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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

Relationship Advice

Paralyzing anxiety, abusive ex is kicking me out

Ask Lemmy

Is it normal to feel super uncomfortable getting help from strangers?

  • Which filter? Do you mean the one inside the container with all the stuff that gets picked up, or the one on the outside of the vaccuum?

    I haven't changed it yet but I presumed the motor is already worn out

  • Careful with the couch my cats almost ruined mine lol. I added a cover on it and it helped a lot. It's mostly because they use it to jump when chasing each other so it gets scratched.

    Which attachment do you use for the couch btw?

  • I hope they last okay. They are currently on promo for like 250-300 euros here.

    Have you ever used a similar design vacuum before, except maybe one without a bag? Did you find this one harder to maneuver?

  • Probably when I was a kid, lol. But really, I would say any time before covid was a lot better. Even just like, 1.5 ago was still better. I feel like everything is just getting exponentially worse.

  • Thanks! I was getting really confused because the local Miele website had zero info on each model. So I checked the UK one, and it seems like the C3s are mostly the same, and the only difference seems to be the attachments they come with, and some have a different "comfort" handle. Which is literally what you just said, lol.

    Maybe I will choose based on the colour of the vacuum lol. The pet one seems to only come in dark red.

    I hope they come with codes for free vacuum bags here xD they're having a decent sale now so I've been considering getting one

    Honestly the main part that worries me is that for the price, they seem to have a pretty small warranty period (12-24 months). That's the only thing keeping me from buying one immediately

  • Buy European

    What's a good vacuum for people with pets in Europe?

    Ask Lemmy

    What's a good vaccuum for people with pets in Europe?

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