It’s over
It’s over
It’s over
My mom has always proudly proclaimed "I never once touched a cigarette". She's currently dying of lung cancer.
Interesting the various ways her body is trying to kill itself on her journey. Absolutely brutal, and she's really only just beginning the end.
2/10. Would not recommend, but ya gotta die somehow.
Smoking is certainly not the only way to acquire lung cancer, it’s merely the most popular. She might have spent years living in an apartment that used asbestos for insulation, very common for the boomer generation.
At any rate, I am sorry to hear about what you and her are going through and I wish both of you — well, I’m not even sure what to say here without sounding cheesy or cliché — but whatever is needed to make this journey more bearable.
You're not alone. The human body is an amazingly complex and intricate series of systems, and watching them fail in your parent one after another is.. One of the worst things I have ever witnessed.
Like some illnesses just affect a specific area or part of the body, like when you break a bone of have the sniffles, but this? It is... very "creative" in the destruction of your loved one.
I wish your mom, yourself, your family, the best of luck.
I'm sorry that you're both going through that. Wishing you both peace, and feel free to reach out if you ever want someone to listen.
I can guarantee that kid will die.
As do we all.
You can trust her she is a professional smoker. Kid is doomed
I touched something that has a CA Prop 65 warning label on it, will I die a horrible death of radiation exposure?
Those labels only apply in California. If you're in another state you're fine.
Beat cancer with this one weird trick — doctors HATE it!
Everything in California has a Prop 65 warning on it, better order your casket right away.
yep you're dead good luck turning 15
Unfortunately with chatGPT we will not have dumb questions meme anymore. Dumb teens can ask Chatgpt before being dumb.
Do you guys think chatgpt has a threshold for stupid questions?
I don’t believe there are any stupid / dumb questions.
We should never ridicule people for seeking knowledge.
I get that on meme subs it’s fun to look at them and laugh, which is fine. I am referring to on the original posts themselves.