outreach Division.
  • :( I've only ever had a positive impression of their posts, though I haven't seen the extent of the modlog, if there are seven pages there may be good justification. Though if you're here Pluto reading this I think it's a shame. I don't want anyone banned aside from full-on reactionaries and fascists, but maybe I am too lenient.

    Edit: looking at the modlog it makes sense, just surprised I suppose because of the interactions I've had

  • lmao Lemmy "Preemptively block the biggest queer instance" Dot World has adopted a pride logo
  • I recently used the newish generative features that Photoshop has for the first time, you could take the logo and make this with like three clicks under 30 seconds and it would look better. I put more effort into proofreading my personal journal writings than whoever put into this.

  • A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
  • I may have to cry while waiting at the airport now, that is heartbreaking.

  • A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
  • John Brown is my American Founding Father, let's write the history as it should be.

  • A Proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024 | The White House
  • Well don't you see, all the people they targeted were evildoers so the collateral damage is easily forgiven! It works for citizens too, just the other day I saw a man threatening someone, a heroic Car Driver went straight into the crowd and settled that mess, may the 15 souls lost find peace.

  • But remember to vote or that rascal Cheeto will weasel his way out again, tarnation!

    I almost didn't check the links, fun post comrade-fly

  • Trump found guilty on all counts. Here's the verdict on each of the 34
  • Not in any American court bucko, that's for sure don't make me invade the Hague, what with their malarkey biden-alert

  • My dad passed away
  • cuddle the stages of grief are real, but they aren't really a cycle or consistent, and they are unique for everyone. Don't feel bad if somedays it hits you a lot harder or you don't feel anything at all. Writing helps me a lot when really struggling, thanks for sharing your feelings.

  • Good news people!
  • I love traditional foraging because of things like that, where would we be today if settlers didn't tell everyone "hey fuck your ages-developed methods, mushrooms are poison, lets all eat corn syrup and beef or we're going to hell."

  • I saw this flag flying at a house this weekend.
  • I was seeing if they had a communist flag of any type, uhh interesting brand name here:

  • I saw this flag flying at a house this weekend.
  • Even in their sale photo they didn't iron out the creases from being folding, unserious amateurs. I'm not normally too motivated to burn a private flag in front of someone's house but this is just egregious.