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Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?
  • I will see if I can some improvements. In the meantime, can you please tell me if it's possible to work by switching to Desktop mode and landscape?

  • Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?
  • is definitely the first, but it has not been active for quite a while, is not focused on fediverse groups (also list Discord as alternatives) and I reckon that our database is already larger than theirs.

  • Mario Kart
  • Mario Kart Tour!

  • Mario Kart

    I'm spending more time than I should playing this with my kids on the phone...


    Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?
  • Yeah, totally understandable. I was going to suggest you to create a throwaway account, but then I realized that I am actually considering denying access to newly created accounts precisely to avoid bots and sockpuppets.

  • Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?
  • Great question and thank you for your interesting in helping. Authentication via Reddit OAuth does not give "access" to the account. Reddit will send only your username and the list of subreddits you have subscribed to. I've set it up this way to help build out the list of subreddits.

    In any case, you are right that other authentication methods are needed. I'll change the setup soon to allow "traditional" sign-up, and I can also add other signup methods.

  • Tennis


    A community to discuss all levels of tennis, from tour professionals to recreational players.

    Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?

    I'm resuming my work on Fediverser, and I need as much help as I can get to build the Recommended community map. This crowdsourced data will be one the key points for instance admins that want to make use of the Fediverser services, and it will help immensely for people who want to migrate away from Reddit.

    How does it work? The front-page gives you a list of all the subreddits with its corresponding recommendations of Lemmy communities. The ones that have no recommendation go to the top of the page. One example. You can open the page for that subreddit entry and make all the suggestions that you think are appropriate.

    Every suggestion goes into a queue which I can then review and merge to the main database.

    One of the things that I will be adding soon is the ability to request a community to be created. For subreddits which there is no equivalent community, people will be able to fill a form (similar to the "Create Community" page on Lemmy's default client) which will check what is the best participating instance in the network, and if the instance admins approve, the instance can be created right away.

    How can you help?

    • Categorize the subreddits that have no entry.
    • Reaching out to the mods of the uncategorized subreddits
    • Creating community requests for the ones that are still missing.

    Thank you!

    With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • Fun fact: argument and discussion can be synonyms, but they can also have distinct meanings.

    It's amusing to see this much projection. You say that I can't read, then proceed to misunderstand a basic sentence. You say that you don't respond because you think I will insult you, then resort to name calling.

    Let us find something better to do with our lives, ok? Have a good one.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • There is no argument, dear child. There is only a value judgement being made by a silly cartoon and you suffering because you refuse to admit that you do not share those values.

    Why you need to resorting to name calling and hiding yourself behind "others" just to avoid facing this uncomfortable truth, I do not know.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • I argue many people don’t care about “software freedom” and MIT is better for those people.

    Which is completely besides the point of the post and carries no value in the conversation.

    P.S: you are still talking about "other people". Can you try to make any value judgement and own it? How about "I don't care about software freedom and prefer to get free stuff"?

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • If you want to talk about fallacies, here are some good examples:

    we would just handwrite an inferior solution from scratch rather than handle the bureaucracy.

    Bandwagon Fallacy

    If it was so much better, that it justified the price, it would outcompete the free one anyway.

    Failure to understand basic microeconomics

    I did not write 90% of the things you claim I did.

    That is true and at the same time does not contradict my point. The whole discussion is about how MIT-style licensing is not as effective for software freedom as GPL licenses. And because you do not have anything to stand on to make an argument against the statement, you keep bringing points that do not address the main issue. When asked directly what you would do, you refuse to give a definite answer.

  • [Update: community is created !] !A new place for !dataisbeautiful that is not nor
  • The GitHub page would be the initial place to get started. It works as a separate service that needs to run alongside your Lemmy docker stack. You will need a reddit API key to allow users to login/register via Reddit.

    I just advise to wait a bit because the current release is still working based on Lemmy 0.18.3 database schema. I will update it later this week.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • So what is your argument? Who is responsible for the decision-making process that leads to "hand writing an inferior solution"? Why do you think that this at all acceptable and reasonable?

    You've been writing nothing but opinion-as-fact and resorting to wild rationalizations to justify your preferences, now you want to couch yourself under the questionable ethics of "it's done this way and I can not fight it, so it must be the correct thing to do"?

    Let's make a simple test: if you were in charge and had the choice between spending some $$ to dual license a GPL package or to pay for the development of a GPL-only system vs paying $$$$ to do it in-house because you did not find a MIT/BSD package that does what you need, what would you do?

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • we would just handwrite an inferior solution from scratch rather than handle the bureaucracy.

    What company are you working for whose leadership thinks that it is a better use of their time to reimplementing FOSS solutions just because they can't get it "for free"?

  • [Weekly thread] How are you people doing with your niche communities?
  • Yeah, you are right. Looks like no one was subscribed from my instance, so it is not getting updated. If I go there directly, there are more posts.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • There is no fundamental problem in working for free either. It's second-order effects that we should worry about. Those who are "working for free" because they "just want have software being used by people" are diluting the value of the professionals and in the long term end up being as detrimental as professional designers or photographers who "work for exposure".

    If you ask me, the reason that is so hard to fund FOSS development is not because of bureaucracies, but because we are competing with privileged developers who are able to afford giving away their work for free.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • I'm pretty sure that I got paid to work on GPL software, and I am pretty sure that said software would never have been developed if I wasn't going to be paid for it.

    What I don’t like is that the title minimizes the contributions of the MIT developers.

    It's not about the contribution. The MIT license still lets people study and share the code. It's Free Software. The contribution is still there. The "problem" is that those contributions can be taken and exploited by large corporations.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • You answer are reasonable justifications for why MIT is used, but they also work pretty well to illustrate the title of the post: If you are doing MIT, you are working for free. If you are working with GPL, you are working for freedom.

  • With GPL, you're programming Freedom. With MIT, you're programming for free.
  • GPL means big corporations just won’t use it.

    Great. No corporation is working on software for the freedom of its users.

    they will just search for an alternative or make their own.

    Or pay the developer to dual license, which can and should be the preferred way for FOSS developers to fund their work?

  • [Weekly thread] How are you people doing with your niche communities?
  • Would you be interested in coming over to ! Now with football season starting the instance is going to be one of my main focal points to work on the new Fediverser features.

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    Sophia: a Rust toolkit for RDF and Linked Data. Contribute to pchampin/sophia_rs development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - pchampin/sophia_rs: Sophia: a Rust toolkit for RDF and Linked Data

    I went to look into the activitypub federation package from Rust and noticed that it does not support JSON-LD. This took me to a search into other libraries, which got me to RDF-based crates. Just thought it was a good idea to share.

    Oracle goes vegan: Dumps Terraform for OpenTofu Oracle goes vegan: Dumps Terraform for OpenTofu

    OCI tells customers to shift to latest update built on open source. We guess OpenTofu is enterprise-ready!

    Oracle goes vegan: Dumps Terraform for OpenTofu
    A zero-commission crowdfunding platform to support content creators in the Fediverse

    About two months ago I was talking about this model for funding artists in the Fediverse where backers would set a monthly "pledge" and then they would be able to define how to split their contribution among their favorite preferred people.

    This week I am launching the MVP of this idea. It's not specific to musicians or artists, but instead can be used by any content creator that wants to get any support from their audience.

    A community for users and enthusiasts of the Remarkable Tablet Remarkable - Hardware Watch

    #### Useful Links - Official Webpage [] - Wiki [] - [] - Awesome reMarkable []


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    A proposal to add signals to JavaScript. Contribute to proposal-signals/proposal-signals development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - proposal-signals/proposal-signals: A proposal to add signals to JavaScript.
    Grafana dashboard as alternative to Google Analytics?

    Out of principle I refuse to put any type of analytics on my sites. I don't want to send user data to third parties and I don't want to rely on data that comes from JavaScript on the browser unless strictly necessary.

    But the thought recently occurred to me that I could use my server logs to create some basic data visualisation on Grafana.

    I'd like very basic stuff:

    • hits
    • common referrers
    • geo location by IP address
    • bounce rates per page

    What would be the recommended way to get this, assuming that I have traefik logs aggregates via Loki and Grafana installed?

    Side Project: share and receive constructive feedback on side projects. Side Project - Indie Hackers

    A community for sharing and receiving constructive feedback on side projects.


    Architecture Porn

    At the moment ! is mostly mirroring post from reddit, but it would be great to see contributions from real people.

    Pine64 Pine64 - Hardware Watch

    Pine64’s goal is to push the envelope and deliver ARM and RISC-V devices that you want to use and develop for. To this end, we actively work with the development community and champion end-user initiatives. Rather than applying business to a FOSS setting, we allow FOSS principles to guide our busine...

    Pine64 - Hardware Watch
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    A community for enthusiasts of the indieweb. There was one at but it was removed by the creator.

    General guidelines about how to use voting?

    This is related to

    IMO, one of the things that made Reddit deteriorate in quality was the cultural change in how to use votes. Early on, voting was meant as "this is interesting/not interesting for the community". It was only later (maybe around the time that Facebook got heavy into the algorithm recommendations based on reactions ) that voting on a post/comment started to mean "I like/dislike this" and "I want/do not want more of this".

    What ended up happening is that contributed to the "filter bubble" effect. People started relying on voting as a way to customize their feeds.

    None of this works with Lemmy, because we don't have (yet?) a good recommendation system or a client that can filter/sort the posts based on the user's voting history. So we are stuck with the worst of both worlds: people are downvoting things that do not help them to manage the content, and people from other "niche" communities are being met with downvotes just because their content is not appealing to the majority. Ask people from non-english speaking communities, and they will tell you that any post is immediately voted down by people who are not related at all with the community.

    I still think there is value in the downvotes. When the person voting has already established some authority at the community where the post/comment is being made, a downvote is a good signal about the relevance of that post/comment to the rest of the community. For this reason, I don't think I'd remove down votes from my instances.

    However, can we start working on a set of guidelines to help users understand when it is appropriate to vote in a post/comment?
