I'd take the $10 mil. Childhood seems like it would be a lot less fun if I had to go through it again but now with the jaded mind of a middle aged man.
I can for sure find a way to have fun with ten million dollars though đ
If I choose red, I wouldnât be able to guarantee my daughter would be born even if I met my wife because of, well, biology, but if choose the blue pill I can make sure sheâll have a huge head start on life from this point out, so blue pill it is.
Blue. No mistake reversion or bitcoin investing would outweigh possibly never meeting my partner again. With Blue, I have everything I could ever want from this life, with red, I may lose everything important to me now.
I think between being a cute kid and BEGGING my dad who likes to gamble to invest EVERYTHING on Yahoo! From 1994 until the pets.com Superbowl commercial ad aired, and then just hardlined him into selling, he's probably be able to cut me 10 mil.
Let alone that Id be saying "Microsoft! Coca Cola! Amazon! Apple! Oracle! Pfizer! Johnson & Johnson! Berkshire Hathaway! Wal Mart! And in war years, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin! Intel! Amd! Nvidia!" The whole time.
I'd be a fucking billionaire. Straight up. It would t be gambling, it would be a free money glitch.
Timing Bitcoin right?? Doge?? Get outta here. I'd have more money than anyone on earth.
If I could redo the life I was given with all my current knowledge, 10M would be like the average size of a charity donation or a gift that I would be giving.
Easy, give me the blue pill. My mistakes and choices have brought me to where I am and have made me who I am. I wouldn't change my life for anything, especially not to correct a few mistakes. Most importantly I may not have met my wife or have my kids if I change anything. I'll take the money and use it to improve the life I have.
While I could easily get more than $10mil with my current knowledge (assuming I go back in time to 6yrs old), I would not have the same wife or child as I do now, and there's no way I'll give them up, so I'll just take the $10mil now .
Wait like restart as in go back in time to the year I was 6 or restart as in become a 6 year old in 2024. Because if it's the former hell yeah stocks, bitcoin, sports betting back to the future style. If it's the latter fuck that.
There are pros and cons. First of all, let's assume you go back to the year you were 6 instead of becoming a 6 year old in 2024 (oof). Being an adult in a child's mind, you could basically be a demi-God. You could pick stocks, pick world series winners, and even pick winning lottery numbers if you had that type of thing written down. You would also have your emotional development that you have right now. You would be seen as a wise sage-like golden child. Downside is, if you are used to having a sex life, well, kiss that good bye for at least 12 years. Another downside is living through the period of time when you're going through puberty or have to live with an abusive relative because you're a minor and can't do shit.
I think, all said and done, I'll just take the 10 mil.
While I could retire right now with the blue pill, I wouldn't be happy.
Red pill means I could spend more time and cultivate a better relationships with the people who actually matter to me. I'd spend a lot more time with my great grandparents.
I could also focus on being true to who I am and not being who I thought others wanted. Basically be who I was in college... But now at 6.
Of course, I could make all the right investments to make a lot of money.
I wouldn't want to just go into the same career. While I might for a while, honestly I'd have the knowledge and money to take a run at a political career.
Blue. Knowing what I know would make me a fucked up 6 year old. I wouldn't be able to make friends, I would creep people out or even end up in a mental institution. 10 million wold fix all my current problems. And there wold be a lot left for hookers and coke.
6 years old all the way. Ok yeah sure, investments, Bitcoin, be rich. However, I'd love to relive parts of my past that I would want repaired that money couldn't exactly fix.
I'd be a better older brother to my younger brother. Hang out with him, take him to his football games, take him to movies, play video games with him. Instead of being the douchebag party guy that ignored him. We have a good relationship now, but I wish I could've given him better memories when he was a kid of his older brother and guided him more/better.
I'd help my Mom with her addiction that took ahold of her because she couldn't cope with what happened in her childhood. Maybe she'd still be around today, instead of me being so self absorbed in my own stupid shit.
Avoid the bad relationships I was in, and have the knowledge to recognize when a relationship will go badly. Including the parts of myself that help make the relationship bad.
Maybe the money would help with some of these things, but I really think my attention and presence would be more impactful.
Even keeping time travel mechanics and ethics on the side, restarting my life at age 6 probably wonât be very helpful until I become something like 15 so I could actually do something with the knowledge, otherwise Iâd probably be called a crazy kid, and couple that with the chances of me somehow fucking up everything and I would much rather have the blue pill.
Six year old, easy choice - do something mildly special for a kid that age and get on TV then when they ask you a question the answer is 'well it was a dream i had, there was a pale horse riding towards us snd the horses name was Tod, it was going to run over everyone but an angel told me to call out to the faithful and save them....'
Kid can't even read and from an atheist family then starts quoting bible and making up complex visions and messages no child could ever create - plus very clear predictions that come perfectly true, knowledge of science before it's discovered... Admit it, you'd get sucked into my cult.
Could have a huge portion of the world believing, teach them the need for luxury gay space communism then when we're all living in utopia be like 'oh btw it was just a time travel prank lol'
Am I transported back to 1993 with all the knowledge I have now? Or am I 6 in 2023? Because the first case it becomes ridiculously easy to make 10 million... Just memorize a single set of lottery numbers for a specific time and date... and have a little knowledge to invest in apple as soon as Steve Jobs returns to the company and Tesla when it's founded, and at that point you are a billionaire.
Red pill easy. Make note of all the stock stuff that comes over the next couple decades, gain more than 10 mill and have more life experience in the tougher times.
Taking the red pill operates under the assumption that youâll actually survive to this point in your life again. Maybe you were one second away from dying in a car accident at several points, and taking that red pill will lead to a series of events that causes your death.
I bet thereâs a distinct age group for each one. Older, established, family, doing ok? Take the 10 mil. Donât want to give up your family and all that. Might be pretty hard for people to give up. 10 mil would be an easy, instant retirement. You can enjoy your remaining years.
Sure, there are going to be some pretty unhappy outliers for whatever reasons, unable to reach a stable relationship, multiple failed relationships, poor financial situation, etc. that would hit the reset button.
Younger folks? Maybe yeahâŠhit that reboot. Start off with a lot of great knowledge, big nest egg to get a huge leg up on everything, youâll retire at 40. Many more millions or even a billion with all the knowledge you have. Life would have a good shot at being great.
Red. Maybe I can stop my mom from being terrible. Also Bitcoin. Also holo first edition Charizard! Also I wanna be in the Fallador massacre on RuneScape! Also I'll get Internet famous!
Since it's one or the other, we can assume the objective value of the red pill is $10mil. So, you take the blue pill and use that $10mil to make another $10mil and then you buy the red pill and save it until you're about to die in a boss battle.
I thought red at first, and if it were only slightly different parameters I'd still choose it, but 6? That's too far back to be trapped in a child's body and environment. At least going back to a more plausible age for a grown up's mindset like teenage years would be a bit easier to deal with and to lay low, it'd be strange how much more mature and less reckless and slightly boring of a teenager you had suddenly become, but at least it wouldn't be like international news. At 6, life is going to drastically changed by your seemingly impossible linguistic skills alone, child development experts would want to study you, you'd now be a prodigy, not necessarily a bad thing but unless that specifically was the path you'd always wanted but never achieved, you'd now be pretty well set down that road and all that comes with it. The relationship with your parents would be so different and they'd be robbed of your childhood and suddenly have this adult they'd never met before to deal with after barely getting any time to get to know their own child. It'd be so frustrating too, no one would let you drive and you couldn't drink, or fuck. You'd hopefully be able to get yourself some more autonomy than your average 6 year old if you revealed all your cards right away because it'd become immediately clear that fisher price toys and curfews and first grade weren't appropriate for you, but even so your adulthood, already well underway by this point would be drastically curtailed for something going on a decade. Maybe you'd decide to play like in a movie and adopt secrecy so your parents and peers don't know how smart you are, but that'd frankly be way worse and so exhausting and lonely and alienating.
If this was, maybe start again at 14, or better yet 16, I'd take that red pill no problem. It's most of the benefits of the blank slate try again with benefit of hindsight premise, but skipping over the parts that would be simply intolerable for an adult. At 16 you're a 'young adult' getting to relive some of the things you miss about being a child but with many of the benefits of being an adult and biologically you're pretty much over the worst of it, if you really hate the social restrictions imposed upon you by being not technically an 'adult' you're only 2 years away from fixing that, not over a decade, and when you get there you'll be in way better control of the trajectory of adulthood. Most of the really decisive things about adulthood that trace back to childhood happen around this time as well so it's where you'd get the most bang for your buck. You can take a very meandering path up until that point and still change direction but this is where decisions start to become more binding and long lasting so it's really the point where most people, if you asked them, would probably begin making tweaks if they could. I reckon the details about one's current life that most people want changed wouldn't have any meaningful correlation to things they did when they were 6, it'd be things like their career, or relationships they've had or wish they'd had, it'd be academic ability or a better body not ravaged by years bad lifestyle choices pretty much all of that is something you could very impactfully change at 16 without the need to learn to read all over again.
That's a lot I could do with red pill, I would easily be able to become a millionaire, but I am pretty happy in my current life and that would be enough to satisfy all my dreams.
I was 6 in 1990. I can make stock moves that are worth more than $10 million by the time I get to today pretty easily. Maybe fix a couple things that could've gone differently while I'm there. I'm not scared of randomness, I've thrived in it once already.
Let's go relive that childhood trauma! It sure would be interesting trying to raise my parents into functional adults at that age. I wonder if they'd give me an exorcism?
I'm liking the "going back to when I was 6 with all the knowledge I have now" option, but in reality 6 year old me would probably be too immature to know I need to remember it and by the time I needed to use that information in any sane way it would have been long forgotten.
I mean some people are saying get bitcoin early days, but 6 year old me was at least 10 years off Bitcoin existing.
It would also really suck knowing how easy it was to obtain information in the future only to be stuck in the past and barely have access to the internet at all.
Yeah, some childhood stuff would suck but you could probably skip a good few grades. As you already (hopefully) know how to socialize by now, a lot of the childhood friend stuff seems pretty optional.
Dating would be really tricky through the early teenage years as I don't know how I'd feel about girls my own physical age at that point.
Because I'm relatively older and would have insane future knowledge, I could absolutely rock in stocks and have enough money to actually effect change. (Eg, singelhandedly fund a massive Democrat turnout machine in the rustbelt for 2016.)
The hard part would be somehow connecting with my current group of friends whom I love to death and wouldn't want to lose. They are the only thing that makes the blue pill tempting.
Red makes more potential money (buy Apple, buy BTC) but that means it would be almost impossible to meet all my friends and I need to make new ones. Ugh I hate talking with people
Here's my take, if went back to when I was 6, I probably wouldn't have the same friends I have now, like genuinely amazing friends. I'd rather not live though middle school and highschool again.
Blue pill, it said you revert to a certain age, but not a certain time, meaning any information you've kept could be useless in an unfamiliar environment.
Also, it never states that time and reality will play out the same exact way, making said knowledge even more useless.
I think, if you went back in time and started, for example, trying to get rich playing the stock market, you would be surprised by how much things change with your interference. Like, Bitcoin still goes up, but peaks at a different price. The same team wins the super bowl but by a different score. The longer things go on the weirder it would get.
One thing to consider, assuming the red one is mental time travel (which is the only way it'd really be at all useful), you're essentially murdering everyone who exists from your subjective present to the jump point to replace with at best very similar clones and possibly no one or completely different people. Then you have to also assume the timeline isn't fixed and you can actually change things, and thus contend with butterfly effect causing divergence making your knowledge less useful. Sure, little changes probably won't impact things on a global scale for a while, but once you start doing big things like investing or preventing terrorist attacks or something that could cause major divergence. Ethically any kind of useful time travel should be limited to "World is already wiped out" scale scenarios where the alternative is worse.
Blue pill. I'm young enough (37) that I'd lose far more than I'd gain if I chose Red. The knowledge I currently possess can change the world with 10 million.
Everyone is choosing red because they think they would be rich, but would they?
Imagine having the knowledge, that you knowingly stepped back in time, and all of your memories are now not real. They won't happen again unless you actually act exactly as you had before. No one believes anything you say because you are 6. You're forced to go through school again at 6.
Let's say you use your genius to progress quickly through school. Those sorts of kids become famous prodigies. You would end up on the talk show circuit with Ellen.
You would also know way more about your parents than you should at that age, and cause familial issues that would land you on Dr. Phil.
Imagine how torturous it would be to relive every moment, not being able to convince anyone of anything due to your age, unless you give up the fact that you were somehow sent back in time and know the future. Would you be able to convince your family without going insane? Would any government agency take qcute interest in your foresight? Imagine having to keep a level head while also going through puberty a second time.
How much will your presence affect the timeline? Maybe your first big move to get rich causes all subsequent moves to not exist. Maybe your parents hate you. Maybe it's chaos theory. Maybe you end up taking a path away from opulence and become an addict due to the constant anxiety, regret and boredom. Maybe you become a nihilistic mess that drives you to a worse life than you had before.
I'd take the definite of $10M. I know what I would do with it right now. I know it would be good.
Edit: a downvote without a reply telling me how I'm wrong is really an upvote.
With the red pill I would have knowledge of my neuro oddness stuff which would have been SUPER FUCKING HELPFUL. I could have avoided all the self inflicted misery of middle and high school. I only can guess at what I would be doing as an adult if I were a self aware and confident kid.
Don't get me wrong, I love my life despite the path that I took to get here but I feel bad for little me.
Back when I was 6, in 1983, my uncle who worked in the oil industry told me about global warming.
I could totally have been a real radical environmentalist, but I was 6.
A second time around that talk would have an impact, and with some foresight for the next 40 years. I think no one would be surprised if I devoted everything to fixing global warming - they might be surprised at my success in the stock market.
blue pill, my existing knowledge won't help me cause I'm not in a position to actually change things. 10 million dollars though... I could invest that and call it a day
Do I go back in time to when I was 6, or do I remain in the current timeline, but 6 years old?
Iâd imagine with all my memories and knowledge and basically being an adult, Iâd probably haveâŠdesiresâŠthat vastly exceed my age. So thatâd be pretty awkward.
In the current timeline would be interesting. Iâd have to get a remote job that doesnât need me on video, but assuming my paperwork still says my original birth year, I could probably keep on renewing my license for several years and at least have a valid adult ID. Even if I canât drive or buy my own weed/booze, I could still maintain employment at least until I have an adult body. Iâm assuming the sorcerer also gave me an identity that matched my new body, so I could probably coast through college at some point
But the weirdest thing would be being able to be both my kids peer and their parent.
Blue, easy. A 6 years old me can't do much even with my current knowledge, and i have to live through a childhood with my current world view and a slightly abusive father. Even if my goal is to redo everything it will take years for me to even have people taking me seriously, or have the "requirement" to set things up, i'll be stuck in a child body with no one listening, that's a nightmare.
10 millions though, i can set aside 50k to be used in the near future, pay off my mortgages, and the rest invest in a low risk profile and live off the rest of my life from dividends, and perhaps set up businesses in that actually reward blue collar worker.
Assuming that the red pill lets me revert to a 6YO (thus preserving my knowledge), and not time traveling back to when I was 6, I might be tempted to do a lot of unethical stuff to make a ton of money, provide for my family, convert the remaining assets to BTC, memorize the wallet details, then take the red pill. As a 6YO, the government can't hold me responsible for my adult conduct.
If it's a time travel situation, there's no contest. Red pill after studying the history of inventions. Start out by inventing the Pet Rock (near zero initial investment), reinvest in the fidget spinner, Pokemon, D&D, and writing the scripts to all the blockbuster movies. Provide technical details to the right industries for a royalty. Invest heavily in the creation of the Internet, then start Facebook, Google, and Amazon, bypass the PC and jump straight to smartphones. I'd be the patent king of the world.
With the trillions of dollars, I'd heavily influence politics. I'd fully fund the campaigns of moderates, institute free Internet-based accredited college, set up work training programs to support industries I intentionally locate in depressed areas, and make most of my business non-profit. And maybe, just maybe, avoid the cesspool we have today.
There is a lot I could do from that point onward, that would make $10M look like spare change. Like investing in Apple, or working with Tim Berners-Lee to more effectively launch an Internet that could better resist corporatization and enshittification.
Ten million USD in 2024 is more than enough for me and my family to live out comfortable lives, to be honest. I'd just take that, live off the interest. It will present its own problems, of course, but I'm sure I can figure those out.
Going back in time with any specific goal or intent (like making lots more money than ten million dollars by 2024) is almost certainly going to end up being its own kind of hell in this situation and especially so when there's no guarantee that I'll actually be successful in that pursuit. No guarantee that I'd arrive at the new 2024 with more than ten million dollars, no guarantee I'd be able to "fix" anything without causing worse problems for myself and others, no guarantee that I'd get here alive again, sounds like quite a bit of a risk.
Plus, once I go back to age 6 and start making different decisions, a different future will necessarily emerge. Think about it this way, in order to not change the future (until you're at a point where you can reasonably execute a plan to reach your goals), you'd have to make exactly the same decisions you did when you were 6. Pretty much nobody has that kind of memory/recall, so it would literally come down to sheer luck. And the further along in time things progress, as you make more and more different decisions than you did originally, the more uncertainty it would introduce to the new future. Eventually, you may even find that you basically have no more ability to recall/predict the future than you would have otherwise.
So if you're in it for the money, just take the guaranteed money.
$10 million easy. Sure maybe you could get more if you were going back in time and insider trading on everything. But $10m is already enough money to live a comfortable life, especially if you just invest it in something safe. And that way you don't need to go through school and puberty again.
Red, easy. I was raised by total red necks (heh), complete hicks, and it did give me bottom of the barrel ideas about what i wanted to be. I could have healthier habits and work towards a better self earlier. Money? I'll just be an early Bitcoin adopter and make all the cash I'd ever need. Hell if it came down to it i could make money on the dark web and use my age as a shield and tool. Friends? I could cut out bad friends early and find my future friend group whenever i want, I'd probably even have an advantage since I'm way more of a nerd now (see that first point).
Or just stare deeply into his eyes until he blinks, then turn around and leave the room. You're F-ing Neo, you don't need to play these kids games - if there's something you want, you just materialize it, easy.
Ofc... if this were a more irl scenario, I don't think I'd be taking pills from some random dude offering me to either "get rich quick" or turn me into a 6-yr-old, pudding or no. Maybe this is how he gets rich, by selling my organs or some such.:-P
I had a few pretty rough years in there... I wasn't suffering or anything like that, I was just.... Going in the wrong direction. Took me a while to get back on track.
Easy blue pill. If I had to redo my teenage years I would have told my ex-wife to fuck off before giving her a chance. Then I wouldnât have my son and he is literally everything to me. Definitely couldnât watch my son see his mom leave him again.
Could you imagine the psychological damage of having your adult mind shoved back into your 6 year old self? You'd be unable to relate to or even tolerate any of your peers, so say goodbye to any childhood friendships. You'd be unstimulated by the mountain of busy work in school and frustrated by all the topics you'd have to relearn. I personally would go through all of the procrastination troubles again. There are plenty of traumatic events that you would not be able to prevent or even affect. Nevermind that you are still carrying that trauma with you, you're just trying to not re-live it. Develop any chronic illnesses? Maybe you can get treated quicker but you still have to watch your health decline. It'll be a decade before you have any kind of autonomy to do any stocks or Bitcoin type stuff, unless you want to become some prophetic wĂŒnderkind. As far as I'm aware, mt gox was one of the only reliable places to get Bitcoin, until it wasn't. I don't know the day that it fell apart off the top of my head.
I never understand why anyone would choose the "do it all over again" scenarios.
Red pill says restart at 6, not go back in time to when you where 6. I assume you will be 6 in the current time and have no future knowledge to convert into cash.
I gotta say, the top answer being the 10 million surprised the hell out of me. Especially from someone who's middle aged like myself. I had a pretty bad childhood myself, but the chance to get over 30 years of my life back and the wisdom to make better choices? I'd take that over ten billion dollars, and my life as an adult didn't turn out too bad. No amount of money can buy back your youth. Let alone the possibility of living long enough to see Elder Scrolls VI come out.
I'd apply myself in high school, force myself to be sociable as a child, graduate with my bachelor's degree 4-6 years earlier with a better GPA, and get work experience and savings well before the COVID-19 pandemic. (I would try to stop it, but if someone told me that they had exact knowledge of the future, I wouldn't believe them, and frankly I would be worried if people believed me without further evidence.)
Are the pills binary? Because I wouldn't want to rewind to far before either shacking up with, or maybe meeting, my girl. And all the fun things I would wish upon every iteration of myself that I'm doing now are things I'd started with in adulthood.
I'd only really be interested in taking about a third of a red pill, since that'd probably take me back to after I started most of these fun things.
If I'd be required to take whole pills, I'd take the blue one.
10 million cash instantly would get you killed so fast, just look at ANY article about lottery winners getting their life just absolutely fucked up. Resetting at 6 would suck too but at least you would get something out of it.
I was about 6 and a half when 9/11 happened so i would probably be telling everyone about that and end up getting arrested by the bush administration. Ill take the money