stopdropandprole @ stopdropandprole Posts 0Comments 6Joined 8 mo. ago
As much as I agree, it will take things getting a lot worse before people do anything like that.
agree completely. we are as a nation and as a community too desperate or complacent to 'take to the streets' at this point. until fascism and austerity reaches one's own doorsteps, most will wait and see and carry on with their boring daily routines.
that said, it will gradually change though, already has. it's reached the doorstep of more people today than it did 10 years ago. what will be your personal breaking point? what is your neighbors breaking point? no one knows. I for one won't be sitting back doing nothing until then. it's time to talk to the neighbors friends and family and decide in advance as a community what we're going to do before they drain us dry or drag off grandpa for re-education at Guantanamo.
A lot of the most heavily armed
sounds to me like we shouldn't wait around for those guys to wake up. maybe some of us on the left should arm ourselves instead?
if 10,000 people in a stadium are shouting "Fuck Shit Up! Fuck Shit Up!" it gives that 1/10000th person in the crowd -courage- perhaps even a primal 'permission' to ya know, Fuck Shit Up.
if an old lady is standing outside a burning building on the sidewalk and pointing up at a window says "someone should do something", you wouldn't start yelling at her to shut up and intellectualizing how she has no right to tell others what to do. in fact, you telling her that makes you worse than her. she's at least encouraging action while you advocate...what? silence?
scolding others who SAY the right thing, because you're unhappy they should DO the right thing (themselves) is peak hypocrisy/braindead logic and misapprehends basic group psychology and the nature of humans as social mammals that yes, god forbid, do need some encouragement from the crowd sometimes before taking action.
no one is volunteering anyone else... we're telegraphing to the person who finally does take action that we approve of their decision to act.
Crooks happened July 13. Vance was announced running mate July 15. No candidate = no running mate announced.
Also, when the presidential candidate is removed from a race, it does not automatically fall to the their running mate. there is no 25th amendment for election campaigns 🤦
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....
degenerate Nazi piece of shit, FUCK OFF!
the overarching goal of the administration is to enrich US based billionaires and business elites... if regular Americans need to suffer in the short and long term, then so be it. the rest of the media blitz is smoke and mirrors to distract from the pilfering of the masses and inevitable privatization of public services.