What do you pick rule.
What do you pick rule.
If anyone needs a transcript I'll write it.
What do you pick rule.
If anyone needs a transcript I'll write it.
You now can start a gravel delivery business with no overhead of having to quarry and crush rock. Massive profits while you undercut your competitors. Your rock gets magically delivered on Sundays you give all your employees off. A (magically) honest living.
Gravel king 100%
We can teleport 7 inches, but there is no cool down specified.
Nice loophole, try not to get motion sickness
I'd vomiting within three teleports. I'll stick with uhhhh ancient useless languages!
Or teleport through a wall
Just don't put a door on your house.
I'll go with #7 I'm curious, and I'd figure out what the limitations of a 'container" is. And maybe I could get a job at the docks knowing what shipping containers are empty or not, or maybe if a lung is a container, I could become a med tech. Many possibilities
uuh I read "can communicate with others" for 1. and i thought "that'd be useful actually"
I will build a mech from toasters. I will implant tiny toasters on to satellites and rockets to control the world from space.
Are babies toasters? I will use my toaster powers to change the definition of toasters in all major dictionaries. The sun is a toaster. People are toasters. I control all life. Mortality is a toaster. There is no bread, only toast. Press the lever down again. The brave little toaster is a global icon. Press the lever down again. We are the immoral children of a loafing god. Press the lever down again. Mosquitos no longer exist, or maybe they do, they've just been transtoastified into kittens. Push the lever down again. No more paper cuts. Push the lever down again. Now I have a nice hat. Push the lever down again.
Push the lever down again...
I love microfiction. Thank you
The gravel one would make you rich pretty quickly depending on how fast you can conjure it.
The teleport 7 inches thing would get you through almost any door or fence including an most stud walls including vault walls.
Id pick the gravel one I think though. Again depending on how fast you can make it. If its a cup per 24hr then the teleport is where its at.
Most people are more than 7” thick. I don’t think it’s as useful as it sounds. Even if you are, you probably have to be mid jump to avoid cutting off your toes or worse, merging your back with the door if you forget to face backwards first.
I’d hope your 7” travel would be counted the trailing edge of your body in the direction of travel front to rear, so a full 7”. Measured from shoetip start to heel end. Most walls in stickbuilt homes are only ~4 1/4” thick, you could teleport through those. If only from tip of shoe to tip of shoe, you’re right. You’d teleport inside your own space. Kinda useless.
Gravel ain't cheap.
as an example look at the documentary game called "team fortress two"
3 (it doesn't say there is a cooldown)
Seeing inside an empty container might have a niche usecase where you can infer which containers are not empty, because you can't see inside of them instantly. Maybe if you're doing a job where you have to put away all empty containers, this would save time.
You'd do very well on a few game shows, too!
7 inches will get me past a window.
I thought it was 7 inches of total movement which would get me to be intersected by a window.
If there's no cooldown though I think it could still be useful for being really fast.
It also doesn't specify how often/quick you can do it, so you could still move at breakneck speeds, 7 inches at a time
Yes, but what happens if I teleport into a bird one of those times? D:
Or a locked door.
Or more likely half way through the window, except if you're really really slim!
You'd be an amazing fencer
infinite gravel for lifeeeee 🤑🤑🤑
This certainly seems like the best out of these options. Start a gravel company. Infinite stock. If you can just create it out of nothing at the location of your choosing, you don't even have to pay for trucks, which I imagine is probably a greater cost in the gravel industry than the gravel itself.
Reconsidering 4 (second nose).. Maybe you could cause a second nose to grow on others..? And if a few of us choose this, then we could form an unstoppable team, horribly disfiguring war criminals, oligarchs, and mimes everywhere!
Whats the cooldown on the teleport and what happens if I teleport into a wall?
Free gravel
7 is huge because "container" and "empty" are much less specific than you'd think
Empty is only a true vacuum. You're not looking inside any container then muhaha
I was trying to come up with a way to use 3 to get through bank vault doors, but I like this. Any empty transparent box suddenly becomes a surveillance tool…
also you'd never lose that game where a coin is shuffled beneath 3 glasses
Teleport again right away. Go right in while the vault doors are open during the day. Yes they'd know something was happening, but you'd effectively be moving extremely fast.
So I can't currently run at all... Running as fast as Einstein might be an improvement, depending on what age we're talking about
Einstein is a very slow runner, currently.
Well if you are currently unable to walk...
Can I manifest the gravel or is it like I can just jedi mind trick the delivery driver?
Does 3 cost me any energy, or are there any other limitations on how quickly I can teleport?
Yeah it's a little annoying to only be able to go seven inches at a time, but if there's no limitations or cooldowns, you can move seven inches every ~250 milliseconds. That's pretty close to a mile and a half a minute. If it doesn't exhaust you, that's still a pretty efficient and speedy method of travel.
motion sickness.
Sure, but that depends on the person. You shouldn't get that much more motion sick than you would be traveling in a car at 80 mph.
You also aren't technically moving, which is an interesting thing to think about. You're standing still the whole time, and magically appearing seven inches ahead as fast as you can react. Your vestibular system shouldn't actually detect any movement at all, so maybe people sensitive to carsickness would still be okay.
Teleporting away is cool rewardless of the distance
Listen, teleporting is always so busted that even 7 inches is enough to teleport through doors, fences, or restraints.
Only if your skinny and tuck your feet to the side though, even not though you'll at least be able to jump higher.
Oh damn. Am I made naked when I teleport?
I imagine using any of these abilities will leave you naked, it's a given
If I attach sensors of whatever kind to a bunch of toasters, I can use the sensor output to do whatver I want. So it goes from mind controlled toasters to mind contolled anything, really.
Suppose I can control the temperature on toasters. Attach heat sensors on four toasters and interpret the heat level as up/down/left/right. Pass that to a drone and I have a mind controlled drone :P
Or you could use an ECG for probably similar accuracy.
But if you use #6 every 10 hours you'll stop aging altogether, so essentially it's an immortality drug. If it is just the looks that stay, it still means your skin cells aren't bogged down with broken and aged skin cells. You are now immune from skin cancer.
Just don't sleep in over 10 hours and you're good.
I guess I interpreted that one as a one off usage (i guess i assumed the opposite for the teleport so thats not really fair), if its repeatable, it's much more useful, but it still wouldn't stop all the internal aging that will actually kill you.
2 and 5
Imagine being ably to hook up a bunch of toasters to a computer and then being able to control the computer with them!
8...I'll write a book!
Who will read it?
Professors who study dead languages, I could live off being the world's foremost expert on the language for at least a decade or two.
2: your gravel business will make you rich
3: what’s the cooldown? Because if there’s none I can now travel at super speeds
5: connect a sensor to your toaster so you can remote control any DIY electronics with your mind
7: instantly tell if any container is empty. Useful for magic tricks at the very least, but I’m sure there is some real application of it you could come up with
2 would be the most lucrative but 5 would be… interesting… for insurance purposes… lol
3 or 6 are great choices if there is no cooldown period
I'm picking #7 to make my life slightly less insane, since I live with a muppet who leaves empty containers in the freezer.
Until you realize that the little speck of hummus in the corner of the container counts as "not empty".
...fuck! And my little chunk of sanity goes away like this, like a speck of hummus.