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Listen to the marginalized rule
  • Well, when you live in huts like cavemen and your population is very spread out, of course you’re going to be less impactful. Shrinking the population WOULD help, no matter how much you scream about eugenics and fascism. Gonna be downvoted for this, but it’s just my opinion at the end of the day. No need to get butthurt, keyboard warriors.

  • rule
  • The pizza hut/arbys is clearly a metaphor for trans people, but I have never seen a real, conservative flip the fuck out just because someone used the person's preferred pronouns. Most people are really moderate in reality. A strawman is when a group creates personified stereotype that they can pin their problems on to have something to be angry about.

    That said.


  • rule
  • ^This. Absolute straw man and i’m not even a conservative. Fight for rights without ostracizing people you don’t agree with.

  • Gameboy repair

    Absolute nightmare. Not just leaking batteries but several components had to be replaced on the front. Ridiculous amounts of contact cleaner in the card slot. Copper plate ground so corroded I could peel it off like wet toilet paper. Removed it and soldered all the contacts together. Bought for 5 bucks, only took about an hour to fix.

    Beat the original!

    Took 5 hours 49 minutes, enjoyed every second of it! Played with a friend and 100% completed.

    Does anyone remember the Neo-Geo?

    Particularly the AES, but if you had other experiences, share them below!

    Pico boot?

    Who here loves to solder? I've already done 2 mods for friends and a few custom paint jobs.

    solarknight solarknight

    Hey, I'm Chris and I love all things retro! Particularly hardware and mods.

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