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TIL lemmy has a traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns community
  • I'm literally in the process of losing my right to life saving medical care in my country because of that philosophy. Because people think being trans is just a made up social thing. What is your skin in the game that entitles you to not only to represent me but to force me into silence? To tell people that it's just made up after trans people have fought for decades and decades to get the most basic recognition and medical care? How is that nice?

    And this is the core of the problem, I can't be silent on this because allowing people to perpetuate the belief that being trans is a made up social construct is actually effecting trans people in a real material way.

    Do whatever you want with that. I won't be back either way.

  • The Progressive Left Protecting Pedophiles From Criticism
  • It makes more sense when you understand that when a right-winger says "pedophile" they're actually talking about lgbt people, they just need to try and morally obfuscate their hate to make it seem justifiable.

  • TIL lemmy has a traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns community
  • Gender dysphoria is central to all trans experience though, even if it is experienced differently by different people, even if they don't get an official diagnosis.

    If a person hasn't experienced dysphoria in any form, feels no discomfort with their bodily sex characteristics, that's simply being cis. It doesn't matter how they like to dress, what terms they use or invent, what their interests are or how they speak. All of that has nothing to do with gender identity, because gender identity is about how you relate to the sex characteristics of your body, nothing else.

    The idea that a person can be socialized into being trans is directly contradictory to the idea that a trans person is born trans and that their gender identity is an unchangeable biological reality of who they are (which causes dysphoria when mismatched with their body).

    The two ideas can't both be true, for the same reason you can't say being gay or straight is a social creation but also an unchangeable reality of that individual. If being trans was a social condition it could be undone through socialization (aka conversion therapy), which is a really damaging belief. If we still believed being trans was a socialization issue like the 1950s no one would be able to get medical care.

    This is about the time that people (typically) stop the conversation and try to get you banned by calling you truscum and transphobic.

  • States moving to require schools to show inaccurate fetal development video
  • Nah, it's just a hot mess like it's always been

  • TIL lemmy has a traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns community
  • Sure, there's room for nuance regarding diagnosis and people shouldn't be gatekept or diagnosed online by others when they're exploring and trying to figure things out, but often the term "truscum" is used to punish and silence trans people who don't agree that anything and everything fits within gender identity simply because someone might want it to in order to feel validated.

    It should be ok to tell people, for example, that dysphoria is central to the trans condition, and to point out that all of trans people's modern medical rights are based on that notion. But saying that will get you banned from those spaces without much discussion, despite it being a critically important truth that makes medical transition possible. That is kind of crazy to me.

    If you pushback too hard on certain ideas that are questionable or downright damaging to trans people and their rights but are "widely accepted" in the space, it results in being "truscum".

    It should be ok to discuss and clarify these topics without being labeled as some kind of a heretic. Truscum should not be the "I get to call you a bigot to shut you up" card.

  • MTA gives final approval for congestion pricing in NYC
  • The greed is absolutely unreal. They already have EZ pass charging every car that enters the city upwards of $20.

  • TIL lemmy has a traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns community
  • Truscum rhetoric is also bigotry.

    This is always a red flag, the label "truscum" has just become a means to shut down uncomfortable conversations about what actually falls under the trans umbrella, it's used to demonize any trans person who defends the medical legitimacy of their condition and insists that it's not a social condition.

    It's TERF propaganda to ostracize trans people from their own communities by weaponizing people looking to legitimize their own special interest that's not actually related to being trans.

  • Netanyahu is ‘signaling his fury’ over U.N. resolution by canceling top officials’ trip
  • It's not about the hostages though, not really. It's about the same thing it's ever bern; seizure of land for settlements and the elimination if Gazans.

  • Netanyahu is ‘signaling his fury’ over U.N. resolution by canceling top officials’ trip
  • The only impact it has was to further limit the ability of the US to pressure Israel to not advance into Rafah. You got your resolution, and now the situation is worse.

    I think the significance is that it serves as a signal to other countries that sanctioning or suspending things like trade and aid to Israel are more of a possibility now that the US has kind of stepped out of the way symbolically.

    Israel is bevoming increasingly isolated, and the inevitable outcome is that at some point the US is basically hoing to cut the line rather than go down with Israel. Even though it might not be under this administration, the spell around Israel's untouchable status is cracking.

  • Calgary judge rules 27-year-old can go ahead with MAID death despite father's concerns
  • Seems selfish to me, to insist someone keep suffering on your behalf, even going so far as to try and legally block them from recieving final care that would make their passing comfortable and peaceful as it can be.

    I say this as someone who had a family member who suffered from severe ADHD and attempted to take his life several times. In the end he shot himself in the face in front of his wife and their infant daughter.

    He was going to do it, no amount of support from us was going to change that. The only difference is, he might've had a way to go that was more humane, less violent and traumatizing if we lived in a society that respected his right to do so.

  • Obamacare Is in Grave Danger, Again
  • That's fine, it's a dead end anyway. We need a path to healthcare reform, not a system that forces people to pay out for private insurance.