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  • Oh I didn't know they were aware of that, awesome!

  • Question about Proton
  • League of Legends works perfectly on Linux

  • Deleted
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  • The recent update broke everything (it automatically locks on app exit both on Android and iOS, even if the automatic lock is set to never)

  • [Bug] Comment readability at unreasonable depth
  • Lol what happened to that bot?

  • Free Download Manager site redirected Linux users to malware for years
  • How is it possible that users noticed strange behaviors (new Cron jobs) and they didn't check the script launched by those jobs đŸ˜±

  • Are there still any solid, updated minecraft modpacks around?
  • OT: what happened to all those beautiful mods? Are they still there? I remember IndustrialCraft, Build raft, there was a mod that introduced bees (?) And another one called Logistic Pipes. Damn I was completely in love with those logistic Pipes

  • Pop Package Release #273
  • Thanks!

  • Carrying on an old tradition. What features / issues should I work on next?
  • An option to have separate up/down vote buttons

  • What's the best approach to email today?
  • I am new to the alias world so I've a question. How can I be sure that an alias provider doesn't have access to my emails when they are forwarded?

  • Putting the "You" in CPU
  • Thanks for the link! A very pleasant read

  • Putting the "You" in CPU
  • It would be great to have one

  • Rant about Nvidia related updates on Linux
  • For what concerns flatpak, did you try flatpak remove --unused?

    Edit: I didn't read you already did it, nvm

  • I found a Read Later extension that works in Firefox for mobile!
  • It needs Firefox Beta or Nighty to be installed, right?

  • Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Here in Italy we only drive manual

  • tab management on mobile
  • It's not supported (yet). It's very sad.

  • Have you ever downvoted your own post/comment?
  • No.

    EDIT: did it now for the first time

  • Pop Package Updates (Week of August 20, 2023)
  • Thank you! I like those weekly updates posts

  • Easy way to remote share the desktop?
  • Rustdesk, I use it for work

  • Unable to access the harddisk after the installation of Ubuntu.
  • Do you still have windows installed?

  • How do DM's work in Lemmy? How safe are they?
  • I didn't know about the matrix feature, thank you!

  • Lemmy Support gabriele97
    Are prometheus metrics enabled by default in the backend code?

    Hi, are prometheus metrics enabled by default in the backend code or someone needs to compile by himself a build with the right flags to enable it?

    Thank you

    Upgrade from NC26 to 27.0.2: advices?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > I want to upgrade my nextcloud instance from version 26.0.5 to 27.0.2. Any advice? In particular for what concerns software versions: actually I've installed php 8.1.18, postgreSQL 13.11, redis 6.0.16. Do I need to upgrade them? > > Thank you!

    Upgrade from NC26 to 27.0.2: advices?

    Hi, I want to upgrade my nextcloud instance from version 26.0.5 to 27.0.2. Any advice? In particular for what concerns software versions: actually I've installed php 8.1.18, postgreSQL 13.11, redis 6.0.16. Do I need to upgrade them?

    Thank you!

    A way to see up/down votes?

    Am I missing something or there isn't a way to show separately the count of up and down votes?

    Apt, packages kept back: why and how to resolve it?

    cross-posted from:

    > Hi, > I've this situation when I apt upgrade. There are many pipewire-related packages kept back. Why? How can I solve it? > > Thank you!

    EDIT: dist-upgrade summary


    EDIT2: Ok I solved it with

    apt autoremove # only to remove old packages. it didn't solved the problem

    apt update

    apt dist-upgrade

    Apt, packages kept back: why and how to resolve it?

    Hi, I've this situation when I apt upgrade. There are many pipewire-related packages kept back. Why? How can I solve it?

    Thank you!

    Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule

    The unveiling of a proclaimed “quantum processor” produced by the Iranian army has drawn controversy and ridicule in Persian social media.

    Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule

    cross-posted from:

    > It's an... FPGA (?)

    Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule

    The unveiling of a proclaimed “quantum processor” produced by the Iranian army has drawn controversy and ridicule in Persian social media.

    Iran’s Claim Of Quantum Processor Draws Ridicule

    It's an... FPGA (?)

    Mission Center: A rust clone of the Windows Task Manager Mission Center | Flathub

    Monitor system resource usage

    Mission Center | Flathub

    Why? I don't know, maybe someone here will like it.

    How to monitor standard nginx accesses?

    Hi! I would like to monitor accesses to my services done through my nginx setup that acts as reverse proxy.

    I've tried fluentd to export Prometheus metrics with fluend to scrape the access.log file produced by nginx. The problem is that it uses a lot of resources as I can see (130+ MB of RAM only for fluentd, and each http request towards the fluentd metrics endpoint transfers a lot of data and I assume It Will increase consequently with the increase of the access.log file).

    Is there any "embedded" scraper with integrated dashboard that I can recall on demand? For example, one of the problem with the previous solution is that peometheus scrapes the metrics every 5s so I have a constant transfer of different MBs every second due to the size of the metrics, even if I am not looking at grafana (my frontend for Prometheus). With an on demand service I would scrape the access.log file only when I am using the on demand service.

    Thank you

    Very slow IO performances: how to diagnose

    EDIT: this is a full benchmark I run on my pool:

    Hi! I ran into this issue since I started mu homelab adventure a couple of months ago, so I am still very noob, sorry for this.

    I decided today to understand what happens and why it happens but I need your help to understand it better.

    My homelab consists of a proxmox setup with three 1 TB HDD s in raidz1 (ZFS) (I know the downsides of this and I took my decisions) and 8 GB of RAM, of which 3.5 are assigned to a VM. The remaining parts are used by some LXC containers.

    During high worloads (i.e. copying a file, downloading something via torrent/jdownloader) everything is very slow and other services start to be unresponsive due to the high IO delay.

    I decided to test the three single devices with this command: fio --ioengine=libaio --filename=/dev/sda --size=4G --time_based --name=fio --group_reporting --runtime=10 --direct=1 --sync=1 --iodepth=1 --rw=randread --bs=4k --numjobs=32

    And more or less they (sda, sdb, sdc) give this results:

    ``` Jobs: 32 (f=32): [r(32)][100.0%][r=436KiB/s][r=109 IOPS][eta 00m:00s] fio: (groupid=0, jobs=32): err= 0: pid=3350293: Sat Jun 24 11:07:02 2023 read: IOPS=119, BW=479KiB/s (490kB/s)(4968KiB/10378msec) slat (nsec): min=4410, max=40660, avg=12374.56, stdev=5066.56 clat (msec): min=17, max=780, avg=260.78, stdev=132.27 lat (msec): min=17, max=780, avg=260.79, stdev=132.27 clat percentiles (msec): | 1.00th=[ 26], 5.00th=[ 50], 10.00th=[ 80], 20.00th=[ 140], | 30.00th=[ 188], 40.00th=[ 230], 50.00th=[ 264], 60.00th=[ 296], | 70.00th=[ 326], 80.00th=[ 372], 90.00th=[ 430], 95.00th=[ 477], | 99.00th=[ 617], 99.50th=[ 634], 99.90th=[ 768], 99.95th=[ 785], | 99.99th=[ 785] bw ( KiB/s): min= 256, max= 904, per=100.00%, avg=484.71, stdev= 6.17, samples=639 iops : min= 64, max= 226, avg=121.14, stdev= 1.54, samples=639 lat (msec) : 20=0.32%, 50=4.91%, 100=8.13%, 250=32.85%, 500=49.68% lat (msec) : 750=3.86%, 1000=0.24% cpu : usr=0.01%, sys=0.00%, ctx=1246, majf=11, minf=562 IO depths : 1=100.0%, 2=0.0%, 4=0.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, >=64=0.0% submit : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0% complete : 0=0.0%, 4=100.0%, 8=0.0%, 16=0.0%, 32=0.0%, 64=0.0%, >=64=0.0% issued rwts: total=1242,0,0,0 short=0,0,0,0 dropped=0,0,0,0 latency : target=0, window=0, percentile=100.00%, depth=1

    Run status group 0 (all jobs): READ: bw=479KiB/s (490kB/s), 479KiB/s-479KiB/s (490kB/s-490kB/s), io=4968KiB (5087kB), run=10378-10378msec

    Disk stats (read/write): sda: ios=1470/89, merge=6/7, ticks=385624/14369, in_queue=405546, util=96.66% ```

    Am I wrong or it is a very bad results? Why? The three identical HDs are this one:

    I jope you can help me. Thank you!

    Spawned my own instance of lemmy: now I've got a lot of questions about federation

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Hi! > > I spawned my own instance of lemmy on my server and I discovered new things about how lemmy and federation works, and I have a lot of doubt. I don't know exactly if those doubts are problems of my implementation of if they are normal, so! > > > > 1. My main account is on and I see that new posts from communities I follow show up before on and then on my instance. Is it normal? > > 2. With comments happens the same thing and they are slower to "sync". Why? > > 3. If a community has been never discovered from the search form with the full format !community@instance, it will never appear on my instance. This means that is not possible to search for an argument (i.e. steam deck) and finding all the posts and communities about it. Is this normal or a feature that we/you would like to see in future/is adaptable to the concept of the fediverse? Because if I am on a big instance with a lot of users maybe I found that specific community or post, but on smaller instances like mine it will never appear If I don't know the exact name. > > 4. I created a community on my instance and subscribed it from but I don't see any post nor are they in sync. Why? vs > > 5. From my instance I am unable to follow communities (they are pending, usually on the pending status is faster) > > 6. I am unable to search for communities on, and when I try I see this log message of type "couldnt_find_object: error decoding response body: missing field properties at line 1 column 206" from my docker instance: > > > > > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056226139Z 2023-06-20T22:02:16.055937Z ERROR HTTP request{http.method=GET http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=8211e6a4-2b30-4f8c-98b3-d93843a0e293 http.status_code=101 otel.status_code="OK"}: lemmy_server::api_routes_websocket: couldnt_find_object: error decoding response body: missing fieldpropertiesat line 1 column 206 > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056276976Z 0: lemmy_apub::fetcher::search::search_query_to_object_id > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056286500Z at crates/apub/src/fetcher/ > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056293804Z 1: lemmy_apub::api::resolve_object::perform > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056300316Z with self=ResolveObject { q: "!", auth: Some(Sensitive) } > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056307712Z at crates/apub/src/api/ > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056314152Z 2: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056320693Z with http.method=GET http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=8211e6a4-2b30-4f8c-98b3-d93843a0e293 http.status_code=101 otel.status_code="OK" > > 2023-06-20T22:02:16.056351870Z at src/ > > > > > > > > 7. I have a lot of warnings in the lemmy log of type "Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request: lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Header is expired" such as: > > > > 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484449111Z 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484275Z WARN Error encountered while processing the incoming HTTP request: lemmy_server::root_span_builder: Header is expired > > 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484510012Z 0: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request > > 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484517559Z with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" otel.kind="server" request_id=caf194c5-cac3-4c37-a29c-577d65deb050 http.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK" > > 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484525578Z at src/ > > 2023-06-20T21:58:12.484530286Z LemmyError { message: None, inner: Header is expired, context: "SpanTrace" } > > > > I have more questions/doubt but for now this is enough I think! Thank you!

    gabriele97 gabriele97
    Posts 18
    Comments 139