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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • Tim Walz and JD Vance Vice President Debate Watch Party @ 9 PM Eastern Time

    For the Trump v Biden Debate we have around 200 users chatting. For the Trump v Kamala Debate we had around 160 users. I'm not sure how many people will be interested in the VP debate.

    I am playing it on this channel because the other channel uses peertube, which can potentially share your IP address to other users. This channel will not have peertube.

    I will have news commentary playing in the channel before the debate and potentially after the debate as well.

  • DPRK Foreign Ministry condemns Israel for terrorist acts against Lebanon

    > # Spokesperson for Foreign Ministry of DPRK Gives Answers > >Pyongyang, October 1 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA on Tuesday as regards the fact that Israel's recent large-scale military attack and terrorist acts against Lebanon caused huge casualties: > >Israel is resorting to massacre, terrorism and assassination, talking about the "right to self-defence" and "security". Its brutality and shamelessness are arousing great hatred and resentment of the international community. > >It is a hideous war crime and unethical crime that Israel killed many civilians by committing indiscriminate military attack and terrorist acts against Lebanon. > >Not content with the thrice-cursed massacre that stunned the world people in Gaza Strip of Palestine, Israel which is now encroaching upon the right of the Arab people to existence in the Middle East including Lebanon and the U.S. manipulating it are, indeed, the cancer-like entities of regional peace and stability and the common enemy of the Arab people. > >The key to ensuring durable peace in the region of the Middle East is to guarantee the legitimate national right of the Palestinian people to establishing an independent state and put an end to Israel's invasion and hostile acts against the Arab countries as soon as possible. > >We strongly denounce Israel which is expanding its large-scale massacre of innocent civilians to the whole Middle East and the organizational heinous terrorist acts of the U.S. which guards the former, and express invariable support and solidarity to the Arab people in their struggle for defending sovereignty, right to existence and territorial integrity. -0- > (Juche113.10.1.)

    (cw: slur) Kelly: Baby, I'm-A Haunt You
  • wow that's the first time that I am learning this. I had assumed that the random american cartoonist was a radical marxist based on cartoons that they had drawn for a satirical internet newspaper. (me if I was delusional)

    it's an internet comic. sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. it's safe to say that 95% of web comics are made by liberals. it's okay to laugh at comics.

  • NSFW
    (cw: slur) Kelly: Baby, I'm-A Haunt You
  • it's the onion. it's a parody of right wing cartoonists. it's like parody Ben Garrison.

    the comic in the OP is meant to being making fun of the way that conservative men view women. the same people are in both panels and the adult son resembles the man, same clothing and hair. the comic says "forge a relationship with my adult son", however it safe to say that the son belongs to both of them. the comic portrays the man as the victim, despite him being an absent father to his own son.

  • New Matt Christman photo

    Sister wanted some 1 gallon glass bottles. They're $10 each online, but the local liquor store sells identical bottles filled with wine for $11 each lol 😂🍷🥴
  • As someone who was once in the same situation. The one gallon jugs that you buy for $10 are designed to fit a rubber plug on the mouth and all the mouths are the same size. The $11 jugs that you buy which are filled with wine don't have a consistent mouth size, so you might need to buy different sized rubber plugs for each. It's not a huge problem, but it is a slight inconvenience.

  • how should/could laundry work?
  • As to washing up! Where can we find a housewife who has not a horror of this long and dirty work, that is usually done by hand, solely because the work of the domestic slave is of no account.

    In America they do better. There are already a number of cities in which hot water is conveyed to the houses as cold water is in Europe. Under these conditions the problem was a simple one, and a woman – Mrs. Cochrane – solved it. Her machine washes twelve dozen plates or dishes, wipes them and dries them, in less than three minutes. A factory in Illinois manufactures these machines and sells them at a price within reach of the average middle-class purse. And why should not small households send their crockery to an establishment as well as their boots? It is even probable that the two functions, brushing and washing up, will be undertaken by the same association.

    Cleaning, rubbing the skin off your hands when washing and wringing linen; sweeping floors and brushing carpets, thereby raising clouds of dust which afterwards occasion much trouble to dislodge from the places where they have settled down, all this work is still done because woman remains a slave, but it tends to disappear as it can be infinitely better done by machinery. Machines of all kinds will be introduced into households, and the distribution of motor-power in private houses will enable people to work them without muscular effort.

    Such machines cost little to manufacture. If we still pay very much for them, it is because they are not in general use, and chiefly because an exorbitant tax is levied upon every machine by the gentlemen who wish to live in grand style and who have speculated on land, raw material, manufacture, sale, patents, and duties.

    But emancipation from domestic toil will not be brought about by small machines only. Households are emerging from their present state of isolation; they begin to associate with other households to do in common what they did separately.

    In fact, in the future we shall not have a brushing machine, a machine for washing up plates, a third for washing linen, and so on, in each house. To the future, on the contrary, belongs the common heating apparatus that sends heat into each room of a whole district and spares the lighting of fires. It is already so in a few American cities. A great central furnace supplies all houses and all rooms with hot water, which circulates in pipes; and to regulate the temperature you need only turn a tap. And should you care to have a blazing fire in any particular room you can light the gas specially supplied for heating purposes from a central reservoir. All the immense work of cleaning chimneys and keeping up fires – and woman knows what time it takes – is disappearing.

    Candles, lamps, and even gas have had their day. There are entire cities in which it is sufficient to press a button for light to burst forth, and, indeed, it is a simple question of economy and of knowledge to give yourself the luxury of electric light. And lastly, also in America, they speak of forming societies for the almost complete suppression of household work. It would only be necessary to create a department for every block of houses. A cart would come to each door and take the boots to be blacked, the crockery to be washed up, the linen to be washed, the small things to be mended (if it were worth while), the carpets to be brushed, and the next morning would bring back the things entrusted to it, all well cleaned. A few hours later your hot coffee and your eggs done to a nicety would appear on your table. It is a fact that between twelve and two o’clock there are more than twenty million Americans and as many Englishmen who eat roast beef or mutton, boiled pork, potatoes and a seasonable vegetable. And at the lowest figure eight million fires burn during two or three hours to roast this meat and cook these vegetables; eight million women spend their time preparing a meal which, taking all households, represents at most a dozen different dishes.

    “Fifty fires burn,” wrote an American woman the other day, “where one would suffice!” Dine at home, at your own table, with your children, if you like; but only think yourself, why should these fifty women waste their whole morning to prepare a few cups of coffee and a simple meal! Why fifty fires, when two people and one single fire would suffice to cook all these pieces of meat and all these vegetables? Choose your own beef or mutton to be roasted if you are particular. Season the vegetables to your taste if you prefer a particular sauce! But have a single kitchen with a single fire and organize it as beautifully as you are able to.

    Why has woman’s work never been of any account? Why in every family are the mother and three or four servants obliged to spend so much time at what pertains to cooking? Because those who want to emancipate mankind have not included woman in their dream of emancipation, and consider it beneath their superior masculine dignity to think “of those kitchen arrangements,” which they have put on the shoulders of that drudge – woman.

    To emancipate woman, is not only to open the gates of the university, the law courts, or the parliaments to her, for the “emancipated” woman will always throw her domestic toil on to another woman. To emancipate woman is to free her from the brutalizing toil of kitchen and washhouse; it is to organize your household in such a way as to enable her to rear her children, if she be so minded, while still retaining sufficient leisure to take her share of social life.

    It will come. As we have said, things are already improving. Only let us fully understand that a revolution, intoxicated with the beautiful words, Liberty, Equality, Solidarity, would not be a revolution if it maintained slavery at home. Half humanity subjected to the slavery of the hearth would still have to rebel against the other half.

    Conquest of Bread, Chapter 10.2

    This is a utopian answer, but you asked a utopian question. I couldn't find a Marxist who wrote about this.

  • Legalizing Sports Gambling Was a Huge Mistake
  • I don't want a state to tell me what I can and can't do with my personal life as long as I'm not doing harm to anyone else.

    Here's why this take is wrong. Gambling is never a "I'm not doing harm to anyone else" situation. Gambling is always a material relationship between 2 people or more people. You may feel like gambling is a personal situation because of alienation, but it is not. If you are playing a slot machine for example, you are in a material relationship with the slot machine owner. In this situation, the slot machine owner has a power advantage over you and is exploiting you. In cases of sportsbetting or card games, you are doing material transfers between people over arbitrary terms and the casino owner is always taking a cut. Gambling is always harming someone else. If you win at gambling, it is because you harmed someone else. If you lose at gambling, then it is because someone else harmed you.

    To go further into why into why gambling is an exploitative relationship. Gambling is a transfer of unearned value. Money is a representation of value. Value comes from performing labor. When you are a proletarian and sell your labor, you are receiving money (a material representation of value) in exchange for your labor, usually the money you receive is worth less than the value of labor you performed. When you gamble, you are not doing any labor (you are not producing anything) but you are potentially receiving money. You receive money from speculation. In selling your labor, you receive value equal or less than the value you produce with labor. In gambling, you receive value for producing no value. This is the same reason why the bourgeoisie is a parasitic class, because they extract value without producing value.

  • Who's gonna win America's Next Top Grifter
  • This poster has twice as many cranks on it since the last time it was posted a week ago. The crank roster doubled in a week.

    // I went to their twitter and found that the image in the OP is also slightly out of date, September 16. The new roster now also includes Jordan Peterson and Brandon Straka.

  • Palantir CTO basically confirming their involvement in Israel's pager attack
  • It was over 3000 pagers that exploded. This article tries to explain it.

    The evidence so far suggests that Hezbollah acquired the pagers around February when the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, ordered members to stop using cellphones because they could be easily intercepted and monitored by Israeli intelligence.

    In this case, Magnier said, the pagers procured by Hezbollah were with a third party and they sat at a port for three months, awaiting clearances, before they were finally moved to the Lebanese group.

    Hezbollah suspects that it was during those three months that Israel managed to plant explosives in the devices, the military analyst said.

    A Lebanese security source and another source told the Reuters news agency that the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, planted explosives in 5,000 pagers that Hezbollah had ordered months before the explosions. The sources said a code was simultaneously sent to 3,000 of the pagers, triggering the explosions.

  • Endorsements just keep pouring in
  • Project 2025 was created by the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation was a policy adviser for the Ronald Reagan presidency. In 1981, the Heritage Foundation published a listed of over 2000 policy recommendations for the Reagan Administration. By the Heritage Foundation own admission, Ronald Reagan was able to implement over 60% of the Heritage Foundation policy recommendations during his presidency. Ronald Reagan and Project 2025 are cut from the same cloth.

    https: // www.heritage .org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership

  • Trump is ‘safe following gunshots in his vicinity,’ campaign says in statement | CNN Politics
  • In June 2022, Ryan Routh hung Taiwan flags in Kyiv to display that Taiwan had support for Ukraine. You could not create a more NATO guy in a lab.

    Ryan Routh, told CNA that he posted the flags to pay tribute to the nations that have citizens fighting in Ukraine's foreign legion

    Routh said there have been no protests about the presence of the Taiwan flag so far, but even if China is dissatisfied, "I can order another 1,000, they can't touch my flags."

    He came to Kyiv more than two months ago to show his support for Ukraine and wanted to join the foreign legion

    However, due to his age, he was unable to do so

    Routh has assisted in recruiting 70 volunteers to join the fight against Russia.

    He told the news agency that he included Taiwan's flag because he had met at least five Taiwanese volunteers serving in the legion over the past two months

  • Kim Jong Un inspects production of materials for nuclear weapons
  • Other photos

    Another related article from DPRK

    Press Statement by Spokesperson for Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry

    Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday released the following press statement "The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region":

    The U.S. and its vassal forces held the second defense authority meeting between the ROK and member nations of the "UN Command" on September 10.

    Their moves to revitalize a tool for war and confrontation, which usurped the signboard of the UN, on the Korean peninsula are arousing a serious concern of the international community.

    Another anti-DPRK confrontation confab was held in the name of the "UN Command" whose dismantlement was declared by the international community decades ago. This is an insult to the inviolable UN and the UN Charter and one more important occasion judging who is the illegal force inciting military conflict in the Korean peninsula.

    A "joint statement" adopted after the meeting shows that the U.S. is buckling down to drawing member states of the "UN Command" into different joint military drills of aggressive nature to make them proficient in its-led war scenario and substantially enhance their capabilities to fight a war.

    Terming the U.S. and its vassal forces' confrontational movement an extremely dangerous political and military provocation that causes security imbalance and escalates the danger of war in the Korean peninsula and the region, we resolutely denounce and reject it.

    The expansion of the "UN Command" is a prelude to the establishment of "NATO of Asian version" which will result in pushing the Asia-Pacific region deeper into the structure of new cold war, not easing the military tensions in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    When taking into consideration the fact that the revival of the "UN Command" is further increasing the possibility of military conflict in the Korean peninsula by stirring up the war hysteria of the ROK military gangsters running amuck in the military confrontation with the DPRK, the danger of such moves can never be overlooked.

    Moreover, if countries in different regions take part in the moves to revive the "UN Command", blindly following the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, military conflict in the Korean peninsula will not be confined to the one between the DPRK and the U.S. but will inevitably lead to the start of a new world war.

    It is an essential requirement for the national security and the region's peaceful development to steadily improve the strategic force capable of deterring and weakening the hostile countries' will for war provocation.

    The U.S. and its vassal countries' collective military confrontation against the DPRK will serve as a motive and catalyst for accelerating the formation and development of a just strategic axis that thoroughly disallows the imbalance of power in the Korean peninsula and the region.

    The DPRK will steadily take a new strategic counteraction to contain and frustrate the reckless confrontation moves of the hostile forces to disturb peace and stability in the Korean peninsula by mobilizing the illegal war organization. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)

  • Kim Jong Un inspects production of materials for nuclear weapons

    > # Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Nuclear Weapons Institute and Production Base of Weapons-grade Nuclear Materials > >Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the Nuclear Weapons Institute and the production base of weapons-grade nuclear materials, acquainted himself with the production of nuclear warheads and the current production of nuclear materials and set forth important tasks concerning a long-term plan for increasing the production of weapons-grade nuclear materials. > >He was accompanied by Hong Sung Mu, first deputy department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea. > >He highly praised the scientists, technicians and officials in the field of nuclear weapons production for carrying out without fail the plan for producing weapons-grade nuclear materials needed for manufacturing nuclear warheads, cherishing the firm and steadfast revolutionary spirit and faith to firmly defend the victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche with the strongest nuclear force. > >He went round the control room of the uranium enrichment base to learn about the operation of production lines in all aspects. > >He expressed great satisfaction after being briefed on the fact that the base is dynamically producing nuclear materials by studying, developing and introducing all the system elements including centrifugal separators and various kinds of sensors and controllers with its own efforts and technology. > >Personally looking round the production site, he said that it is invigorating to see the place, and continued: In order to exponentially multiply the nuclear weapons for self-defence true to the Party's line of building the nuclear force, it is necessary to further increase the number of centrifuges, not content with the successes achieved, and, at the same time, to enhance the individual separation ability of the centrifuge and push forward with the introduction of a new-type centrifuge, which has already reached the completion stage, as planned, so as to consolidate the foundation for producing weapons-grade nuclear materials. > >Going round the construction site for expanding the capacity for the current production of nuclear weapons, he learned in detail about the daily plan for the assembly of equipment. > >Expressing great satisfaction repeatedly over the great technological capabilities of the nuclear power field of the DPRK, he said that the WPK has set forth a new important strategy for building up the nuclear force, believing in the combatants in the nuclear power field who have turned out as one with an ardent mind to open up a broad avenue for the revolutionary cause of Juche on the strength of nuclear weapons. The red nuclear scientists faithful to the Party should implement the Party's policy of nuclear force building unconditionally and without an inch of deflection with their strong faith and high practical ability, he encouraged. > >Noting that anti-DPRK nuclear threat moves of the U.S. imperialists and their vassal forces have become more undisguised and crossed the red-line, he said the security environment facing the DPRK, the peculiarity of the Korean revolution compelling the country to constantly confront the U.S. and contain it and prospective threats require the DPRK to steadily expand and bolster up its military capability for self-defence and the capability for preemptive attack with the nuclear force as the backbone. He stressed again that a more rapid and sure advance should be made in the struggle to always maintain the thoroughgoing counteraction posture of the nuclear force and improve the posture to a high level. > >The combatants in the field of nuclear weapons production, assuming the most important responsibility, that is, the historic mission to bolster up the nuclear war deterrent of the country in quality and quantity and in a sustained and accelerated way, should keep exerting themselves in production and thus more creditably fulfil the sacred duty they took on for the Party and the revolution, he instructed. > >He stressed the need to set a higher long-term goal in producing nuclear materials necessary for the manufacture of tactical nuclear weapons and concentrate all efforts on making a fresh leap forward, and set forth important tasks and orientation. > >Upon receiving his on-site instructions, all the nuclear combatants made a firm determination to make a great leap forward in implementing the Party's nuclear strategy and line by absolutely and firmly guaranteeing the continuous and successful birth of powerful Korean-style nuclear weapons, bearing in mind the deep trust of Kim Jong Un, who put them forward on the outpost of the sacred struggle as he further bolsters the world’s strongest nuclear arsenal which will steadfastly defend the independent development of the state, the happy life and safety of the people and the road ahead for the Juche revolution. -0- > (Juche113.9.13.)

    Nightmare blunt rotation
  • It is so funny that this is being headlined by Skillet. In the mid 2000s, Skillet was promoted as a wholesome christian rock band for teens who like rock music.

    Human Garage isn't even music, but the other performances are all music. Human Garage is some new age spiritual medicine youtube channel that has videos called like How to Reset Your Organs with Simple Breathing Exercises.

  • people don't like my bot, it's going to be against TOS to be against it
  • It appears to be a centrism bot. "Media Bias/Fact Check (MBFC) is an independent website that has promoted awareness of media bias and misinformation by rating the bias, factual accuracy, and credibility of media sources"

    The bot tells users that US government funded propaganda organizations like Radio Free Asia is "Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High" and Voice of America is "Least Biased - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High"

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua

    Today @ 9 PM EST, I will be playing the Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris Debate at the link above. I played the Biden v Trump debate on the same channel. For the Biden v Trump debate, we had around 200 hexbear users in the chat. Before/after the debate, I will play news and commentary related to the debate. The video feed will be streamed from youtube.

    I am choosing to not watch the debate on /c/movies because of their usage of peertube (tankietube). Before the debate they are playing Sopranos from peertube. Using peertube exposes your IP address to other users which is why their thread mentions using a VPN. Peertube will not be allowed in the channel that I linked.

  • Why the Chinese are Dissatisfied with Black Myth: Wukong
  • CGTN has released a dozen videos onto youtube promoting Black Myth Wukong. Why would Chinese media promote a game that is unliked by China?

    Who is even the author of this article? No author is listed. It says it is an opinion piece. Whose opinion is this? There is a reference link to a quora-like website, but the link is an unrelated question. The question on Zhihu asks people how they feels about a video on bilibili called "Who wrote journey to the west?", which doesn't seem specifically about the game. The commentor on Zhihu seems to be someone who doesn't like the story of "Journey to the West", not specifically the game.

  • I bricked my Linux install
  • I went to the repo manager and added a bunch of repos until I saw more up to date versions of VLC and other programs in the package manager, then used AntiX Updater again and said yes to the over 1,200 updates.

    Debian tells us that you should never add repositories to a Debian distro. It's the first rule on the Don't Break Debian page. "don't make a franken-debian"

    Third party repositories could have malware or be compiled incorrectly for your system.

    Also 1200 package updates means that probably every package on your OS was replaced. Your computer reenacted the Ship of Theseus. There's probably no AntiX left in your system.

  • NIH shuts down Havana syndrome research after finding that patients were coerced to join

    >An internal review board at the National Institutes of Health has decided to shut down a long-term study of Havana Syndrome patients that found no signs of brain injuries, after several participants complained of mishandled medical data, bias and pressures to join the research. > >A spokeswoman for NIH said the internal review found that “informed consent” policies to join the study “were not met due to coercion, although not on the part of NIH researchers.” > >“Given the role of voluntary consent as a fundamental pillar of the ethical conduct of research, NIH has stopped the study out of an abundance of caution,” said Jennifer George. She did not say who coerced the patients.

    >Despite that assessment, at least 334 former and active government employees, military officers and relatives, including 15 children, have qualified to get treatment for Havana Syndrome in specialized military health facilities, according to a report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. To be eligible for treatment in the military health system, a doctor must certify a brain injury or other significant symptoms that a known cause or a pre-existing condition cannot explain. > >The NIH research examined MRIs and blood markers of people exposed to the incidents and found no evidence of mild traumatic brain injuries, contradicting earlier studies. It published its first results in March in two papers in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

    The CIA gave a statement to CNN.

    > A CIA official said the agency takes “any claim of coercion, or perceived coercion, extremely seriously and fully cooperated with NIH’s review of this matter, and have offered access to any information requested.” > >The official told CNN the CIA Inspector General is aware of the NIH’s findings and the prior related allegations. > >“We greatly value the efforts of the scientific community to better understand these reported health incidents. CIA remains committed to ensuring continued access to care for affected officers and to fully investigating any reports of health incidents,” the official said in a statement.

    Give him the aux cord

    Newly released Kamala Harris ad brags that she has a tougher border policy than Trump

    transcript >On the Border, the choice is simple. >Kamala Harris supports increasing the number of border patrol agents. >Donald Trump blocked a bill to increase the number of border patrol agents. >Kamala Harris supports investing in new technology to block fentanyl from entering the country. >Donald Trump blocked funding for technology to block fentanyl from entering the country. >Kamala Harris supports spending more money to stop human traffickers. >Donald Trump blocked money to stop human traffickers. >Kamala Harris prosecuted transnational gang members and got them sentenced to prison. >Trump is trying to avoid being sentenced to prison >There's two choices in this election: >The one who will fix our broken immigration system and the one who's trying to stop her.

    14000 Unionized Disneyland workers just won a 31% pay raise after threatening to strike

    'White Dudes for Harris' fundraiser raised $4 million for Kamala Harris campaign

    full event video

    The event had celebrity guests such as Mark Hamill, Josh Groban, Bradley Whitford, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Sean Astin, Paul Scheer, Jeff Bridges, J.J. Abrams, maybe more

    Politicians who participated were Pete Buttigieg, Roy Cooper, JB Pritzer, and Tim Walz.

    They had a twitter account but it is mysteriously banned.

    Path of Exile new expansion "Settlers of Kalguur" launches in 2 hours from now Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur - Path of Exile

    Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.

    Path of Exile: Settlers of Kalguur - Path of Exile

    this is probably the biggest path of exile expansion ever

    Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California | CNN Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California | CNN

    California Gov. Gavin Newsom, buoyed by a recent US Supreme Court decision, issued an executive order Thursday calling on state officials to begin taking down homeless encampments.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California | CNN
    Fetterman is willing to wear a suit to support genocide

    Pictured are John Fetterman, Kirsten Sinema, and Joe Manchin applauding a war criminal.

    Seven major unions send letter to Biden demanding that all military aid to Israel is halted

    >“Our unions are hearing the cries of humanity as this vicious war continues,” said Mark Dimondstein, the president of the postal workers’ union, in a statement. “Working people and our unions are horrified that our tax dollars are financing this ongoing tragedy. We need a cease-fire now, and the best way to secure that is to shut off U.S. military aid to Israel.” (mirror of nyt)

    Secret Service director resigns after Trump assassination attempt

    14000 Disneyland workers voted in favor to authorize strike, strike date to be determined Disneyland workers vote to authorize strike, citing unfair labor practice during bargaining period

    The authorization does not mean a strike will happen immediately and both sides could reach a deal. If a strike does happen, it would be the first at Disneyland in 40 years.

    Disneyland workers vote to authorize strike, citing unfair labor practice during bargaining period

    >The authorization does not mean a strike will happen immediately and both sides could reach a deal. If a strike does happen, it would be the first at Disneyland in 40 years.

    >The bargaining committee said it is committed to negotiations on Monday and Tuesday, but said the strike authorization allows it to call a strike at any time.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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