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Can I use 1 hard drive and timeshift for 2 pcs?
  • It's not so much both computers being able to access it.

    From what I have experienced Timeshift tends to lock a drive when it is doing a backup.

    If computer 1 is doing a backup and computer 2 tries to start it's backup it may fail without you noticing.

    Giving each computer their own partition on the drive should alleviate the problem.

  • Can I use 1 hard drive and timeshift for 2 pcs?
  • A partition for each one the drive should work alright, but it may turn to custard if they both try to access the drive at the same time.

  • Deleting Timeshift Snapshots ?
  • To be honest I haven't had the need or the time to delve that deeply into how Timeshift works sorry.

  • Deleting Timeshift Snapshots ?
  • You should be able to highlight the ones that you want to remove then click on the delete button.

    From what I understand is that each backup is just the difference between the original backup and the current system.

  • Unable to post
  • People were using everything you are complaining about to spam CSAM onto a number of communities.

    The admins had to take measures both to protect their users (from having to see that material) and themselves (legally as how Lemmy works the images are stored on their servers in Germany).

  • Unable to post
  • People were using VPN's and anonymous/temp email accounts to spam CSAM onto a number of communities.

    The admins had to take measures both to protect their users (from having to see that material) and themselves (legally as how Lemmy works the images are stored on their servers in Germany).

  • Back animation not working
  • Try closing the app.

    Going to your phones settings > apps > sync > storage & cache > clear cache.

    Then try the app again.

  • Photo manager that deals with RAW and JPG together?
  • Have a look at XNview MP

    I can definitely say that it is avery good photo management program.

    I am only using about 20% of it's features and it is my go to image software.

  • I wonder what goes on in that head. Radio static? Dial-up sounds? A loading bar stuck at 31%?
  • This music interspersed with "Your call is important to us, please continue to hold"

  • Audio broken after uninstalling pipewire
  • From what I understand about pipewire is that it has an API for Jack calls.

    When you removed pipewire it may still be associated with Jack and it's trying to talk to software that isn't there.

    Maybe try reinstalling Jack &/or removing the config files?

  • Audio broken after uninstalling pipewire
  • You will likely need either pulseaudio or pipewire for the audio hardware.

  • What I woke up to this morning
  • "Hello Clarice"

  • [SOLVED] if I copy a ff profile (folder) in a new computer I should see the bookmarks as well, right?
  • What I do is start up Firefox first to create all the first start files then close it and delete everything in the Firefox folder then copy across everything from the original pc.

    Seems to work alright.

  • NZ spent $113m helping build and use US military satellites
  • My guess is they chipped in so they get access to the US military satellite network for our military usage.

    So that when the navy, army or air force are operating away from our shores they have a reliable way of communicating back home and to our allies.

  • Unread Count Says 1, While Inbox is Empty
  • It's possibly a moderated comment.

  • GRUB on 32-bit UEFI (Nextbook 2-in-1)
  • I have had several distros working on the X205TA (I even had a how to guide written up on reddit years ago).

    But I was not able to get a usable system (i.e. being able to use the system without waiting on average 20-120 sec for the device to process an action).

    Life has gotten to the point that the effort to do so is better directed into activities that I would enjoy.

  • GRUB on 32-bit UEFI (Nextbook 2-in-1)
  • To be brutally honest about this, your best bet is to recycle the unit.

    The problems of trying to get a distro to install properly, have all the hardware working right and have a usable experience are not worth the minimal upsides.

    I have an ASUS X205TA which is a similar unit and after trying for countless hours to get a usable device out of it was not going to be worth the headaches plus if I was getting paid for the time I spent on it I could have brought an off lease laptop with better specs.

  • What platform are you playing Minecraft on?
  • You can use Java Minecraft on the Steam deck.

    There are various guides available to install it.

  • What platform are you playing Minecraft on?
  • Java edition using either Prism launcher or the FTB app on Manjaro Linux.

  • Manjaro stable, Snaps not working on Kernel 6.8.4-1

    Just a PSA for anyone beating their head against a wall trying to figure out why snaps are not working on their Manjaro stable install.

    The current top kernel (6.8.4-1) is bugged and causes snaps to give this error:

    error: system does not fully support snapd: cannot mount squashfs image using "squashfs"

    Apparently the newer version of the 6.8 kernel available in Manjaro testing works fine.

    Fixed: Possible corrupted database entry?

    About a day ago this post was made over on

    It has proceeded to cause the Sync for Lemmy app to either fully crash or to crash and restart as reported here.

    Upon testing it doesn't appear to be the image as when posting, the PNG image link, WEBP image link, embeding the PNG image or WEBP image, Sync can open or view the image without issue.

    Edit: Sync has been fixed.

    But the mystery gets deeper as the above testing works fine when using the default "" interface but when I attempt to post a link to the image using the "" interface it crashes to what appears to be the webpage within the comment section (as shown here).

    This is what I was attempting to post ("" - Worked, "" - Malfunction).

    ``` Test link Test

    This is a test link to see if it is the image ```

    I am using Firefox 123.0 on Manjaro 23.1.3

    Could you please have a look into this.

    dr_jekell Dr Jekell
    Posts 2
    Comments 124