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What do you secretly judge people for?
  • I created a bunch of blogs myself, did all of the development and design myself, managed the servers myself, and wrote all of the content myself.

    Sure sounds like labour to me.

    And there is no requirement for labour to generate income immediately. A majority of labour is front-loaded, with income being back-loaded.

    I still have one of them, and I receive around $60 per month from it despite the fact that I haven't touched it in over a decade.

    Server maintenance and updating code to work with current releases is still “labour”. Because sure as shit you’ve been doing these things… no hosting provider is going to let you go 10 years with zero updates or patches to the website or the underlying framework that allows the website to run. Because failing to do that is how entire hosting platforms get rooted and infected with malware.

  • Ladybird, a truly independent web browser.
  • There are plenty of programs out there which can end up being required for your workflow - as in, that exact program; no exceptions - and yet, have no Linux or even non-Windows version.

    Not everything is a platformm-agnostic subscription-based SAAS yet, nor should that ever be the case.

  • Ladybird, a truly independent web browser.
  • Also not super enthused about another browser written in C++. I skimmed some of their code and it seems pretty high quality, but still… this is going to be chock full of security bugs.

    If you are going to do anything stability-based these days, Rust should be a big consideration.

  • Ladybird, a truly independent web browser.
  • We don't have anyone actively working on Windows support, […] We would like to do Windows eventually, but it's not a priority at the moment.

    As much as I applaud this focus on just one broad OS architecture, as it will greatly speed development, leaving out Windows is likely to cut off 85-90% of all early adopters. I just hope that the benefit of a simplified target will outweigh ignoring the vast majority of the market.

    And honestly, methinks they should focus on Haiku OS before Windows, as it is closer to a Unix heritage than Windows is. And Haiku OS desperately needs a native modern web browser with all the bells and whistles.

  • The dating pool
  • when there's a portion of people basically saying you're scum for being born a man

    There is no way of changing these people’s minds, they invariably tend to be zero-sum absolutionists. Any attempt to prove them otherwise will only trigger their victimization complexes.

    The only effective strategy is to not engage in the first place, to avoid having anything to do with them even if they are blood and especially if they can be easily avoided.

    Unfortunately, this attitude is also held by the vast majority of vocal feminists… which, if you are actively dating, ought to make this one of the first red flags you should be looking for to make women self-select themselves out of contention.

    After all, you don’t want to be with someone who hates you for what you are. Leave those venomous vipers on the branch, where they belong.

    And yes, this entire strategy works equally as well in the other direction, for women. The difference is that women are far more effectively avoiding men with these red flags than men are at avoiding women with these red flags. Far too many men are far too thirsty to think straight where women are concerned.

  • The dating pool
  • what MGTOW offers as a "solution" is misogyny that only serves to make everyone more miserable

    So when women go their own way they are lauded and celebrated, but when men do the exact same thing, it’s somehow misogyny??

    You can’t have the exact same strategy be lauded on the one hand and vilified on the other, purely based on the gender of the person implementing that strategy.

    That’s the dictionary definition of gender bigotry, and is at the core of pretty much every reason why men go their own way.

  • The dating pool
  • Even some “woke” Western Asian women can be pretty racist against Asian men.


    My wife is Asian, and has seen this in her own female relatives and community friends who have immigrated here or have been born here. None of them would ever debase themselves that far to be with an Asian man unless he was loaded AF.

    And my BiL has only ever had one Asian woman take any interest in him, despite being one hell of a handsome man… last time he visited China, he was frequently mistaken for a movie star or a model.

  • The dating pool
  • Another word for emotional labor is goddamn fucking empathy and SOME PEOPLE don't want to show any toward men.

    The very people screaming the loudest about “toxic masculinity” being a problem in men, are invariably the ones imposing it the most fiercely upon men, as this woman is doing.

  • The dating pool
  • If you went to most redpill communities, I would absolutely agree with you. It’s often really hard to tell them apart from feminist communities in terms of their rage and hate against the other gender.

    However, out of sheer curiosity I have poked my nose into and lurked on a number of MGTOW communities that are refreshingly supportive and which do their best to help men move past the rage phase into more productive paths. Mainly because rage generally isn’t conducive to sustained and healthy self-improvement… and if you’re still obsessed with women in any way, you are pretty much failing at “going your own way”.

    I actually know a few MGTOW, and aside from ignoring what society and women demand of them, you would never know they were MGTOW. They don’t talk about women. They don’t get upset over what women do or say. They just don’t want to have anything to do with women because they have much better things to do with their lives.

    And when women complain to all and sundry that they just want to be left alone, isn’t MGTOW doing exactly what women want -- leaving them TF alone? How could that be in any way a bad thing?

  • The dating pool
  • Girl, if this is the way you view the dating pool, then maybe MGTOW has a valid point or three to consider.

    I may have stepped off the dating field nearly thirty years ago, but in terms of the gratuitous misandry that I have seen as of the last decade or so, even if I were to become widowed I doubt I would ever want to step back onto it. The juice is just not worth the squeeze if I am seen as “the enemy” and facing unjustified hostility and adversarial arrogance long before you even get to know me.

  • Which pill do you choose?
  • 6 years of age would put me in 1978.

    There is a lot I could do from that point onward, that would make $10M look like spare change. Like investing in Apple, or working with Tim Berners-Lee to more effectively launch an Internet that could better resist corporatization and enshittification.

  • It's 2024. Time to start acting like climate change actually matters [California examples]
  • Plus, current climate change has seen a velocity across a mere century that prior events took tens of thousands of years to achieve.

    This imparts an “inertia” to our current climate that - even if we stopped on a dime, right now - will lead to conditions that may have most of the planet outside of the polar regions as being uninhabitable year-round due to chaotic weather and lethally high wet bulb temperatures that AC is simply unable to handle.

    And if we don’t stop; if we continue on our “business as usual” path for another 10 or 20 or 30 years, said inertia could conceivably push the entire planet over into a full-blown Venus Scenario, wiping all life from the face of the planet.

    Warming trails CO2 by 15-20 years. We are now seeing the 1.5℃ of warming of 2003, when Windows XP was released. If we hit CO2 levels that predict 5℃ of warming, humanity has essentially dug its own grave, the planet will (once warming catches up) no longer have any carrying capacity for us to survive in sufficient numbers. If we hit CO2 levels that predict 8-10℃, we run a non-trivial possibility of a tip-over into a Venus Scenario.

    Prior events took many tens to hundreds of thousands of years, allowing entire ecosystems to migrate to and from the poles. This allowed the biosphere to “put the brakes on” warming itself because they never stopped being robust sequesters of CO2.

    We don’t have that in play, here. Entire ecosystems will die in-place because they simply don’t have the time to migrate. We will see extinctions on a scale never before seen in the geological record. And the very robust biosphere that saved the planet in prior warming events will be commensurately weakened in this one, likely to the point where it cannot effectively sequester sufficient CO2 to stop the warming.

    TL;DR: as a species, the likelihood that we are all endlings is uncomfortably high. Humanity may not see the year 2100, and will most likely not see the year 2200.

  • It's 2024. Time to start acting like climate change actually matters [California examples]
  • The idea of climate change violates scripture of all three Abrahamic faiths. So the truly faithful will reject the idea of climate change wherever it is mentioned on ideology alone.

    The science of climate change has also been adopted by “the left”, so the political right must stridently oppose its existence it wherever it is mentioned, on principle alone.

    That’s a majority of the population, right there, that will openly reject climate change in every way right up until it starves or kills them.

  • Landruler
  • Flat earther-ism used to be satire, too.

    Now we have people killing themselves in attempts to “prove” that the Earth is flat.

    Never doubt the ability of satire to fly over people’s heads at 10,000ft, and for those people to swallow that satire uncritically; hook, line, and sinker.

  • Dad Waiting for Lull at Christmas Dinner to Rant About Woke Mind Virus
  • Communism is wonderful in theory, however due to human nature I strongly suspect it may be forever out of our reach unless we somehow develop benevolent AGI to administer the system, who are largely incorruptible and cannot be influenced by humans.

    The problem isn’t that power corrupts, the real problem is that power attracts the corruptible.

    We need to make any significant positions of power inaccessible to humans, or have those positions filled by people who are truly randomly selected from the general population for only one term.

  • Dad Waiting for Lull at Christmas Dinner to Rant About Woke Mind Virus
  • My condolences.

    My family isn’t “of the left”, but even my Octogenarian parents either accept things as they are, or are just confused about them. It’s exceedingly rare for them to disagree against any progressive point with anything approaching a willfully ignorant position. Their biggest objections invariably involve the bandwagon effect, and not the actual subject itself.

  • Hailstorm brings white Christmas to central NSW
  • Soooo… “Snow” in Australia’s “June”?

    That’s like any lowland part of CONUS getting hail without the required anvilhead thunderstorm/tornado.

    Wow. The chaotic weather of climate change is really beginning to bite decades ahead of schedule.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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