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God must be Prometheused for the design of nasal cavities
  • Last week I fell on the classic oxymethazoline dependence trap. Whole week breathing through my mouth.

  • how do you approach and sell the idea that this nation and its system cant be salvaged
  • Explain how the two parties are bad. Then explain why lobbying causes them to be bad, and the electoral system keeps them in power regardless. Finally, explain how, obviously, none of the two parties will remove either problem, and therefore the system must be destroyed. Bonus if they also agree that capitalism must end.

  • "Once you control for the relevant variables," men rule, feeemales drool!
  • Exactly my thought. You're supposed to adjust for irrelevant variables.

  • After a week of far-right rioting fuelled by online misinformation, the British government is to change the school curriculum so English schoolchildren are taught critical thinking skills to tackle it
  • This is a positive thing. I hope more governments do this, especially in South America, it could reduce the severity of anti-government protests fueled by outside campaigns.

  • Germany seeks arrest of Ukrainian diver for Nord Stream sabotage
  • Reminds me of the time an investigation into a high-profile corruption scandal in Spain revealed the names of those involved, among them "M. Rajoy". There's a running joke that no one knows who might be behind that name, it's a mystery that may never be solved.

  • dopamine detox
  • Proceeds to ingest my entire stock of dopamine-depleting medication

  • The state of US political discourse
  • Same policies, different PR approach. Democrats didn't codify Roe v. Wade, for example, because that would have taken away one of their main selling points. Best you can do is vote different in each election so they have it harder to form a coherent strategy.

  • Removed
    When Irony and Science Collide: Expect the Unexpected
  • There's a public modlog with all removed posts and comments along with the reason, so you can get the pitchforks when a mod goes authoritarian (or, more often, have a look at what a complaining user actually meant by "freedom of expression").

  • What's the hardest you've ever hit your head on something or something hit yours?
  • As a child, running as fast as I could, I didn't see some sort of horizontal metal bar at about my forehead's height. I bounced and fell backwards to the ground.

  • Unequal exchange of labour in the world economy Unequal exchange of labour in the world economy - Nature Communications

    Hickel and colleagues find that, in 2021, the economies of the global North net-appropriated 826 billion hours of embodied labour from the global South, across all skill levels and sectors. Unequal exchange is understood to be driven in part by systematic wage inequalities. They find Southern wages ...

    Unequal exchange of labour in the world economy - Nature Communications
  • Interestingly, malfunction of cortisol signaling has been very strongly linked to depression. High-dose corticosteroids can produce an array of mood effects, including depression and mania, as well as other psychiatric symptoms. Relatively recently, psychoactive steroids have been approved for postpartum depression.

  • 5 years tracking Linux market share
  • They count it as Linux, yes!

  • 5 years tracking Linux market share

    1 more year has passed, and I'm still tracking these numbers, albeit now posting with a different username. The upward tendency has not just continued, but even increased; now Linux is nearing 4 % market share globally and over 2 % on Steam.

    What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • I wanted to delete all the subfolders in the current directory:

     rm -rf ./*

    After a few seconds, I realize in horror that I had mistyped the path. Whole system nuked. Had backups though.

  • Does any language have a word for mixing a beverage by pouring from one vessel into another?
  • "Escanciar" in Spanish means pouring from a height for the purpose of mixing a beverage (usually cider) with air. I suppose it would still be valid if you're pouring a mix from some height.

  • Cops can force suspect to unlock phone with thumbprint, US court rules
  • Disabling the USB port is neat, BUT... What if it got instead reconfigured to pretend to be a USB keyboard when connected and then... you know... For research purposes, of course.

  • Speaking of euphemisms, do you guys know of any common dysphemisms?
  • "Socialism turns out to work pretty well and is beating our ass" --> “Now, no one — certainly not me — is discounting the power of markets,” Sullivan noted at the time. “But in the name of oversimplified market efficiency, a large non-market economy had been integrated into the international economic order in a way that posed considerable challenges.”

  • Why is it that approval ratings aren't used as the method of electing politicians?
  • There are some really cool electoral methods that are used in some niche situations (e.g. the Schulze method). Obviously wouldn't work to elect a government, since that would not massively benefit the ruling class as the current methods do.

  • The design of my new keyboard

    My old keyboard served me well, but lately I'm having to replace a broken switch every month so I'm not sure it's worth it. It's also noisy as hell and I hate the backlighting with every piece of my heart. So here's the replacement.

    I've ordered it from WASD Keyboards, hmu for the design file. Obviously Spanish layout, I chose MX Cherry Brown switches, light pastel colors to improve visibility under dim lighting, and a pattern from a Gray-Scott reaction-diffusion system to decorate special keys. I've added a few (superfluous) icons for editing operations and arrow keys for Vim, as well as part of an Aristotle quote I like, just because the spacebar felt so empty. I used the old Greek translation simply to avoid distracting myself (I can barely read modern Greek, so this looks like an uneventful string of accented letters to me).

    Hi Lemmygrad!

    I miss my old, hugely based feed on, now it's just libs everywhere... so I followed your advice and moved here!

    pancake pancake
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