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2 yr. ago

  • Just be sure to find another job before quitting. Always easier to find a job when you already have one.

  • For me is irrelevant what other choose, they are people just like me and that’s enough.

    As far as I understand, the whole point is that some people don't think it's irrelevant and discriminate others based on their sexuality (or lack thereof). So they make it public and open up about it to show that it is not bad and lots of people are like that - that's kinda the whole point of the pride parades I think?

  • Unfortunately I need TKL (80%), the tinker seems to only exist in 75% or 65%

  • Well here's another reply from a human. I saw your post, you're not alone.

  • All the time i spent playing Dota, Starcraft, battlefield and smash melee says nope.

    Sure, if your metric is hours of gameplay per dollar spent. But that's no way to rate a video game if you ask me.

    For instance I would rate The Talos Principle or Disco Elysium as much better games than, say, World of Warcraft, despite the fact that I played wow much more than the former two. But the story of those two games are just far more interesting and the games have left a much more impactful, lasting impression on me even though I don't play them any more.

  • The line is at least very blurred with moderation. One person's moderation is another person's censorship.

  • Disagree, story is definitely more important than replayability for me.

  • Problem is I can't find them in nordic layout. Would also want cherry mx black. Oh well

  • Damn that Ducky Origin looks good! Wish there was an 80% option.

  • Are there some better metrics?

  • Yea but coming from a danish viewpoint, I find it strange to equate them.

  • But this system still makes airflow right? Just without moving parts.

  • Well not exactly. Yule and similar words are used as the word for Christmas in Scandinavian languages but it used to refer to a non-christian tradition. Scandinavian countries are generally not very religious and I personally don't like the association of yule with christianity.

  • Translating "julemanden" as "Christmas man" just feels wrong.

  • How do you find people who are interested in long-term relationships online?

    In my experience, this is rare. Most people who meet others online started as friends with some common interest. I met my wife like this. It was never with the intention of a long term relationship, we were just friends online. We knew each other as friends for 2 years before getting together.

    I would recommend DnD (or other games) as others have suggested too.

    Also this is kind of random and I have no idea if it is a good idea, but maybe try - I saw it randomly the other day and your post reminded me of it.

  • Contact, when she enters the machine.

  • Why is this only a problem on mobile? Why doesn't desktop have similar requirements?

  • Think you would need Movie { title: "Star Wars".to_owned(), .. }, the .. is mandatory.

  • Doesn't change the fact that Lemmy does not support posts outside of communities.

  • Okay, sure you could have apps open links to external posts, as the app would know that it would need to fetch the post by searching the URL (switched with a HTTPS scheme). I can kinda see the point of that. I'm not sure the fediverse and ActivityPub is really super mature enough for that yet. For instance you can't fetch Mastodon posts from Lemmy.

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    Danske regioner: Kunstig intelligens skal prioriteres højt på hospitalerne får nye moderatorer


    Hollywood-stjernerne strejker over det, men frygten for at blive 'klonet' lever også blandt danske skuespillere


    Partier splittet om et forbud mod rygning ved udeservering opdateret til nyeste Lemmy og Lemmy-UI

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    Nyt fællesskab: Spørgsmål og Svar søger moderatorer


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