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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 wk. ago

  • Reconsidering 4 (second nose).. Maybe you could cause a second nose to grow on others..? And if a few of us choose this, then we could form an unstoppable team, horribly disfiguring war criminals, oligarchs, and mimes everywhere!

  • Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve heard someone spout this much hopium and half-truths.

    2.1C by 2100?? That’s just delusional. We’ll hit that by 2035 at the latest.

    Please find a better source for global warming information. Perhaps start with Hansen.

  • We got ours just a week or two before seeing him for what he is. It sucks and we can't afford to ditch the car.

    I really think the people that work at Tesla have done a great job making a very affordable car that works well. I can only imagine that the disgust I feel towards the asshat and to the association with this car pales in comparison to what the people who designed and built it feel. 120,000 people work for Tesla.

    I don't see how, but it'd be better if we could separate the 13% shareholding asshat from the company rather than destroy it. It's a shitty situation.

    edit: by 'affordable' I'm looking at total cost of owership, which was significantly less than a new Prius. Also, I'm in a snowbelt, used cars are a bad idea here. (can ya feel the defensiveness?, ug)

  • Wow, that, to me, seems like something only the very privileged would suggest.

    So I bought a car based on low emissions and total lifetime cost. The connection to one asshat has soured the public opinion of the company, so I should take a $10-15k bath??

    This is not the way.

  • There's been a fair bit of pushback on this, as expected. I'm in western NY and have an all-electric house. It works great and has been cheaper than gas.

    Between her caving on Adams and this, I'm going to really let her outreach manager's team leader's third intern's bot have it in my next letter.