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DPRK extracts flight logs from crashed ROK drone found in Pyongyang, promises a merciless offensive if sovereignty infringed again
  • I wonder if the ROK has been getting high off their own (and of course the US) propaganda about how backwards DPRK and its people are. They just believe that folks in DPRK are too stupid to even know how to pull data. Which in a way kind of gives DPRK a small edge in being able to use such stereotyping to catch their enemies slipping. Like the quote about if you are weak appear strong and if you are strong to appear weak. The US showed many times how such a headspace of just assuming that fighters in so many "third-world" nations/areas are dumb and can't possibly be tactical. Shit always backfires.

  • It's nice that some Tomb Raider fans still have some sense.
  • That looks like if Lara Croft was in Hellsing or Black Lagoon. Pretty dope style.

  • How Xi’s crackdown turned China’s finance high-flyers into ‘rats’
  • I unironically didn't even realize this was supposed to be a "China bad" piece until the end (I read the post's text and didn't go to the site). lol They might get some passes from the gov if they preemptively were to cut their greed levels of pay and split it into raises to the workers. I love to see people who seem to go out of their way to flaunt how rich they are get yeeted.

  • To bro or not to bro lol.
  • There are a lot of books that don't have (and likely not going to have) audiobook versions. So there is some use for getting better text to speech with the extra stuff an AI could add. And of course have accessibility options that don't have such robotic sounding with bad pronunciation.

    That being said, shit is about profits first and the other stuff is not the focus. While I would love to listen to some books with the voice of the authors (or even could be neat to hear voices of podcasters I like read them). I would rather hear hear them read by people that either just really like it as a hobby or wanting to practice voice acting if the authors/podcasters aren't in control of their voice an AI is using. Which reminds me that I should check LibriVox for some non-official audiobooks that I want to read but am too busy to do so.

  • ‘People are sick of the bullshit in here’: Journalist confronts Matthew Miller on US foreign policy
  • It is wild how both wings of the capitalist party keep managing to one-up each other in presenting/supporting folks that are copies of dystopian movie villains. Like just over the top caricatures of of evil mega-corp baddies in Robocop or something. Trump folks back a "big-shot fuck over everyone to get to the top" character that is freaking tropes for days in the context of movies. Yet they believe beyond all belief that he is actually a hero "fighting for the every man" against corruption. The libs blindly believe that their entitled fake "from these streets" VP is actually even concerned about helping real people and not just as much a trope as Trump. Then we have the most needing to have his face mutilated Matthew Miller mouth peace of the empire promoting genocide.

    Movie villains like these fucks are made so over the top to be clear that they are evil. To the point that viewers of said movies laugh at how stupid the populations in them are for supporting them in the first place. Just like how people today can't believe how average Germans or Italians would be so dumb to allow fascists to take over. Even if I weren't a leftist, I would still be weirded out by how fucking sad this shit is (and still think how much I want someone to just fuck up Miller's whole face).

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • You are not wrong and I agree 100%. It doesn't seem to change things with regards to the fascists anyway.

  • U.S. senator tells Arab American advocate to "hide her head in a bag" during a hate crimes hearing.
  • "Do you support Hamas?"

    "I do not support Hamas."


    I hope that he is given the same treatment that the IOF has given so many Palestinians when the revolution comes.

  • can i get a rundown on rojava?
  • I agree that they seem to have just taken the US support as a massive attempt to both get their cause seen by more people (which is helpful in changing hearts and minds away from the "they are PPK and PKK are 'terrorists'" which was how they were presented by even US propaganda). And to use the really good opportunity in the fight against ISIS to get any and all supplies they could from the US in order to keep their area defended for the inevitable attacks from Türkiye after ISIS. Though I am not sure how many weapons and other defense related items they were able to get (but supplies are supplies). They still need to make sure to walk the fine lines with the Syrian government to be sure.

    The most fucked thing that they have been left with is the ISIS prisoners and their families. The longer that those massive numbers of people are left in limbo due to all the nations that they originated from not wanting to take them back. The worse shit will be when those folks break out of containment. Shit would be great to use by Türkiye especially as an excuse to "legitimately" invade. Which means brutal genocide of the Kurds from both sides. And if the open air prisons go on long enough, it will be easy for bad-faith actors to eventually paint them as doing what Israel is doing with Gaza/West Bank. Which isn't what they are doing, but multiple generations of families being imprisoned (even if said prisons weren't setup by the Kurds for that length of time in mind) for crimes against humanity that the new generation didn't commit will be easy to use for propaganda.

    The Kurds are resourceful, but trying to figure out how to allow people out without it turning into a bloodbath is beyond fucked. It might have been easier (and still beyond fucked) to have not taken prisoners and kill anyone and everyone that flew the ISIS flag before "victory" was claimed. They know that a majority of prisoners actively plan and openly speak about the torture and murder they will commit if they are able to get out. Which I imagine is what the long term goal of Türkiye and other hostile powers wish to make happen. The nations that want to keep their hands clean of bringing ISIS families back home to have to deal with are fine with Kurds being killed. Just like how the US and the West have done with green-washing themselves by pushing shit off onto "third world" nations.

  • Chat, is it creepy to have a totally unjustified crush
  • Just be careful about it becoming full on limerence. A random crush is nothing to worry about, as that is just something that happens. You also might just be excited to have met a new friend and are only really noticing it because they are a woman. Which you are tripping over yourself to not to come off as a de-gen. Not a bad thing of course, but can be awkward if you go too far out of your way with it. Just try to treat them like you would your regular friends and other people you already interact with (or how you would like to be treated for that matter). And like others have said, you are beating yourself up.

  • I wonder if this would at least really fuck with AI face detection cameras.

  • What does the US need? Tell us - Tim Walz.
  • Seems that his own words should mean that the Dems should actually be doing everything possible to help third parties elevated. If he and the Dems really and truly cared about stopping the very party that they constantly say is both fascist and overall evil/threat to freedom. Then they should be actively push through full access of at least the Green Party. Which they don't want, even if it means constantly moving to the right. Fuck them and their fake concern and fear mongering. They show their true colours by how they reacted to the Trump shooting. If he is truly the "biggest threat to actual freedom" then they should have said nothing at the very least.

  • Wargames show the US could burn through its ammo in 'as few as 3 to 4 weeks' in a war with China, commission warns
  • Them admitting this just seems to be the same tactics that are meant to be "scary" and create false demand for more money. With it being an election year and all, it means the corpo parties will both trip over each other to provide blank checks. Like always.

  • psa be extremely careful what you say online for a while, maybe forever
  • I just figured that a server would show as a space and have the rooms listed. But I am also not a big Matrix user and after reading your reply, I did check the spaces I have joined and they do seem to be from the default Matrix server. I also just noticed that even though I joined the vetting questions and answers rooms that someone that joined after me gave answers. But I don't see any questions provided since I joined like 48hrs ago being sent to me. So I might just make a second account via the actual server. Just noticed that the Element app seems to not have a multi account option. So will just need to either be logging in and out to check for stuff in my current stuff. Or maybe find a new app that can allow quick changing between accounts. Thanks though for replying.

  • psa be extremely careful what you say online for a while, maybe forever
  • I am trying to load the server on Element. Was looking at the info from the sidebar about how to join. But I am missing something I think. It says that if I am using my account from the default matrix server that I need an email. But it doesn't say where I need to use that in order to find the server to join. I can manage to search and find individual rooms, but not like a main way to have the server itself with the subrooms show up. Do you happen to know what I might be missing?

  • Eye witness account of the Trump shooter
  • Getting the feeling that this will be both the US fascist equivalent of both the Reichstag fire and the faked Polish invasion of Germany. The fascists of both parties will be tripping over themselves to hand all power over.

  • NSFW
    (CW: Transphobia) The New York Crimes: Why We Should Kill All **** by Pamela Paul
  • TIL. Which further proves how the right of the faiths like to leave that shit out and act like shit is evil.

  • CNN interviewed some North Korean boy scouts playing a shooting game and the reporter asked them "I'm an American - do you want to shoot me?" and the kid said "Yes".
  • Thanks, that shit is hilarious. They really focus on the anti-US stuff, but never want to see why folks in the DPRK would feel that way after the "bomb them to the stone-age" shit we did. Let alone the forced bans on DPRK being able to freely deal with other nations. Good reminder of how gleefully ignorant and indoctrinated our own government supported propaganda mouthpieces are.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • If you have a need to have an MS account but want to set your Documents, Desktop, and Pictures folders back to the old local versions instead of OneDrive taking over. I have found using this to be very helpful when helping customers that don't want to use it and avoid the headache of running out of the free storage. Obviously making a local user after getting into Windows the first time would also work. But it is always good to have fallback options for folks that Linux isn't an option for whatever reason.

    If a folder has been taken over by OneDrive it will give a path that shows OneDrive like C\Users\User\OneDrive\Desktop instead of %USERPROFILE%\Desktop so just remove everything before the \ and replace it with %USERPROFILE%

    One thing to keep in mind though. If you already have data present while it is set to OneDrive, it might make your stuff look like it is gone. But you can download/copy the files from the actual OneDrive folders into the regular folders after.

  • California voters may get chance to upgrade charges for some crimes
  • They were able to see how fucked up the war on drugs was with regards to weed (and of course alcohol). And they want to make bad shit like addiction even worse by further fucking over people. Just more of the right-liberal alliance just putting more people behind bars for addiction and the crime of being poor. No changing of the material conditions that create both issues. Of course the rich and famous will not be impacted. They get to just go to cushy "rehab centres" and make donations to the pigs (which are always on call to remove the "untouchables" from sight).