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What does your TV/Movie streaming setup look like?
  • Kodi is fine for speed on LAN, I just use the Plex app to stream my content out side of the network.

    I have Usenet but also augment with torrents. The setup works great.

  • What does your TV/Movie streaming setup look like?
  • I have an Nvidia shield on the TV. The main media app is Kodi.

    Backend I have Plex (also used for remote and and phone access)

    For getting content I use the *arr stack

  • The Star Labs StarBook is Qubes-Certified!
  • Asking the real questions.

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • Ooo I think this may be the winner!

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • I mean in firefox, not trying to get fancy.

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • I was leaning thinkpad.

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • If it was going to be my daily drive. They are just too expensive to have as a system I can use while sitting with the family.

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"
  • I am fine with refurbished but ideally looking for around 13" and under a couple hundred bucks

  • Looking for a "couch laptop"

    I'm in the market for a Linux friendly ultralight laptop to check web apps and run terminal, nothing fancier then that. Do any cheap systems exits these days? I was looking at a chrome book but apparently the mediatek chip doesn't play nicely with FOSS.

    Any thoughts?

    What's the worst that could happen?
  • Removing the radius definition from literally any spell

  • Torrent client rankings
  • Welp, the lesson I have learned from this thread is that I should feel fine with transmission in my container set lol

  • Dying Light 2 roadmap reveals crossovers with For Honor, Vampire: The Masquerade, and more
  • I honestly do not see how a VTM crossover would work unless you are the vampire

  • Grindr Loses Almost Half Its Staff on 2-Day RTO Requirement [Bloomberg]
  • So the plan did what they wanted. It got rid of troublemakers and made the bottom line better.

    All return to office plans are just RIFs they don't have to announce are discuss. Quick way to not have to pay severance.

  • Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer

    Embrace your inner Kindred and join us in Seattle for the long-awaited Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. Find your place in the battle to come, and try...

    Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer

    I refuse to get hyped...

    Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer

    Embrace your inner Kindred and join us in Seattle for the long-awaited Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2. Find your place in the battle to come, and try...

    Bloodlines 2 - Official Announcement Trailer

    At least they are aware enough to not ask for preorder now...

    Neptune 4 Yea/Nea?
  • How is the volume on it? I know the 3p can run pretty quite (in terms of printers)

  • Neptune 4 Yea/Nea?
  • I have a Mars printer which has been nothing but great

  • Neptune 4 Yea/Nea?

    I'm in the market for my first non-resin printer and the 3 pro seems pretty popular. The 4's are now out and available and I was wondering what the community verdict on them is?

    I Gazed Into Worldcoin’s Orb and Saw a Boring Dystopia Staring Back
  • I look forward to this going nowhere, just like every other crypto project that tries to have utility.

  • Payday 3 Dev Says 'We Need You To Be Online' For Upcoming Xbox Game Pass Title
  • Always online is sadly the "solution" that the industry has come to for piracy prevention. The fact that they will also slap DRM on PC ports an added layer of insult.

  • Is this the place for help with setting up Sonarr/Radarr?
  • Check out DockSTARTer. If you have terminal access it is a godsend to kick start

  • What do you use to actually manage your stuff?
  • I have had it since way before jellyfin was a thing and have never had a reason to change. I got a lifetime sub something like 10 years ago.

  • Who killed Google Reader? Who killed Google Reader?

    Google Reader was supposed to be much more than a tool for nerds. But it never got the chance.

    Who killed Google Reader?

    While I was upset at the time, the death allowed me to explore self hosted options. In the end, it was a net positive for me at least.

    The store is for people, but the storefront is for robots The store is for people, but the storefront is for robots

    Selling real things to real people means writing a steady stream of nonsense text that only web crawlers will ever read.

    The store is for people, but the storefront is for robots

    Strap in for the spam-pocolypse. The age of AI garbage fighting AI garbage is at hand and search engines will be one of the most obvious casualties.

    Dead Cells is getting an animated series from the makers of its wonderful trailers Dead Cells is getting an animated series from the makers of its wonderful trailers

    Dead Cells is getting an animated series from the makers of its wonderful animated trailers, due to launch next year.

    Dead Cells is getting an animated series from the makers of its wonderful trailers

    Odds of a silent protagonist?

    parallax parallax
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    Comments 24