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  • I’m a linguist by education. I’m used to people being startlingly wrong about language (pop coverage of the field is utterly abysmal) and when someone tries to play the “I cAn’T bE aNtIsEmItIc, I’m A sEmItE” card (to say nothing of right-wing nationalists who think their language is Perfect and the Ancestor of All Languages), I get hot and bothered.

  • The Colonies revolted. And then, for good measure (/s), they terrorized everybody else.

    The Bluecoats were terrorists. They had no legitimate basis to rebel against the Crown.

  • People still on Reddit: How is the narrative of the Israeli/Palestine conflict playing out?
  • Same. They’ve had 80 years to take the anti-gay laws off the books and have declined to do so.

  • I did my best to avoid Israeli sources when finding these polls for that exact reason. If you’re going to ignore the evidence I’ve given you in response to your claims, there is no further point in engaging with you.

  • We never should’ve gotten into Afghanistan or Iraq.

    Even the very existence of the United States was caused by an illegitimate insurgency. That we happened to win was because of attrition and logistics. I make no illusions about the dawn of my own country.

    But reality is often disappointing.

  • Read the rest of the tweet thread.

  • I’m talking about

    And even Hamas claims it’s changed somewhat since the original charter.

    I know people support Palestine.

  • Same goes for Israel then, no?

    In the broad, sure. But as everybody else seems to concern themselves with talking about Israel’s crimes, while painting the Palestinians as some helpless, repressed dove in a cage, I will leave them to the former and disprove the latter.

  • You tell me:

    Fatah wins against Hamas in West Bank cities and Hamas wins in Gaza Strip cities [given a putative snap election]

    To break the deadlock, 56% support popular non-violent resistance, 50% support a return to armed intifada [emphasis mine], and 48% support dissolving the PA

    The largest percentage (42%) views armed struggle as the most effective means of ending the occupation

    You tell me:

    In the poll, 53% of the 1,200 Palestinians surveyed said they believed Hamas is "most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people." By contrast, just 14% said the same of Fatah.

    You tell me (PDF warning):

    It’s not letting me select and copy from it; read the damn thing.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • …they have killed more civilians this past week than in either of the Intifadas.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • “Strong democratic tradition”? So you’re arguing that they were too stupid to vote is what you’re saying?

  • You don’t. War is a blunt instrument. If you went door-to-door and mapped out households with different-colored thumbtacks, your enemy would take the advantage and strike at you while you worried about it.

  • 2006. They were judged free and fair by observers. Hamas won the majority, to the surprise of many outside the region.

  • Permanently Deleted

  • Who do you think ran the Underground Railroad? Harriet Tubman wasn’t alone.

    More to the point, the existence of anti-slavery actors in the South did not remove the basis for engaging them in battle.

    I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that in the Third Millennium AD people will still come to the defense of terrorists, but here we are.

  • Not this bullshit.

    “Antisemitism” as a term refers to hatred of Jews. That’s the common definition. You don’t get to hide behind your neckbeard “Well ackshyully”. Try again.

  • Could just as easily be rewritten “Dying Israelis criticized for not using their last words to condemn their existence”.

  • man_in_space man_in_space
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