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AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data
  • To be fair this doesn't sound much different than your average human using the internet.

  • Security and docker
  • The Linux kernel is less secure for running untrusted software than a VM because most hypervisors have a far smaller attack surface.

    how many serious organization destroying vulnerabilities have there been? It is pretty solid.

    The CVEs differ? The reasons that most organizations don't get destroyed is that they don't run untrusted software on the same kernels that process their sensitive information.

    whatever proprietary software thing you think is best

    This is a ridiculous attack. I never suggested anything about proprietary software. Linux's KVM is pretty great.

  • Security and docker
  • I think assuming that you are safe because you aren't aware of any vulnerabilities is bad security practice.

    Minimizing your attack surface is critical. Defense in depth is just one way to minimize your attack surface (but a very effective one). Putting your container inside a VM is excellent defense in depth. Putting your container inside a non-root user barely is because you still have one Linux kernel sized hole in your swiss-cheese defence model.

  • Security and docker
  • I never said it was trivial to escape, I just said it wasn't a strong security boundary. Nothing is black and white. Docker isn't going to stop a resourceful attacker but you may not need to worry about attackers who are going to spend >$100k on a 0-day vulnerability.

    The Linux kernel isn’t easy to exploit as if it was it wouldn’t be used so heavily in security sensitive environments

    If any "security sensitive" environment is relying on Linux kernel isolation I don't think they are taking their sensitivity very seriously. The most security sensitive environments I am aware of doing this are shared hosting providers. Personally I wouldn't rely on them to host anything particularly sensitive. But everyone's risk tolerance is different.

    use podman with a dedicated user for sandboxing

    This is only every so slightly better. Users have existed in the kernel for a very long time so may be harder to find bugs in but at the end of the day the Linux kernel is just too complex to provide strong isolation.

    There isn’t any way to break out of a properly configured docker container right now but if there were it would mean that an attacker has root

    I would bet $1k that within 5 years we find out that this is false. Obviously all of the publicly known vulnerabilities have been patched. But more are found all of the time. For hobbyist use this is probably fine, but you should acknowledge the risk. There are almost certainly full kernel-privilege code execution vulnerabilities in the current Linux kernel, and it is very likely that at least one of these is privately known.

  • Security and docker
  • It is. Privilege escalation vulnerabilities are common. There is basically a 100% chance of unpatched container escapes in the Linux kernel. Some of these are very likely privately known and available for sale. So even if you are fully patched a resourceful attacker will escape the container.

    That being said if you are a low-value regular-joe patching regularly, the risk is relatively low.

  • Security and docker
  • Docker (and Linux containers in general) are not a strong security boundary.

    The reason is simply that the Linux kernel is far too large and complex of an interface to be vulnerability free. There are regular privilege escalation and container escapes found. There are also frequent Docker-specific container escape vulnerabilities.

    If you want strong security boundaries you should use a VM, or even better separate hardware. This is why cloud container services run containers from different clients in different VMs, containers are not good enough to isolate untrusted workloads.

    if Gossa were to be a virus, would I have been infected?

    I would assume yes. This would require the virus to know an unpatched exploit for Linux or Docker, but these frequently appear. There are likely many for sale right now. If you aren't a high value target and your OS is fully patched then someone probably won't burn an exploit on you, but it is entirely possible.

  • Train enthusiast
  • I like trains because they are much more comfortable than airplanes (especially with TSA gymnastics) and I can do something interesting or productive rather than try to focus on the road for hours on end.

  • Linux: winning... at what cost?
  • More likely the overlap of "running on Linux" and "needs to run AV software for compliance" is much smaller than "running on Windows" and the latter.

    I'm sure people would notice if all of the major online services started crashing.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • Yeah sorry. I should have said "ready-to-eat food that you actually want to eat". As in hot food regularly being cooked and refrigerated food that is brought in fresh multiple times a day.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • This is a great point, but it probably doesn't do the job as well as more modern alternatives.

    1. Easy to lose, possible data leak concerns.
    2. Easy to retain data that should have been deleted.
    3. Easy to lose data if a disk gets lost or damaged.
    4. Likely wastes time when trying to track down the disk you need to getting someone to transfer it.
    5. Lack of access logs and auditing capabilities.
    6. Easy way for viruses to spread.

    Modern IT managed file servers solve a lot of real problems when well-managed.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • Convenience stores in Japan are much more than the cigarettes and lottery tickets of North America. They have lots of ready-to-eat food, snacks, drinks as well as some banking services, bill payments, faxing and more.

  • Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing?
  • There are a few reasons. Some of them are in the users' interest. Lots of people phrase their search like a question. "How do I turn off the wifi on my blue windows 11 laptop?"

    While ignoring stopwords like "the" and "a" has been common for a while there is lots of info here that the user probably doesn't actually care about. "my" is probably not helping the search, "how" may not either. Also in this case "blue" is almost certainly irrelevant. So by allowing near matches search engines can get the most helpful articles even if they don't contain all of the words.

    Secondly search engines often allow stemming and synonym matching. This isn't really ignoring words but can give the appearance of doing so. For example maybe "windows" gets stemmed to "window" and "laptop" is allowed to match with "notebook". You may get an article that is talking about a window of opportunity and writing in notebooks and it seems like these words have been ignored. This is generally helpful as often the best result won't have used the exact same words that you did in the query.

    Of course then there are the more negative reasons.

    1. Someone decided that you can't buy anything if your product search returns no results. So they decided that they will show the "closest matches" even if nothing is anywhere close. This is infuriating and I have stopped using many sites because of it.
    2. If you need to make more searches or view more pages you also see more ads.
  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • There are some password managers where you need to either manually look up passwords and copy+paste or autotype them or select the correct password from a dropdown. Some of these will come with an optional browser extension which mitigates this but some don't really tract domain metadata in a concrete way to do this linking.

    Some examples would be Pass which doesn't have any standard metadata for domain/URL info (although some informal schemes are used by various tools including browser-integration extensions) and KeePass which has the metadata but doesn't come with a browser extension by default.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • The reason I say browser password manager is two main reasons:

    1. It is absolutely critical that it checks the domain to prevent phishing.
    2. People already have a browser and are often logged into some sort of sync. It is a small step to use it.

    So yes, if you want to use a different password manager go right ahead, as long as it checks the domain before filling the password.

  • How did we switched from "Dinosaur are giant lizards" to "Dinosaur are giant birds"
  • I don't think that is quite accurate.

    We discovered many more Pluto-or-larger sized things that were closer to the sun than Pluto. It became increasingly obvious that there was nothing special about Pluto and we either needed to add hundreds of planets or "demote" Pluto.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • You probably mean TOTP. OTP is a generic term for any one-time-password which includes SMS-based 2FA. The other main standard is HOTP which will use a counter or challenge instead of the time as the input but this is rarely used.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Tips for being secure online:

    1. Use your browser's password manager to generate random passwords.
    2. In the rare case you need to manually enter your password into a site or app be very suspicious and very careful.
    3. Never give personal information to someone who calls or emails you. If necessary look up the contact info of who called you yourself and call them back before divulging and details. Keep in mind that Caller ID and the From address of emails can be faked.
    4. Update software regularly. Security problems are regularly fixed.

    That's really all you need. You don't even need 2FA, it is nice extra security but if you use random passwords and don't enter your passwords into phishing sites it is largely unnecessary.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • I'm not an expert on modern alarm systems but it seems that it is very common and fairly inexpensive to have cellular data backup. Not every system has it, but many do. In that case cutting the main connection will likely result in someone appearing on site fairly quickly.

    Many cameras also have some form of local buffering. So even if you are gone before someone does show up you still may find yourself recorded.

    But at the end of the day just put a bag over your head and you can be gone by the time anyone shows up without leaving a meaningful trace. Other than the very top-end system security systems just keep the honest people honest.

  • Like the morning dew
  • toilet water


  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • They added telemetry. 100% of responses had internet access.

  • Why can't you return empties in downtown Toronto?

    This is frustrating. I live in a small apartment and my nearest beer store is over 20min walk. I can get to at least 6 LCBOs in that time and dozens of grocery stores that sell alcohol. I'm not even the worst off..

    Note that in the map posted the middle location is Yonge and Dundas which doesn't accept bottles. So if you live in the downtown core you can be walking 30min easy (each way).

    You can see a map here, but which ones accept bottles or not aren't indicated until you click "show details".

    How is this acceptable? I am forced to pay a deposit on every bottle but have nowhere to return them. Either I save up and haul a giant bag 20min or drive. Either way a waste of space in my apartment and I don't even drink that much.

    It seems that we need a solution.

    1. Make LCBOs take bottles back. (or anywhere that sells alcohol, including Beer Store delivery)
    2. Remove the deposit and recommend recycling (sucks for bottles which are better washed and reused rather than crushed and reformed).
    3. At least make the Yonge and Dundas store accept empties. This would at least give options in downtown core that are less than 15min away. Still not great but closes a gaping hole.
    Please recommend me some blogs about Linux or FOSS or similar that you follow through RSS. Please recommend me some blogs about Linux or FOSS or similar that you follow through RSS. -

    Hi. I have a category Little Tech Blogs in my rss reader where I put those cool niche blogs mostly about Linux, FOSS, programming, etc… Many of them I found by articles linked in this community, so I was wondering if you guys know about more blogs like that. By little I mean it’s run by one person o...

    What is your favorite terminal emulator.

    I'm reconsidering my terminal emulator and was curious what everyone was using.

    General Programming Discussion kevincox
    Default to Less Than Quadratic
    nixos kevincox
    Bisecting the Linux Kernel with NixOS

    cross-posted from:

    > Recently my kernel started to panic every time I awoke my monitors from sleep. This seemed to be a regression; it worked one day, then I received a kernel upgrade from upstream, and the next time I was operating my machine it would crash when I came back to it. > > After being annoyed for a bit, I realized this was a great time to learn how to bisect the git kernel, find the problem, and either report it upstream, or, patch it out of my kernel! I thought this would be useful to someone else in the future, so here we are. > > Step #1: Clone the Kernel; I grabbed Linus' tree from with git clone > > Step #2: Start a bisect. > > If you're not familiar with a bisect, it's a process by which you tell git, "this commit was fine", and "this commit was broken", and it will help you test the commits in-between to find the one that introduced the problem. > > You start this by running git bisect start, and then you provide a tag or commit ID for the good and the bad kernel with git bisect good ... and git bisect bad .... > > I knew my issue didn't occur on the 5.15 kernel series, but did start with my NixOS upgrade to 6.1. But I didn't know precisely where, so I aimed a little broader... I figured an extra test or two would be better than missing the problem. 😬 > > > git bisect start > git bisect good v5.15 > git bisect bad master > > > Step #3: Replace your kernel with that version > > In an ideal world, I would have been able to test this in a VM. But it was a graphics problem with my video card and connected monitors, so I went straight for testing this on my desktop to ensure it was easy to reproduce and accurate. > > Testing a mid-release kernel with NixOS is pretty easy! All you have to do is override your kernel package, and NixOS will handle building it for you... here's an example from my bisect: > > > boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackagesFor (pkgs.linux_6_2.override { # (#4) make sure this matches the major version of the kernel as well > argsOverride = rec { > src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { > owner = "torvalds"; > repo = "linux"; > # (#1) -> put the bisect revision here > rev = "7484a5bc153e81a1740c06ce037fd55b7638335c"; > # (#2) -> clear the sha; run a build, get the sha, populate the sha > sha256 = "sha256-nr7CbJO6kQiJHJIh7vypDjmUJ5LA9v9VDz6ayzBh7nI="; > }; > dontStrip = true; > # (#3) `head Makefile` from the kernel and put the right version numbers here > version = "6.2.0"; > modDirVersion = "6.2.0-rc2"; > # (#4) `nixos-rebuild boot`, reboot, test. > }; > }); > > > Getting this defined requires a couple intermediate steps... > Step #3.1 -- put the version that git bisect asked me to test in (#1) > Step #3.2 -- clear out sha256 > Step #3.3 -- run a nixos-rebuild boot > Step #3.4 -- grab the sha256 and put it into the sha256 field (#2) > Step #3.5 -- make sure the major version matches at (#3) and (#4) > > Then run nixos-rebuild boot. > > Step #4: Test! > > Reboot into the new kernel, and test whatever is broken. For me I was able to set up a simple test protocol: xset dpms force off to blank my screens, wait 30 seconds, and then wake them. If my kernel panicked then it was a fail. > > Step #5: Repeat the bisect > > Go into the linux source tree and run git bisect good or git bisect bad depending on whether the test succeeded. Return to step #3. > > Step #6: Revert it! > > For my case, I eventually found a single commit that introduced the problem, and I was able to revert it from my local kernel. This involves leaving a kernel patch in my NixOS config like this: > > > boot.kernelPatches = [ > { patch = ./revert-bb2ff6c27b.patch; name = "revert-bb2ff6c27b"; } > ]; > > > This probably isn't the greatest long-term solution, but it gets my desktop stable and I'm happy with that for now. > > Profit! > >

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