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It's very important
  • Maybe if you remembered to put Jupiter back where it belonged after you were done with it, it wouldn't be lost now, hmm?

  • How did you lose weight?
  • Calorie counting through MyFitnessPal. I am unable to accurately gauge how many calories I'm consuming just by eyeballing it, and this is especially difficult given my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is about 1350 calories. (I'm short.) The only way I've been able to manage my weight is by turning it into concrete understandable numbers.

    I have a 3,312 day streak of calorie counting now. It's the one habit I've managed to keep up, and while my weight has gone up and down I've kept track of it all. At my starting point, I weighed 150lb (obese by BMI), and I'm currently down to 118 (high end of normal by BMI).

  • Real talk
  • Some of my earliest memories are watching The Next Generation with my parents. I never stood a chance! I was always destined to be 🤓

  • Real talk
  • Real answer: these are actually real languages! They're just conlangs, or constructed languages, instead of natural languages. The major problem with conlangs generally ends up being the limited vocabulary, but the grammar foundations are usually solid.

    I actually really like Klingon as a language because it was intentionally designed to be alien, and specifically to be very Klingon. Most languages are Subject-Verb-Object (like English and other Western languages) or Subject-Object-Verb (like Japanese or Hindi). Klingon, however, is Object-Verb-Subject - it's very direct with the emphasis placed on the target of the sentence, which makes sense with the Star Trek world and Klingon culture.

    Fun fact, Klingon has at least one native speaker - some guy raised his daughter to speak Klingon as well as English. (I'm not a fan of this - on one hand, learning multiple languages from an early age is a huge leg up in being able to learn more languages in the future, but on the other hand Klingon is entirely useless as a primary language given its structure and the few other people who speak it.)

  • mastodon domain has been seized by the Taliban
  • Unfortunately, I think due to the way ActivityPub works, the domain name is inexorably tied to the instance. Trying to migrate to a new domain name would break a lot of federation to my understanding.

    It looks like someone posted an attempt at a workaround here (latest reply):

    But it does require the self-destruct button because the old domain name has to be erased from other servers.

  • There is no point in trying to escape the simulation; Odds are, we don't exist outside it!
  • How long until someone discovers an arbitrary code execution exploit in the simulation?

  • Still fun though
  • if camping's so great, why did man invent House? 😏

    (I've never actually been camping. I think I would like to one day though, both for the general experience and the ability to actually see stars, which I think would be neat.)

  • I truly don't know how to explain this to anyone who wasn't around then.
  • For me it wasn't a video game but adjacent - I saw Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within in 2001 and thought "well, that's it, computer graphics have achieved photorealism and nothing could possibly ever be better."

  • I love you ❤️
    • you <3
    • caffeine
    • caffeine
    • if I don't get my coffee I will either die or kill
  • Mozilla slams Microsoft for using dark patterns to drive Windows users towards Edge in a new Research Report
  • you WON'T BELIEVE what MOZILLA said about MICROSOFT 🚨 (watch to the end)

  • I live every day in fear that dark gary will one day return
  • There is a Light Gary on your right shoulder and a Dark Gary on your left. They don't provide any great moral advice, but damn do they love to argue about the best hiking trails.

  • Trolley Problem Solution
  • Y'all kids and your speedrun strats. Some of us have poor reaction time and need to perform safety setups.

  • Trolley Problem Solution
  • I've never understood why people have such a hard time with the trolley problem. Obviously, if you pre-emptively move that lone guy over to the rail with the five, you can hit all six at once to maximize your score. Just requires a bit of setup.

  • Can network engineers (I know we have some here) confirm?
  • Though the network engineer cries out, the parents do not come back to take care of the hatchling. The newborn must climb down the cell tower on its own and immediately begin searching for food, shelter, and a job in the telecommunications industry. The rapid fledging cycle of the network engineer means that only a handful survive into employment.

  • Has anyone used MLA format outside of high school ?
  • High school (and all primary schooling) is 50% teaching you useful facts and knowledge and 50% teaching you skills like concentrated work effort, sitting and listening, taking instructions and following them, and applying critical thinking to transform knowledge. MLA falls into the latter category, in my opinion.

  • Who deals with autistic inertia?
  • I always thought this was my ADHD talking, but from some googling... It could be this as well, or instead of. I'm definitely very monotropic and I also recognize the symptoms of Pathological Demand Avoidance in myself.

    Unfortunately, at work I manage three different tracks which each have their own roadmaps and deadlines, so constantly shifting attention is required. It's taken a decade of practice to get where I am -- forcing my body and my brain past perceived obstacles and discomfort. It's possible to train your brain out of certain desire paths with enough effort, but it's not easy, and I wouldn't say I'm cured to any measure. I'm just better at managing my symptoms and getting things done than I used to be.

    I hate to say "it's a bootstrap thing" but frankly there's no magic cure, only increasingly difficult iterative steps that you achieve through a ton of practice. I do hope my neurodivergent compatriots here have been able to find jobs that work with their unique skills and brain structures, rather than against as I have found myself.

  • Amazon clearly lying about "ownership" on Prime.
  • 🥸 well you see, you own a digital license to watch the movie so long as we have it available, have you read our terms of agreement--

    Agreed that this is scummy marketing, though. The only real way to own media (legally) anymore is through physical copies, and even then maybe there's some provision that makes a DVD illegal due to license shenanigans... but no cop's gonna bust down your door for owning an illegal DVD of Aquaman.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • By observing the HTML of the about:preferences#privacy page, we can find that the checkbox "Cookies" has a preference value of network.cookie.cookieBehavior, as does the dropdown next to it, so that's the preference value that is changed.

    You can see in the console of about:preferences that if you type in Services.prefs.getIntPref('network.cookie.cookieBehavior') it will return a 1. You can also see this if you have about:config open as you are toggling the preferences dropdown - the value will change there.

    Hope that helps!

  • What are the cheapest and most effective language-learning apps besides Duolingo?
  • Self-reply: looks like Clozemaster Pro now has a ChatGPT-enabled "Explain" feature which is extremely helpful and breaks down the sentences. You can do this on your own with ChatGPT of course, copying sentences in and asking (I have done this), but it's nice to have the option embedded in.

  • What are the cheapest and most effective language-learning apps besides Duolingo?
  • Which language are you trying to learn? There are different answers depending on that.

    As someone learning Hindi, I've found that Duolingo is wholly insufficient in grammar and vocabulary (the entire course is far too short) and did not concentrate on listening comprehension. I've started using a combination of the following:

    • Clozemaster for vocabulary in context of (sometimes pretty wild) sentences. (I've got a lifetime subscription to Clozemaster, it goes on sale during holidays.) Clozemaster has grouped "common words" and a combination of reading/listening skill and multiple choice / vocab word transcription / entire sentence transcription. It feels very overwhelming at first as you're just thrown in but keep at it - start with reading and multiple choice and once you know the words and sentences in your grouped section start typing them out via listening.
    • A combination of textbooks and websites to explain certain grammatical concepts.
    • A listening-based podcast, example Innovative Language, for listening comprehension. (This also goes on sale regularly.)
  • Best of Blind ryan
    Blinder needs to consult a punnett square (and a psychologist)

    Breaking up due to her height

    > Everything is perfect with this girl I’ve been dating for 2 years. She’s cute enough and smart and makes good money. > The only problem is that she is only 5’3” tall (which is good for an asian), while I’m 6’4”. > Im scared she will give me short kids. My 6’3” uncle married a 5’2 Latina and his sons are all under 5’10. > Is this too shallow? Can some genetics experts tell me otherwise? She’s expecting a proposal this year and I love her but I also don’t want to mess up life for my sons.

    Notable comment reply from OP: > Does 5'9 mean 5'10? Because that's short, especially for a son. Even all of my sisters are over 6'

    Imagine, the tragedy of having a 5'9" son.

    Best of Blind ryan
    How to find Western girls

    > I found that western girls r beautiful and attractive, Ima a fan of Winona Ryder since around 20 yrs ago, watched most of her shows and movies and really like her eyes and noses. > > Ima a handsome man from 3rd country with 30+ yo, 96 pounds weight and 171cm tall, but Ima having difficulty finding one through tinder as tinder doesn’t show girls from more than 100mi and I can’t transfer to USA as my company doesn’t quite sponsor international transfer with L1B visa due to lacking HCs in USA, any tips on how to get a western girl from a non-western country? I really want to have a western girl plz.

    Godspeed, emaciated Blinder! Hope you find the girl of your dreams.

    Best of Blind ryan
    Blind has a new way to make money

    Direct from Blind:

    > We take anonymity seriously here at Blind. We understand you might not want to participate in some discussions because you want to keep some things private or avoid inadvertently revealing yourself. We hear you, which is why you can now hide your company name when you write a post, comment or reply. > > Here’s how it works: > > - Update your Blind app to the latest version. Tap My Page on the bottom menu and select Store. > - Buy (post) Hide Company with B Money. You’ll need one Hide Company credit for each post you want to write without your company name. (We believe purchases help prevent abuse.) > - Activate Hide Company when you write a post, comment or reply to hide your company for that post. > - You won’t need to use Hide Company if you work at a startup and want to post, comment or reply in the Startup Lounge. You can always hide your company name in the Startup Lounge. > - Your company name won’t be visible for the entire post, including all comments and replies.

    One "Hide Company" credit costs $3.99. Please take special note of the fact that it hides your company and not your username. If someone recognizes your username from another thread, boom, anonymity lost. You have to change your username (which also costs money). Amazing work, Blind.

    Best of Blind ryan
    Blinder buries the lede

    GF slept with more than 20 men!

    > > > Yesterday I came to know that my gf has slept with 20+ guys (mostly hookups). She said that after her first break up she wanted to forget about her ex and her though process was “to forget someone you have to go under someone”. > Then she got some psychotic episodes. And she started sleeping with many men. She even dated a 32 year old guy when she was 21. > She said that she thought if she sleep with someone they might love her back. But they just used her. > > > > Then come to Jan 22 when she met me. And we started going out. I had just one gf before and that was puppy love. I never slept with anyone before. > Then after 9 months me and my current gf had sex. Then I realized that she was also texting some hot guy and kinda cheating on me. When i asked her she said that she was used to jump from guys to guys and wasnt sure that our relationship will last or not. So she kept backup. > > > > I feel for every problem she has lot of excuses. > But for last 7 months she has been super loyal to me and shown signs for love. > > > > I do love her alot but dont know what to do at this time. > > > > I was nice to her. Bought her presents, date nights. And i feel because of all that she got attached. > > > > I jusr don’t understand how can i ever be special to her. And how can i ever trust this woman. I feel there is nothing left for me from her physical perspective. > > > > Is it possible for her to ever love me? > >

    Buddy, the problem isn't the people she hooked up with before the relationship, it's what happens during the relationship, and keeping a backup sounds like a red flag to me 🚩

    Best of Blind ryan
    Jealous Blinder concerned about wife's high school reunion

    Wife wants to meet ex-bf

    > > > We're married for 10 years now and my wife wants to go to her high school reunion where her ex-boyfriend will be. I told her she shouldn't go, and she says that I have trust issues and that she's not planning to do anything. I don't understand why she wants to go see her ex-boyfriend from high school. Is this something that people are cool about? > >

    Maybe... She just wants to go to her high school reunion? Sadly, no TC mentioned - we need both his and the ex-bf's to make an informed decision, of course 🙃

    Best of Blind ryan
    Blinder wants to open his relationship

    Been with gf for 5 years, how to ask for open relationship?

    > > > I've been with my girlfriend for 5 years, and I love her to death. But lately, I've been feeling bored. I'm not sure if it's because we've been together for so long, or if it's something else. But I've been thinking about asking her if she would be open to an open relationship. I know this is a big ask, and I'm not sure how she's going to react. I know this is a lot to ask, but I'm hoping someone out there can give me some advice on how to tell my girlfriend about this, I don't want to lose her, but I also don't want to stay in a relationship that's making me unhappy. > >

    Notable comments:

    > > > Like this: "I think we should break up ❤️😭" > >

    > > > This isn't reddit, wrong app > >

    > > > Tc? This is actually an important factor here. If your portfolio is sub 5m dont even think about asking unless youre ok with the relationship ending > >

    Best of Blind ryan
    Marriage advice from a Blinder

    Marrying before 30 is the biggest mistake for a man

    > > > I see so many guys in their early 20s getting married. What they don't realize is that this is the worst time to choose a partner. Because women's looks peak at 23 this is also the time when they have the most options of guys to choose from, and everyone wants to be with them making the conpetition fierce, most guys in their 20s struggle to get a girl or can't get a girl at all, on the other hand a mans atractiveness peaks at 40 since its not based on looks but status, between the age mid 30s and 40s the tables have turned and now the guy as a lot of options to choose from, girls are not as atractive as when they were 23 and man are now at their peak. I was never that good with girls and always struggled, lost my virginity at 27, and 33 now and the amount of girls interested in me keeps growing year by year its insane, and it only keeps getting better, i'm dating 2 girls per week on average, in 1 month i can date the same amount of girls i dated during my whole 20s. > > > > Advice to the man under 30 is don't marry. Don't settle for what you can get in your 20s and be patient, doesn't matter if you think you are in love, you can fall in love much harder in your 30s with an even better girl, you got much more options to choose from and you can choose a much better partner. > >

    Notable comments:

    > > > Simps and 304’s be mad as hell in this thread but OP is on the money. Getting married anyways is the worst thing an American male can do. It is absolutely pointless and it’s not even a matter of IF things go south it’s a matter of when. Western women are so > coddled and used to things being given to them that it’s absolutely shattered their sense of reality. Every woman I’ve dated, no matter how much love/energy/time/money I’ve given them, remains unsatisfied at a core level because they are always looking over the fence. > > > > Go your own way men. Growth yourself, grow your bank account, grow your relationships with your friends and family, and if you get lonely sites like and escort websites exist. Trust me, it’s an absolute blast being intimate with a 10/10 for 1000 bucks for 3 hours. > >

    (note: I have no idea what a 304 is)

    > > > Objectively speaking what OP says is very true. > > > > Men should marry later. > > > > Men mature later. And as men gain more status and wealth with age, so are the options for partners increases > > > > Women should marry early. > > > > Women's looks go down as they age. (The ability to have children also goes down) Money and status won't get them more options in men sadly. On the other hand, more money can actually attract bad men. > > > > So men should marry later, and women should marry early for maximizing partner options. > >

    Blinders truly are a catch 😬🤐

    Best of Blind ryan
    Blinder doesn't understand women (and probably never will)

    I'm 32 and still don't understand women

    > > > Can someone actually legit tell me how to treat women if my goal is to be respected and not have a sexless marriage? No trolling please, I’m being dead serious. > > > > I’m 5’8, nice body, good face, but very unsuccessful with women long term. I’ve had some short term one night stands (10-15) and one relationship for 1.5 years all of it was through online dating apps, which are purely superficial and I truly have no social skills with women. All of my “success” has been completely superficial based and I’m completely fcked if I want a normal marriage. > > > > I’m seeking advice with how to actually treat women. I was at the casino talking to this girl at the roulette table and then her fiancé showed up and was a complete asshat to her but she got closer to him and seemed like she liked being treated like a dumbass. On the other hand maybe she wanted me to hit on her. It got awkward when her fiancé showed up at the table. I assume fiancé since I saw the ring on her right hand. > > > > I’m starting to think it’s entirely dependent on the woman. Like women who sleep around a lot, very promiscuous and don’t have a lot of money tend to like guys treating them like shit. Women who have no self esteem and think they can’t do better. Women who would cheat. Idk > > > > Can someone explain it to me like you’re my father and I’m 10 just learning about girls for the first time. I’m being dead serious. Assume I’m on the spectrum and have no idea what I’m doing. Shape my mind like I’m a kid > > > > Thanks > >

    Notable comments (combo of useful and yikes):

    > > > Please watch videos on "dating red pill", "fresh and fit" Youtube channel to understand what is the current dating landscape and how it has changed in the last 20 years. As you are shorter than an average man, you've your work cut out for you. Better to educate yourself to understand what is the landscape is like, where you stand, what current women your age are looking for, etc. > >

    > > > Stop asking over and over your best bet is google and YouTube. No one should help you possibly breed. If you can’t figure out basic relationship dynamics at 32, then your genes should be removed from the pool and you should agree. No one is coming. Help yourself or be happy alone with yourself. > >

    > > > There are many women in their 30s looking for a great partner. I feel like in my 20s it was more single men, now it’s more single women. No time like the present to find a great wife. > > > > So what works? Be authentic. Be you. Pursue your interests. Most of all, when you meet someone be very upfront about what you want. Kids? Career? House? Hobbies? > > > > Also, avoid casinos and bars or places where the vibe is more casual hookups. Take a painting class or a yoga class. Go to the gym! Go skiing. Hiking. That kind of thing > >

    State of the Zone ryan has been updated!

    We're now running the latest version of kbin!

    Please let your friendly admins know if you encounter any issues while visiting

    Email vs Capitalism, or, Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Dylan Beattie - NDC Oslo 2023

    As email is the original federated system, it might be worth looking to our history to see our future: what was once a utopia for nice people communicating with each other has become a spam-filled arms race dominated by only a few domains.

    Email originally wasn't built with safety and protection in mind, and now we're racing to catch up - maybe we can do better on the Fediverse, but it'll take more than just kbin (or even kbin and Lemmy) - this would require coordination between everyone implementing ActivityPub.

    (This is also a fun video in general which goes into the inner workings of email.)

    The fifth TNG movie that never was Undeveloped Star Trek projects

    Many projects have been partially developed for Star Trek, beginning in the 1970s. There have also been deleted scenes for completed projects. The God Thing (1975) Star Trek: Planet of the Titans (1976-1977) Star Trek III (1980) Star Trek: The First Adventure (1989) Star Trek: IMAX (1997) Star Trek:...

    Undeveloped Star Trek projects

    Spiner himself explained,

    > > > One of the ideas that John Logan and I had about what the next film would have been was a Justice League of Star Trek. Something would bring all the great Star Trek villains together, from Khan to Shinzon, and Picard is the only person who could stop them and he actually has to go through time and pluck out the people he needs to help him. He goes back to the moment before Data blows up and takes him back to get Kirk and Spock, and go even further back and get Scott Bakula's character, Archer. > >

    I can't imagine it would have been good, but boy do I wish I existed in a universe where this movie had been made.
