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Criação de comunidades está liberada!
  • Tá, estou com o formulário da comunidade que desejo criar. Usei o

    Como saber se deu certo?

  • Criação de comunidades está liberada!
  • Eu ja ia pedir pra fazer uma de teoria musical.

  • Organic Maps got removed from Google Play Store.
  • There goes another useful tool that has been made inaccessible for most of the common users.

  • M5Stack Cardputer: ESP32-S3 Pocket Computer
  • Recently got one and made some content in portuguese, if anyone is coding for it I would really appreciate to know who you are an what are you doing.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • like the fact that doom metal bands always get in a doom vibe sometime at their album

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ape Scape 2 on a PS1

  • Why do radio stations all seem to go on commercial at the same time?
  • After a lot of thinking I purchased an external antenna, a radio transciever and a QRM remover to listen to foreign radios from Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina and somewhere from the Carribean sometimes depending on the weather... Those are not corrupted... Every town or local radio are concentrating their efforts to get any money that not evolves curating good tunes. Hope you find a suitable radio station for you somewhere in the air or in the web.

  • Apoie Nossa Comunidade
  • Isso é uma chave pix? Faz uma chave pix que eu mando uns centavos todo dia hahahah !

  • tem como botar foto de perfil?
  • Bem vindo partiu postar

  • Wine 9.12 · Released Wine 9.12 · wine / wine · GitLab

    The Wine development release 9.12 is now available. What's new in this release: Initial support for user32 data structures in shared memory....

    Wine 9.12 · wine / wine · GitLab
    🎉🎂 Parabéns, Lemmy Brasil! 1 Ano de Comunidade e Liberdade! 🎂🎉
  • Já vai fazer uns meses que faço parte e tenho me federado em comunidades por aí. Fica meu agradecimento ao nosso mantenedor.

  • Removed
    Acerta o seu aí que eu arrrrendondo o meu aqui!
  • Abstinência de lemmy ainda n foi inventada, taca-lhe upgrade.

  • Just deleted my Google account!!!
  • i think is the best way possible. does it have any charge?

  • Just deleted my Google account!!!
  • lol . I'm just a baby tux apprentice ...

  • Just deleted my Google account!!!
  • BTW How do you keep on syncing your calendars and stuff?

  • Just deleted my Google account!!!
  • Must do the same soon

  • Cliente IOS para o Lemmy?
  • To usando o Memmy tambem é bacana e consumo de memoria la embaixo.

  • What is your favorite song?
  • I like Mudman from Pink Floyd, tasty jam

  • guilhermegnzaga guilhermegnzaga

    music & audio-visual science

    Posts 1
    Comments 21