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rule, innit
  • According to this it's just a coincidence.

  • Forget boomers vs millennials, the next conflict is millennials vs each other
  • This graph really shows how the focus on boomers by millennials and my fellow zoomers is really just a distraction from the real issues of class and wealth inequality.

  • Forget boomers vs millennials, the next conflict is millennials vs each other > […] Demographically and electorally, boomers are now a fading force. And as the targets of millennial ire increasingly recede from view, they may soon be replaced by another privileged, property-owning elite much closer to home: millennials who have benefited from family wealth. > > The millennials vs boomers discourse usually centres on the fact that, despite earning more than their parents’ generation, today’s young adults have been unable to translate that into home ownership and wealth more broadly. In the UK and US alike, the average millennial had accumulated less wealth in real terms by their mid-thirties than the average boomer at the same age. But this aggregate picture obscures what is happening at the top end of the distribution. > > […] > > My analysis finds a similar picture in the UK. The average millennial still has zero housing wealth at a point where the average boomer had been building equity in their first home for several years. But the top 10 per cent of thirtysomethings have £300,000 of property wealth to their names, almost triple where the wealthiest boomers were at the same age. > > So, while it’s true that in both countries the average young adult today is less well off than the average boomer was three decades ago, that deficit is dwarfed by the gap between rich and poor millennials, which is widening every year. > > […] > > The fact that some thirtysomethings now own pricey homes in London, New York and San Francisco, despite it taking the average earner 20 to 30 years to save up the required deposit in these cities, gives away the open secret of millennial success: substantial parental assistance. > > […] > > Bee Boileau and David Sturrock at the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that more than a third of young UK homeowners received help from family. Even among those getting assistance there are huge disparities, with the most fortunate 10th each receiving £170,000, compared with the average gift of £25,000. > > And these gifts are not just one-off boosts; they compound over time. Say a British millennial in the top 10 per cent of gift recipients bought a home with a top 10 per cent price tag. Putting that gift towards their deposit would save them an additional £160,000 over a 25-year mortgage term due to the lower loan-to-value ratio afforded by a larger deposit and the resulting lower interest costs. This doubles the value of the gift received.

    Never beating the "never seen a woman before" allegations.
  • The most embarrassing thing is that they were so proud of this that they watermarked it.

  • Two councillors resign from Labour criticising its lurch to the right
  • I really don't get your position. You keep asserting that Starmer is "electable," but here you acknowledge that his action are alienating to both people within the party and outside of it.

    The only thing Starmer has going for him is extreme luck. If Boris hadn't fucked up Covid so bad and made the Tories so unpopular, I doubt Starmer would have the capabilities to win this election.

  • IFTAS release a guide to help instance admins comply with the Digital Services Act DSA Guide for the Fediverse

    IFTAS is happy to announce the public availability of our DSA Guide for Decentralized Services – a practical guide for small and micro services that are subject to the EU’s Digital Services A…

    DSA Guide for the Fediverse
    Two councillors resign from Labour criticising its lurch to the right
  • It amazing that this "you might not like him, but suck it up to get rid of the Tories" attitude wasn't present when Corbyn was leader. No, it was an endless tide of infighting, coups and splintering. How are we suppose to take these pleas to get rid of the Tories seriously after watching the Labour Right do everything in its power to hand the Tories the last two elections?

  • Two councillors resign from Labour criticising its lurch to the right
  • You consider two councillors that make decisions for just under 300K people to be non-entities? What does someone have to be to be worth reporting on for you?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • NCD leans neocon if anything.

  • What are your complaints about Lemmy?
  • Provide the ability for users to migrate their account and all associated data (posts, comments, moderation actions, saved posts, etc.) from one Lemmy instance to another.

    To implement this feature you'd either have to:

    • Edit the DB entries of every instance to match the new profile;
    • Create copies of the old content on the new instance and federate that out, thus duplicating all the data. You could have it delete the old content, but you'd still need to recreate all the posts and comments.

    Either of these would be very susceptible to abuse. Giving bad actors a button to force instances to run hundreds, potentially thousands, of operations probably isn't the best of ideas.

  • Decisions, decisions.
  • Why not both?

  • Fedi Garden to Instance Admins: “Block Threads to Remain Listed”
  • It's hard to give a direct source because he's deleted quite a bit but this thread has a screenshot.

  • Rule
  • Knuckles say & Sonic trans

  • Fedi Garden to Instance Admins: “Block Threads to Remain Listed”
  • The person who runs it doesn't recommend Lemmy because of the political opinions of its main developers.

    Kinda funny now given that Eugene of Mastodon has signed an NDA with Facebook.

  • Inside the thriving black market for illicit Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Just Eat drivers
  • "People pressed into slavery to deliver takeaway" is the kind of dystopian that fiction can only aspire to. Christ.

  • Announcing Ibis, the federated Wikipedia Alternative
  • Everything is biased. Even saying something as simple as "grass is green" is biased, it has the bias of normal colour perception. I'm colour blind and don't see grass as green.

  • pension rule
  • Writing shit on public toilets is one of humanity's great pastimes.

  • Rooster Teeth Shut Down By Warner Bros. Discovery
  • Damn, someone really didn't like the new episode of Camp Camp.

    Also, please, RWBY my beloved be OK

  • Dutch government scrambling to keep ASML in Netherlands
  • To be fair, an ASML engineer explaining some advanced piece of tech would be great ASMR.

  • Microblog Memes flamingos-cant
    Script kiddies
    [Valdemar Erk] BadAppleFont BadAppleFont

    It is possible to embed a animation into a font, with only a small amount of hacking

    yemen rule
    flamingos flamingos-cant
    Posts 14
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