thegr8goldfish @ thegr8goldfish Posts 5Comments 170Joined 11 mo. ago
Mooby's Mode
I like the way you think. To quote myself, "If you need to use the /s, you're not sarcastic hard enough."
Personally I don't think humans are going anywhere. We might destroy most of the biosphere and a large portion of humanity but I bet in the end roaches go extinct before we do.
I don't understand why using AI is what makes this illegal. I don't know the laws in Spain, but would it be illegal if they used a pencil or a paint brush? Seems like a weird line to draw if not.
My eyes read Metroid. Just send Samus if there are too many Metroids.
There is no alternative course of action. If you're expecting him to resign before November, don't hold your breath. At the end of the day they won't impeach but if you don't air the dirty laundry, what good is having the majority?
Pauly Shore can finally stage his big comeback.
This research showed the moss could survive brief exposure to Mars like conditions. To say it could grow on Mars is a huge leap. I hope we get there one day but for now it's just sensationalism.
You guys have to look at it in context. She IS representing her district. She's actually above average around those parts. It's sad and off putting when viewed through your eyes but in her district she is a towering intellect, the likes of which will rarely be repeated in the future. We should all celebrate her efforts to participate in representative government.
That's how attributions work. They're in quotes so we can distinguish what he actually said from the general summary of events that the article is providing.
I'm turning Japanese Oh yes I'm turning Japanese I really think so
Fuck that website. Every time I start reading it readjusts the page.
Man, that title. They grew everything in sand. Regolith is filled with concentrated salts, and there's no liquid water that we know of. At best, this experiment shows that if your inedible moss in a flower pot is briefly exposed to actual Martian conditions, it might survive when you bring it back inside.
He doesn't even need a lawyer. As long as he gets a jury trial he could plead his own case and get acquited. No one wants these things hovering over their property.
Most fossils happen when something gets covered by soil or sand or whatever before it's had a chance to decompose. Over eons, the organic material gradually transforms into stone, but it retain it's shape.
So, when they decorate the walls with shit, it’s acceptable. When I do it, they
put me in my straight jacket.
...throw me out of the Capital Building!