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New Zealand turns to the right | The populist National-led government is undoing many of Jacinda Ardern’s progressive initiatives, including environmental protections.
  • This is just normal left / right politics.. every country has it. One side builds and people get bored and new media love to stir shit, then other side comes in and sells / destroys / winds back.. people get up on arms and vote the other ones back in and the cycle continues

  • Google announces surprise Pixel hardware event in August
  • Maybe they think they have the one up on Apple this year and want to lead rather than follow.. I hope it is something exciting, even though I am an iPhone user. Any innovation is great though I am guessing it will be AI related

  • A Second Trump Term Would Double Down on Erasing Trans Rights. Here’s How Advocates Are Preparing.
  • I am not a stock market person, but why wouldn’t something like this be seen as something that could be manipulated by donors to create wealth that could be taken back out by selling stock? Ie.. some rich person buys stock as a ‘donation’ that makes the price shoot up, so then shares are sold and the cycle continues

  • What was using the internet in the early 2000s like?
  • I think I got online around 1995 when I went to an internet cafe and paid my $4 an hour to see what the fuss was about. I think I bought a modem on the way home and I was hooked. Back then there wasn’t really even a search engine, you went to a portal page.. then came basic search like altavista, excite then google.

    There were tonnes of communities and web chats if IRC wasn’t your thing, then there was the wave of dedicated chat apps like ICQ, MSN Messenger etc

    I have many fond memories of the internet before it became a vehicle for commerce

  • A guide to passing GPUs through to Proxmox, XCP-ng VMs
  • I eventually got the GPU passed through to the VM.. it took about a day of following different guides. Then I tried the same thing on a container and it was about 3 mins work and it was in infinitely better experience with plex in a container instead of a vm

  • How was your NBN fttp upgrade experience ?
  • Mine was one of the first for our suburb, so they might have been a bit green, I am not sure. The bloke arrived and asked if someone had been here to do the underground lead in, nope... so he just did it above ground from the pole to a clamp on the side of the fascia board of the house.. I wish it had been underground, but whatevs... fibre

  • Have you seen someone die in front of you?
  • I have seen a few.. I started work at a young age as an apprenticeship painter for the railways, and when I was 16 I witnessed my first fatality and had to get down onto the track and cover the remainder of her body with a sheet, I saw another lady OD in a waiting door and have her boyfriend put her on the train and jump back off again, but I witnessed the OD… plus a couple of relatives

  • How does it feel being in a relationship?
  • Love can hurt too.. I am going through a rough patch at the moment and I sometimes wish I never knew love because the pain of losing it is the worst pain in the world.. I don’t think that helps you much, but it is another side

  • Australia should pass bill to ban non-prescription vapes, Senate committee finds
  • At this point there is zero logical reason that cigarettes aren’t banned. The only logical reasons are that the government likes the $40/pack tax more than Australians dying, or big tobacco donations.. I am not advocating the ban of ciggies, it just makes zero sense to continue to go after vapes when turning a blind eye to the other ‘death maker’

  • How long would you live if electricity for the whole world went out permanently?

    I was having this conversation with my daughter and thought it was an interesting topic.

    If an EMP or solar flare took out everything electronic in the whole world (permanently), how long do you think it would take for you to die, given your current location and circumstances.

    I believe my daughter thinks we would live a lot longer than I do, but she is thinking about how long she can live without the internet while I am thinking the world will quickly descend into anarchy.

    With no traditional forms of transport, so supplies would dry up, limited resources, health etc, law and order would be a challenge as things become more desperate.

    I think I would live for about 3 months. I would try to get the family somewhere safe and remote and come back later, but I think most people would have the same idea.

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