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Hexbears still awake, report in.
  • i have been awake for way too long, and it will be a while until i can sleep

  • Is it normal to trip and fall all the fucking time?
  • No, that's not really normal. Really only happens when I'm under the influence.

  • NSFW
    N V R C U M
    You guys ever had the Snyders Pretzel bites?
  • Went shopping yesterday, they were completely out of stock. sadness

    Hopefully I'll have better luck next time

  • Netflix is starting to phase out its cheapest ad-free plan
  • i know quite a few people that started pirating after netflix went downhill, anecdotally.

  • Deleted
    Are you Vegan? If not, what are your reasons?
  • yeah, but being vegan can be more than a bit hard. Many, many restaurants have few to none vegan options, food at events doesn't always accommodate, and there are tons of things that might be vegan, but also might not be. There isn't any real way to tell if sugar was made with bone char or not. Do these "natural flavorings" include animal product? Impossible to tell.

    I own some real leather products (gifts/second hand), so maybe I'm not a "real" vegan, but it's not like throwing them out would be any better.

    Vegetarianism, however, is something that's substantially easier for people, and is the real baseline. Many more restaurants have vegetarian options, there are plenty of substitutes for meats, and plant-based food is often cheaper (assuming you aren't buying "fake" meat). It being a part of some religions is also a big bonus, it means places are often forced to serve vegetarian meals, but will still not offer anything vegan. Vegetarianism should be the baseline. Does anyone have any reasons why they couldn't be vegetarian?

  • You guys ever had the Snyders Pretzel bites?
  • no, but I'll keep my eyes peeled next time I'm shopping.

  • Do any of you use Kratom
  • I slip too easy though, I guess

  • Do any of you use Kratom
  • Yeah, I've used it before, for much the same reasons as you. It's pretty neat.

  • ✅ or ❌
  • asking the important questions

  • NSFW
    Thesis, Antithesis
  • fichtean dialectics? in my marxist website?

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • my predictions: i will be high and it will be a fun watch

    that's what I think is going to happen

  • Spotted my first bazinga coffin
  • a cybertruck, you can just barely make it out in the center of the picture

  • Things that make Hexbears angry
  • self-doxxing would make us so angry.

    (well, pretending to would be more effective, but actually doing it would be terrible and very angering as well)

  • The GDP per capita of Syria was three times higher than Ukraine before the Syrian Civil War

    I actually found this on r/Anarcho_Capitalism, where they were talking about how Assad didn't do the chemical attacks. Quite strange, honestly.

    Friendly Fire

    Link cuz I'm not a lib:

    Those darn Hexbears, hating on those poor innocent souls

    Born to free slaves

    Confederacy is a fuck

    鬼神 Kill em All 1859

    I am John Brown

    410,757,864,530 Dead Slave Owners

    Now where have I seen those funny axe things before?

    Yeah, I know they are ancient roman symbols that have been and are used in contexts unrelated to Fascism. More of an example of Fascists being unoriginal. Whatever.

    Proton's doing a fundraiser

    I was thinking "Oh, maybe I'll donate. They're donating to MSF and Tor? That's cool." And then I saw this part.

    British poet and political activist Benjamin Zephaniah dies at age 65 British poet and political activist Benjamin Zephaniah dies at age 65

    Benjamin Zephaniah, a British dub poet and political activist who drew inspiration from his Caribbean roots, has died. He was 65.

    British poet and political activist Benjamin Zephaniah dies at age 65

    Benjamin Zephaniah was a vegan, an anti-racist, a Palestine supporter, and an anarchist. For the last decade and a half he split his time between living in Beijing and a village near Spalding, Lincolnshire. Rest In Power.

    Arguing with Liberals on the Internet is bad, but it's way worse in person

    So this all started when a Lib I know declared "Biden has done more than anyone ever." That, on its own, is an obviously ridiculous statement. Other Libs I was with tried to temper their statement with "in the past 50 years" and such, but even that was to much for them. But the worst part, by far, was the constant deflection, logic chopping, and derailment. I bring up the blocking of the rail union strike, I get "sounds like something Trump would do" in response, with complete obliviousness to how that reflects poorly on Biden. I bring up Biden's continuation of Trump era immigration policies, and they reply with "half of the congress is Republican controlled". I try to bring another point up, but slip up and say "Democrat Party". Despite my use of "Democratic Party" both in the sentence before and the sentence after, they harped on that point for nearly 10 minutes. I couldn't manage to bring the conversation back to Biden, so we eventually just awkwardly parted ways.

    Compared to the internet, in person political arguments are a lot harder to leave, a lot harder to fact check, and a make gish galloping easier. People will just use every fallacy under the sun, then call you out for using a fallacy when you actually didn't.

    Complaining about libs IRL doesn't really fit the rules of the_dunk_tank, tragically. I just sorta felt like complaining though.

    oscardejarjayes oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]


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