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  • It's been 7 years that Macron and his minions did all they could to divide french society in order to stay in power. They criminalized the mostly peaceful ecological and social protests, they (over)used all the least democratic powers (49.3 and others) they had to push through socially unjust reforms, they have cynically and with the sole aim of winning votes, lumped together the parties of the left and the far right, and have deliberately blurred the political field. They refused to stand in the way of the far right in the last parliamentary elections, allowing a few hundred of them to become MPs and giving them prestigious positions in the parliament, simply out of political expediency. They have constantly pushed far-right themes such as security and immigration into the public debate, again simply to try and divide people and win votes. For these european elections, they snubbed all other parties other than the extreme right and even gave them more credibility (and publicity) by sending the Prime Minister to debate with their representative (and with no one from any other party). Macron, who said a few years ago that he would do everything to ensure that people no longer had any reason to vote for the far right, has been playing with fire in an attempt to divide the country and keep power. He is guilty of the current situation, and the dissolution of the assembly is not a clever or courageous move, but rather a cynical act of impotence by a lonely man who now wants to play the "it's me or chaos" game. To think that if the far right wins these next elections and a PM from their ranks is appointed, this would be an opportunity to prove how incompetent they are and destroy them, is to becompletelyy delusional. It's forgetting that this would put France in a catastrophic situation for years to come, with social and ecological ruin, and above all that its main effect would be to open the Overton window even wider, making it even more likely that the far right would soon gain to the real power with no real counterweight, the Presidency.

  • After All, Why Not? Why Shouldn't I Keep It? 😸

    Shamelessly stolen somewhere else 😅

    Thoughts about Posteo?
  • I get that, but a bit more than now would be ideal :) For instance, I have my emails, calendar and contacts with them, and I would really like them to add a notes/journal and todolist feature that I can sync like the others with DAVx.

  • Thoughts about Posteo?
  • Posteo is nice, my main email is with them for years now :) I only wish they would add some features from time to time, but otherwise it's really stable!

  • 6 months review of the open-source Ploopy Headphones
  • Ploopy the headphones, recommanded by Ploppy the Jailer

  • Science really look like shitpost without context 😁 What's your favorite?

    The latest I've found is this one !


    Construction worker at the Hoover Dam, USA, 1931
  • He cerlainly is! But in this case the fact that you're cis is not really relevant, it's more the fact that you're heterosexual, which is not the same :)

  • Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 support will end tomorrow (January 1st 2024)
  • I would go for Zorin! It's based on ubuntu and quite close to the windows experience so easy for beginners!

  • Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them?
  • I recently listened to this podcast and I think it's a good way to understand this affair with a more dispassionate approach!

    The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling

    RSS address:

  • Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them?
  • About this topic there is a good podcast to listen to ! It's more about understanding the whole affair and not howling with the wolves !

    The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling

    RSS address:

  • The French government doesn't consider WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram secure enough, replaced by Olvid (Google translate link in post text)
  • They had Tchap that may not be perfect but is open source (based on matrix/element), hosted in France and already used by 400 000 ppl from the public services... Why pay for a new app? Don't get it...

  • Elon Musk tells advertisers: ‘Go fuck yourself’ - The Verge
  • Did someone actually watch the interview? He just looks like an overgrown kid trying to make others in the classroom laugh... That would have been funny if it was not pathetic...

  • PeerTube v6 is out, and powered by your ideas !
  • And they need help ! So if you can, consider to donate :)

  • Games that my non-gamer girlfriend can watch me playing?
  • Play it takes two with her! :)

  • Running Signal Will Soon Cost $50 Million a Year
  • My non-pro question is : if it was a peer-to-peer service like element, using a decentralized protocol like matrix, wouldn't it be a huge cost saver because of less data bandwidth and server costs?

  • IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride
  • Is there a list somewhere of the companies advertizing on this thing? Could be useful to ask them what they think about that!

  • IBM pulls X ads as Elon Musk endorses white pride
  • You could suggest to connect their Xitter to a mastodon server so it automaticaly forward posts (crosspost), could be a good thing for a first move!

  • kalistia Kalistia
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