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Why American left is so right-wing?
  • The US is the model for settler-colonialism in the modern era, itself being explicitly based on the Roman empire, with a slave-holding aristocracy holding political power, and granting free land and status to those willing to participate in its imperial project.

    There have been challenges throughout US history against this rule by aristocracy, but all of them lost at various points, and are now on life support. It genocided its indigenous inhabitants and stole their land. The Civil war was a challenge between two right-wing systems: capitalism and slavery, although slavery was reinstated during the reconstruction era. Its communist-left was purged and eliminated by the 1960s, its union movement predictably died soon after in the 1970s, the anti-war left died in the 1980s.

    There has never been the equivalent of a "red-scare" but for the right-wing, because the US is a right wing country and does not permit a public platform of left-wing views. Its a one-party state where both parties are "fluid", one acting as the "foil" / controlled opposition against the one which currently reflects the more overt interests of its aristocracy.

    I highly suggest reading Settlers, an Indigenous people's history of the US, and Zak Cope - Divided world divided class, for some of the underpinnings of the US's "master-race democracy".

  • NY Times just casually dropped that the official U.S. intelligence assessment has always been that Putin didn't want to expand the Ukraine conflict beyond Ukraine
  • They're gonna continue to childishly point fingers at everyone else. "All the mistakes I have made and continue to make are because of the chyna-ruzzia-woke-tankie-bots"

  • Biden tells Democratic governors he needs more sleep and plans to stop scheduling events after 8 p.m.
  • The end result of bourgeois "democracy" and voting: Choosing between two geriatric rapists who can't stay up past 8:30pm.

  • CMV: Fidel Castro should’ve nuked the US
  • Well not "sacrifice", but more defense as per the logic of mutually assured destruction. IE, If you nuke me, you suffer the consequences of also getting nuked, so don't you dare.

  • CMV: Fidel Castro should’ve nuked the US
  • Yep, Fidel was super-pissed when cornman pulled the missiles out without telling him (as was part of the deal with kennedy), and it strained Cuba-USSR relations for a while. Its hard to fault any party there tho, planetary nuclear annihalation avoided.

  • "I can't talk right now."
  • Unfortunately they keep making seasons long after the show jumped the shark.

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • Continued...

  • Biden rejects growing pressure to abandon his campaign, vows to stay 'to the end'
  • Kamala Harris

    Much credit to this post.

  • Doesn't it though
  • When was she cool (I'm ignorant of how she became popular)

  • You can cash that check in the mail, fatso jack.
  • He's securing the howdy-doody / leave it to beaver fanbase vote, which are big constituencies in 2024.

  • What's the best torrent client these days?
  • qbittorrent for desktop / server, libretorrent on android.

    I mainly use a docker server setup now that works like this:

    • Qbittorrent via the binhex/qbittorrent docker image that also sets up a web-UI, and works well with different VPNs.
    • Server runs jellyfin for TV / Movies, and navidrome for music. Point these services to the correct qbittorrent download folders so that whenever you download anything, it automatically gets picked up.
    • On android, point qbitcontroller at your server, to easily add torrents, pause them, etc.
    • for a search engine, or its android app. Or
  • Darby Getting Ready for a Nap
  • What would we do without our loveable little weirdos folks?

  • Nice to see us all agreeing for once - Lemmy.World
  • US liberal, learning that the far right party in their fellow white country of australia is called The Liberal Party : 🤔

  • What made you into a class enemy?
  • They went on to say that it's a "great equalizer", lol:

    I'm aircraft maintenance in the Air Force. I have never experienced a greater equalizer than working on the flight line. Doesn't matter your sex, race, or orientation. If you're good at your job, you're one of us.

    Outside of bombing mostly brown ppl, this isn't even true internally. The sexual assault rates for women in USAF are astronomical, and the class and race divisions are all there: if you're not a straight white, you aren't going up through the ranks, with the exception of a few tokens.

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • Commodified sex objects to be sold on the market

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals Muad'Dibber
    Nearly 50 cats were rescued from a hot car. Now one is a Target model.

    cross-posted from:

    > Source

    Pelosi labels anti-genocide protesters in the US as funded by China.

    cross-posted from:


    New Update. Now it's China funding anti-genocide protesters in the US.

    cross-posted from:


    US, UK begin bombing Yemen Air strikes reported in Yemen's Sanaa, Hodeidah

    Explosions rocked Yemen's capital Sanaa early on Friday amid media reports of U.S. and UK air strikes against Houthi targets.Local media earlier also reported air strikes in the vicinity of Yemen's Hodeidah.

    Air strikes reported in Yemen's Sanaa, Hodeidah

    cross-posted from:

    > > The US and the UK have launched an attack on Yemen, striking the cities of Sanaa and Hodeidah, Houthi spokesman Abdulsalam Jahaf said early on Friday. > > > Washington and London have not made any official announcements as of yet. However, multiple British and American outlets reported that an attack was “imminent” on Thursday evening, citing anonymous sources inside the White House and 10 Downing Street. > > > “Now America, Britain, and Israel are launching raids on Hodeidah, Sanaa, Dhamar, and Saada,” Jahaf said on X (formerly Twitter). “We will discipline them, God willing.” > > > There were at least three explosions in Sanaa, Reuters reported citing local witnesses. > > > Officially known as Ansar Allah (‘Supporters of God’), the Houthis declared solidarity with Gaza in late October, reacting to Israel’s offensive against the Palestinian enclave. They have since carried out over 20 attacks on various shipping vessels in the Red Sea, a major trade route connecting Europe and Asia via the Suez Canal. Major shipping companies have responded by rerouting their ships around Africa, driving up prices and insurance costs. > > > DETAILS TO FOLLOW > > Coverage: > > > (archive link: > > > >
