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2 yr. ago

  • Set all clocks to UTC military time and calendars to YYYY.MM.DD. Date change happens on UTC.

    "My work hours are from 1400 to 2200 until 2024.12.21 at which time I will be available from 1200 until 2000. I will be on vacation from 2024.12.24 until 2025.01.07".

    EDIT: I do think that the colon helps readability, so 24hr might be a better choice than military (14:00 to 22:00).

  • Linux Mint for users coming from Windows.

    Pop!_OS for users coming from Mac.

    I have used Pop!_OS on a Thinkpad as my daily driver for years without a hitch.

  • I play tons of games on Linux. I was mainly referring to AAA online multiplayer games with anti-cheat like COD, Valorant, Apex Legends, etc.

  • How is it like to be talented? Asking for a friend.

  • My Silent Gen father gave me dating advice as a young boy. He told me to never discriminate. He said that he had "dated" young, old, skinny, fat, pretty, and ugly and they each had their charms. I took his advice, though I would like to add that although I am pretty sure he meant women, he did not specify gender at the time, so I assumed I shouldn't discriminate by gender either.

    Thanks dad!

  • The fact that I get to learn cool facts while commenting on memes is a reason why I love the Internet.

  • Would also be funny if it was a maxipad.

  • I can guarantee that kid will die.

  • As a result, some consumers resorted to purchasing TPM modules for their existing hardware, while others turned to customized Windows 11 ISOs that bypassed the TPM requirement entirely.

    Who is doing this?!? If you are a business user, your company should pay for a new PC. If you are a gamer, you have a year to upgrade your MB. Everyone else has a year to figure out if Linux is right for them. At this point, Linux can perfectly cover most non-business users or those who are not multiplayer online gamers.

  • That's the face of "I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders".

  • No, chronic pain doesn’t radicalize. Chronic pain gives you clarity. Chronic pain shows the world for what it truly is: a society that doesn’t care about you if you can’t hold a job, and paradoxically, believes that you are just fine if you can.


    Chronic pain shows you that medicine, as a field, is based on statistics and bell curves. If you don’t land in the center of one of those bell curves, it doesn’t matter how much access you have to doctors and treatment, eventually everyone discharges you with a shrug and a sorry, if you are lucky.

    I have, unfortunately, had experience with heart disease and cancer. On heart disease I lucked out and got a crazy surgeon who installed four stents. Every other (5) cardiologist I have spoken to (all supposedly top tier) has been surprised by that because they would have cracked me open and gone with a bypass.

    On the cancer side, my first doctor's plan would have left me broken for however long I had afterwards. So my wife researched and found the best money could buy and I came out the other side relatively normal.

    The problem with medicine goes back to an old joke. What do you call the person who graduated medical school last on their class? Doctor. The worst, most careless, doctors will still cost an arm and a leg (sometimes literally), so money is not a fix. Ultimately you have to do exhaustive research and find your own care. Most people will have to rely on luck.

    • Creature Commandos (ongoing) - Liking it so far.
    • Black Doves (ongoing) - Excellent.
    • The Old Man S1 (ongoing) - Losing interest fast.
    • Lioness S2 (finished) - Disappointing. Degraded into a nonsensical and preachy action schlock. None of the intimate emotional suspense was there. It had chances, but wasted them all.
    • Final Space S2 (ongoing) - Why did I find this show after its cancellation? So good.
    • Arkane S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.
    • The Diplomat S2 (ongoing) - So far, good.

    I generally only watch one or two episodes per night, so this list won't change much.

  • This ProPublica article brought to you by Luigi. I doubt the evil actions of United Healthcare would be getting this much coverage without him.

  • It seems like you should keep the Yaris, even if you get a new car. That little guy is your trusty friend. Take care of it.

  • Israeli politicians and pundits call for violence and genocide against defenseless civilians in Gaza and nobody bats an eye but one member of a tier of people that make enough money to hire their own private army gets capped, and everyone loses their mind.

    If your job requires you to ruin people's lives or cause their untimely death, it is reasonable to assume that you would need private security. I hate to victim blame (not really) but it seems to me that it was UHC CEO's own fault that he got taken out by an amateur. I'd say do better next time but...

  • I'm just saying, if you are gonna instantly repost the image I spent time and effort making, at least gimme a shout out. It's all about getting some love, the only currency worth anything ont the interwebz.