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TIL humans are the only animal with a chin. We aren't sure why.
  • Speaking of chins with bony protrusions

  • EVs still have major quality problems, and it’s mostly about the software
  • I bought one just before the end. No ragrets. There are definitely some software quirks (the rear cross traffic alert always points the wrong direction) but overall I like it.

  • The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse
  • Yeah, I think it’s a form of the survivorship bias. Not too long ago, based on a discord voice conversation, I listened to the top 100 songs from 1977. One of the top 100 was Ariel by Dean Friedman. If you think that’s a great song, you’re higher than he was when he recorded it.

  • FCC hits Verizon with $1M fine for dropping 911 calls, again • The Register
  • Wow, a whole $1 million. They’ll notice that for like seven seconds.

  • What do you think the Great Filter is?
  • AFAIK there is no known energy source that would keep a generation ship powered for the duration of an interstellar flight.

    The person to whom you responded is half right. The speed of light is half of the barrier to interstellar travel. Entropy is the other half.

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • Just started watching the movie again about ten minutes ago

  • Garlic bread is communion with the divine
  • I don’t like garlic bread. Don’t really like garlic much at all. Thank you for your kind wishes.

  • Jun 22, 2024 - ( M ) A I N O T Y
  • Moss: "Umm it actually already is a word: mainoty."

    Host: "Could you use it in a sentence for us?"

    Moss: "Good morning, that's a nice mainoty."

  • How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?
  • From Serious Eats:

    First off, it's true: mushrooms do absorb water when you wash them, but it's only about 2% of their total weight, or, translated to volume, that's about 1 1/2 teaspoons of water per pound, which in turn translates to an extra 15 to 30 seconds of cooking time.

    "Soggy" is an exaggeration.

  • How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?
  • There are a lot of people who think, largely due to misinformed cooking shows, that you shouldn't wash mushrooms, just wipe them off.

    If you want them washed, maybe say "Hey, I can help out by washing those for you."

  • Civilization-like Ara blurs lines between hot-seat and play-by-mail multiplayer
  • The game runs in the cloud

    Nope. I’m out.

  • Opinion - Human Fighter is the most creative character option
  • Does the "M. N." stand for "Middle Name?"

  • Just a random 3" screw in a freshly opened box of 1-5/8"
  • There’s a queen bean?

  • UBlock Origin Lite - Nice adblocker for modern challenges
  • alternate headline: "UBlock Origin Lite - Crippled adblocker for a google-dominated internet."

    do what u/Buffalox said, stop using chrome and chromium-based browsers.

  • What is your favourite poem, and why?
  • This Bread I Break by Dylan Thomas

    It’s a short, beautiful poem that laments man’s destructive relationship with nature.

  • the fear of missing out a better compression
  • for the last 14 years of my career, I was using stupidly overpowered Oracle exadata systems exclusively, so "slow" meant 3 seconds instead of 1.

    Now that I'm retired, I pretty much never need to compress anything.

  • the fear of missing out a better compression
  • tar cvjf compressed-shit.tar.bz2 /path/to/uncompressed/shit/

    Only way to fly.

  • "Select a size" when it's just standard paper towel roll. Literally the same way it's always been.
  • Tell me you're young without telling me you're young.

    Paper towels, for most of my life (I'm old AF), were as long as they were wide. Square, they were. Bounty originated select-a-size by perforating them twice as frequently, so they were half as long as wide. Others eventually followed suit and now youngsters think that's how it's always been.

  • Noah Webster: "The freest government, if it could exist, would not be long acceptable, if the tendency of the laws were to create a rapid accumulation of property in few hands, ..."

    Way back in 1820, Noah Webster penned a rather prescient speech that talked about the problem of inequality. Some of what he said would be considered problematic today, but IMO the core of his speech rings very true.

    >The freest government, if it could exist, would not be long acceptable, if the tendency of the laws were to create a rapid accumulation of property in few hands, and to render the great mass of the population dependent and penniless.

    >In such a case, the popular power would be likely to break limit and control the exercise of popular power. Universal suffrage, for example, could not long exist in a community where there was great inequality of property. The holders of estates would be obliged, in such case, in some way to restrain the right of suffrage, or else such right of suffrage would, before long, divide the property. In the nature of things, those who have not property, and see their neighbors possess much more than they think them need, cannot be favorable to laws made for the protection of property. When this class becomes numerous, it glows clamorous. It looks on property as its prey and plunder, and is naturally ready, at all times, for violence and revolution.

    Best 100% dedicated plex player (client) for 4k TV

    I have a lovely plex server set up and working very well, with tons of content ready to play. Now I just need a client for my TV that doesn't piss me off. I absolutely detest Google/Android TV, and my Apple TV periodically wipes out my Plex preferences, which is a known issue.

    I'd like to have a 100% dedicated plex client for my TV. I don't want or need it to do anything else at all, and it has to be totally remote friendly and capable of playing 4k/60 UHD content.

    Any suggestions?

    robolemmy robolemmy
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