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2 yr. ago

  • No - in Italy you eat pizza with a knife and fork.

  • The cool thing is that it's not like versus, it's like co-op!

  • User blocking also doesn't block votes so they'll also still influence your feed.

  • Can confirm. My wife is a gamer and we watch anime together. Life is great :)

  • I mean it is censorship. But not all censorship is bad.

  • Know I'm late to the thread but I was kinda nerd-sniped.

    It's a good idea to pan the camera when the wall is dragged close to the edge, but if you really wanted to make it more seamless, make the camera pan in the direction that the wall is being constructed, that way the mouse will not move away from the wall and go in a different direction.

  • Damn! If only someone could've predicted that Meta would eventually do something stupid like this! If only we had defederated from them from the start /s

  • Try writing "!" followed by a community name, see if it autocompletes. That's how it works in lemmy-ui.

  • Your link goes to, which only works for users on For everyone else who doesn't use, you just get to where you are not logged in. So you need that kind of link to go to the community while still staying on your own instance.

    It's like if I linked to the community like this instead of like this: !

  • I've had the exact same thought and it's not just in the US. Teachers are woefully underpaid in general. I think a part of the problem is that there's so many teachers that it would very expensive for society as a whole to give them a higher salary. I would totally do teaching if it paid better though.

  • Don't want to assume too much but I'm sorry for your loss.

  • Can't wait to ask my dead grandma to write a Python script for me

  • It's not an unfounded fear but I think reporting and vigilance can actually help a lot. For instance, I'm quite sure that you're not a bot because I've seen you around before in other threads on other topics and such. Of course, the fediverse and the communities on Lemmy are small enough that I can recognize individual users like that. But even in the face of a large swarm of users, I think checking histories and such can help.

    If we truly get to the scenario where it's impossible to tell bots and humans apart, even while considering post history and everything... hmm I dunno, I guess we'll have truly reached the dead internet theory but then again we may also have inveted truly artificial general intelligence. It's hard to predict right now. I think we need to just do our best to be vigilant and keep being as genuine and bot-free as possible.

  • Well both. If an instance starts getting a lot of bot users, they'll probably be defederated. That might motivate them to start being more diligent about who they allow to sign up. Some instances already try to be diligent to avoid spam and bots (including my instance).

    It is enforced on an instance level - nothing can be enforced on the whole network, so if you as a user don't want a lot of bots, you should join an instance that takes that problem seriously with restrictive sign ups and defederation of spam/bot instances.

    On the fediverse, you vote by choosing where to participate. So choose the instance with the policies that you like.

  • Then the approval process will need to be more complicated. This can be done. If that is necessary to keep the Internet botfree, so be it.

  • Hmm don't really agree, as you can observe different parts of space on different time periods due to light's finite speed and time dilation and such. Not all parts of space are at the same time simultaneously. Also, relativity tells us that the state you observe is different from the state of another observer. So you can't really write this number of the universe down (or at least, you can only write your own personal number down but it won't be the same as anyone else's number).

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