thegr8goldfish @ thegr8goldfish Posts 5Comments 170Joined 11 mo. ago
Have the Army recall him to active duty and try him under the UCMJ.
She must have liked because after I thanked her she said it was her pleasure.
When are these guys going to come to their senses and bring in the Chick-fil-A line managers?
I think the Democratic Party should dump the donkey and make the eagle their animal mascot or whatever.
They'll just pivot to forced/arranged marriage then.
My favorite of late was the congressman who said the eclipse was a result of our hedonistic ways. Surely the moon would move to a different orbit if we made trans illegal.
If you get them young enough, you can avoid that troublesome think for yourself phase.
I don't even understand what they're asking for here? Are they suggesting that the Supreme Court can overturn a state conviction? I didn't think that was allowed, but if any court is corrupt enough to do it I suppose it's this one.
I think the frequency of deaths after infection would need to be an order of magnitude higher to move the needle on preventative measures. People just assume it won't effect them when 199 out of 200 people survive.
I also found the game this way but we opted to buy the game outright rather than renting it perpetually with game pass. It was a sound investment because my wife and I complete the tower every week.
My wife and I play this game every week. My kids have played it but they aren't as good as the wife. It's great and will give your little guy incentive to want to read the item descriptions, but they also feature unique badges that are good for non readers which you'll learn to recognize as you play. I recommend doing the tower, which is a great way to quickly try different gear and enchantments.
My only caveat is we play on the Xbox one but it should be a similar experience.
Even the GOP appointees have ruled against him in the past. The orange is vindictive.
I hope someone points out that sitting Supremes could also be considered political opponents. If these dipshits are gullible enough to trust the orange then they deserve the fate they're enabling.
You know they want to capture your attention when they roll out the porn hub colors for the sign.
The only reason that ever convinced me was the opinion that it simply feels nicer to get into a made bed at the end of a long day.