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vegan graham crackers suggestion?

vegan graham crackers suggestion?


anyone know a brand that sells graham crackers without honey or palm oil? I can't seem to find any that are #PalmOilFree

\#GrahamCrackers #Vegan #PlantBased




"In those metros, pedestrian-centered places are within easy reach of people of color, people with low income, and people with less educational attainment. Cleveland topped the report's "Social Equity Index" rankings; Baltimore, Cincy, Detroit and Philly also made the top 10, while St. Louis landed at number 11."

"Cleveland's current mayor has announced an initiative to transform the Ohio community into a 15-minute city."

\#Cleveland #Urbanism

how to cook plain scrambled JustEgg?

how to cook plain scrambled JustEgg?


I've never cooked scrambled chicken eggs so telling me to do it like that is useless. Their website is terrible (on mobile at least) and search engines don't work like they used to... I just want to know how long until it's cooked, if I need to put oil in the pan, and is a spatula really necessary over a spoon? What's this about flipping and curdling? I'm totally lost here. I've scrambled tofu before- is this the same?

\#PlantBased #Vegan #JustEgg

can an average person use a linux phone?
  • @InFerNo mastodon has shorter character limits than lemmy

  • can an average person use a linux phone?

    can an average person use a linux phone?


    I've been reading some articles about mobile Linux and many of them state one must be an "advanced user" or that the software isn't secure. How true is this?

    I already use Linux on my laptop, but I'm not a software developer or anything like that. Would I be able to slap a new OS onto an old Android phone and be on my way, or would I run into problems?

    \#MobileLinux #Linux #LinuxPhone #FOSS

    Which American city is best for raising free children?

    Which American city is best for raising free children?


    With 90s-and-earlier style independence. Could it be Salt Lake City? Inspired by this:

    "Utah Free Range Parenting Law [...] says that letting your kids play outside, walk to school, wait briefly in the car (under some circumstances) or come home with a latchkey is not neglect unless something else seriously bad is going on."

    \#urbanism #WalkableCities #SaltLakeCity #SLC #Utah #parenting #childhood

    bento recipes and inspiration

    bento recipes and inspiration


    I have a bento box with separate compartments I want to use, but I've never made bento style meals before so I'm looking for ideas.

    \#bento #vegan #PlantBased




    Norea was a daughter of Eve in Gnostic myths. When Noah didn't let her board the ark, she burned it down and he had to re-build it. GWitch's Norea attacking the school is a retelling of this.

    The mythic Norea is later attacked and rescued by a figure named Eleleth. Eleleth -\> Elan 5

    Wikipedia has a good summary:

    Sophie is a ref to Sophia, a huge figure in Gnosticism, but I'm not sure how to interpret her Gundam counterpart.

    \#Gundam #GWitch #Gnosticism

    b12 question

    b12 question


    I normally get a bottle of now brand vitamins simply labelled b12. Yesterday I bought a bottle of the same brand labelled Methyl B12.

    The lozenges are different.They're white with speckles & taste bad, like cough medicine. The other kind is pink & has a cherry flavor that's much better.

    The bottle labeled plain b12 has cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamin & dibencozide. The new bottle has only methylcobalamin. Is there any difference healthwise?


    looking for easy vegan Mexican recipes

    looking for easy vegan Mexican recipes


    I want to learn how to cook Mexican cuisine. I don't know where to start. Authentic or not, IDC, as long as it's tasty. Looking for recipes that don't require a blender or "cheese." I rarely ate dairy even in my pre-vegan days due to a health issue so I don't feel the need to re-create it. If a recipe calls for it but would taste fine without, feel free to recommend it anyway. Suggestions?

    \#vegan #PlantBased #recipes #MexicanFood

    Gardening Tony


    5 #Lemmy communities on 5 different instances. You can follow them all from here on #Mastodon






    duckweed Tony

    Random thoughts from an American zillenial. #fedi22

    Hobbies: trying new #Vegan recipes, being in #Nature, watching #Anime and #Disney cartoons

    Politics: #Pacifist #CovidIsNotOver #CarFreeSpaces #VoteBlue #UniversalHealthcare #UBI #Libraries #Urbanism #Ecosocialism #TaxTheChurches \#FreeHawaii

    Beliefs: likely converting to #UnitarianUniversalist

    Header: Castle, trees and a pool, from the game #Spyro Ripto's Rage

    Avatar: Spyro the purple dragon wearing sunglasses

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