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À la ministre Duranceau À la ministre Duranceau

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À la ministre Duranceau
Ingérence : Singh accuse des parlementaires de « traîtrise » Ingérence : Singh accuse des parlementaires de « traîtrise »

Contrairement à la cheffe du Parti vert, le chef du NPD s'est dit « alarmé » après avoir lu le rapport confidentiel du CPSNR sur l'ingérence étrangère.

Ingérence : Singh accuse des parlementaires de « traîtrise »
Est-ce qu'on a un serveur Matrix?
  • Oh!!! On avait eu la même idée ça a l'air.

    Je ne savais pas que ça existait. Merci du lien!!!

    Edit: À date c'est juste Mastodon et PeerTube et email.

    Ça prendrai aussi une instance de Diaspora et Pixelfed en plus de Matrix. Ça ferait pas mal le tour.

  • Sans aucun doute, une de mes bières préférées. La Lazer Lager

    Une belle lager blonde légère et rafraîchissante. Parfaite pour boire en apéro durant les chaudes journées d'été.

    My first experience being very high. Is that normal?
  • Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm definitely feeling this "afterglow" or brain fog. I dunno how I feel about it. All I know is that it shut down all my anxiety inducing thoughts. I've been doing through a rough bit with my family and been quite depressed for two months now. So I guess having my mind quiet really helps in that regard.

    I'll definitely be careful next time. Especially since my girlfriend depends on me to drive her to places sometimes. I dunno want to drive under any influence.

  • My first experience being very high. Is that normal?

    Ok so I had a pretty bad experience yesterday.

    I'm using cannabis oil that I take orally. One is a sativa based oil that's delivered via a small pump that shoots measured dosages of 0.2 mg I think. The other is an indica based oil with CBD delivered via a syringe drip where you can measure how much you take. Both have THC. I use maybe 0.2 mg per use normally. Sometimes 0.3 with the indica. I use it mostly for anxiety or insomnia problems.

    Yesterday, I had a pretty high level of pain from a tendon wound when I woke up and instead of taking pain killers I decided to use my sativa oil. But the pump didn't spray properly a couple of times so I pumped a couple more good doses. I ended up taking twice the dosage apparently or maybe more? This was around 10am. Anyway, around 12 I was really starting to feel a strong buzz and then by 2 I was fucking tripping hard. Dizziness, everything spinning, extreme fatigue, cotton mouth, and it felt like my whole head was tingling like I had bees in there. My face was pale and I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to lie down and sleep and eventually around 5-6pm I came back to a light buzz and by 8pm I a starting to feel normal again.

    I'm still feeling out of it this morning. Like it's not completely out of my system.

    Is that normal? Is it supposed to feel this way? I've never used cannabis until recently so I'm pretty new to this. Is the effect more intense and longer because it was taken orally?

    How is it different from smoking? How strong is the effect and how long does it last when you smoke?

    Update: As someone else mentioned, after getting this high, you get kind of an afterglow for a couple of days. I've definitely been feeling it. I've felt really smooth for a few days now. But I'm extremely tired. I feel like I'm not getting good quality sleep.

    Today I'm feeling a bit more normal, 3 days after the experience. I'm glad there's so hangover like you get from alcohol.

    Le chemin de croix de la protection du patrimoine Le chemin de croix de la protection du patrimoine

    Les obstacles demeurent nombreux pour les villes du Québec qui souhaitent protéger leurs bâtiments historiques.

    Le chemin de croix de la protection du patrimoine
    Crise majeure dans l’industrie de la crevette Crise majeure dans l’industrie de la crevette

    L’industrie de la crevette nordique traverse une période de crise. Les taux de capture de la première moitié de la saison de pêche, qui s’est terminée le 31 juin, sont désastreux.

    Crise majeure dans l’industrie de la crevette
    'Should I even be having children?' Eco-anxiety fueled by summer of adverse weather
  • As long as there are going to be religious conservative people in this world, regardless of religion, there will always be children born. Religion forces people to have them. And the more they make kids, the more these companies will influence the government to increase immigration from these regions.

  • 'Should I even be having children?' Eco-anxiety fueled by summer of adverse weather
  • You're kinda right, but at the same time we need to stop purchasing stuff that they sell that create population.

    One example I can think of are those god damn coffee pods. Or disposable razors. I buy my coffee from a bulk store with my own reusable containers, grind it and use a French press to make my coffee. My razor is an old fashioned metal safety razor and I buy the individual blades alone. No plastics. This is so much better to fight pollution.

  • 'Should I even be having children?' Eco-anxiety fueled by summer of adverse weather
  • Honestly, there's too many people on earth and we need to curb the population growth.

    Also this constant growth from companies isn't realistic. Our resources are not infinite. We had to hit a wall at some point and start to decrease.

  • 'Should I even be having children?' Eco-anxiety fueled by summer of adverse weather
  • Especially in this context where every gouvernement on every level just isn't helping one bit. And being under constant pressure from employers. And financial pressure from the housing crisis and incredible inflation with stagnant wages.

  • Les cyclistes roulent vraiment trop vite sur les rues piétonnes.

    Comme le titre le dit. Les cyclistes roulent trop vite sur les rues piétonnes. J'étais sur Mont-Royal et sur Duluth dans le plateau aujourd'hui et c'est épouvantable combien ils ne sont pas respectueux des piétons autour d'eux. S'ils veulent aller à toute vitesse, ils devraient emprunter une autre rue. Voilà.

    L’élue caquiste Joëlle Boutin jette l’éponge L’élue caquiste Joëlle Boutin jette l’éponge

    La députée de Jean-Talon, en poste depuis un peu plus de trois ans, en a fait l’annonce mercredi.

    L’élue caquiste Joëlle Boutin jette l’éponge

    L'adjointe de Pierre Fitzgibbon quitte la politique.

    Une nouvelle perquisition dans un magasin de «champignons magiques» à Montréal Une nouvelle perquisition dans un magasin de «champignons magiques» à Montréal

    Un magasin de «champignons magiques» à Montréal a été le théâtre d'une deuxième perquisition par les policiers, jeudi, deux jours après sa réouverture. Plusieurs individus ont été arrêtés.

    Une nouvelle perquisition dans un magasin de «champignons magiques» à Montréal

    Ça me rappelle quand des magasins de cannabis avaient ouverts illégalement. C'était un jeu pour sensibiliser le gouvernement à l'utilisation et aux bénéfices du cannabis. J'ai comme l'impression que bientôt on verra des produits de psilocybine qui seront légalisés.

    Can't upload images using Jerboa on

    I'm using Jerboa v0.0.40 and I can upload images just fine in any community from any other servers, but it doesn't work with communities hosted on Error I get it "Value <html> of type java.lang.string cannot...." I can't see the end of the message.

    Outage today around 9pm - what happened?

    Hey, I got a server error trying to connect all evening. Everything ok?

    First post! About a garage door.

    I've been a resident of a condo complex since 2020. I wanted to be an active member in our community so I joined the team of five members of the administration of the underground parking lot. We manage everything that has to do with the parking including maintenance, repairs, inspections, budget, fees, complaints, etc.

    When I first moved and joined the team, the major problem with the parking was the garage door. It was a regular old residential garage door with foldable panels kind of like this. It was unsuitable for the size of our garage and the number of cars. It was soon broken when people failed to stop in the incline in the winter and rammed through the door. Wheels broke off, cables snapped, the guide rails and the door panels became crooked, etc. The door was completely busted and was stuck approximately once every month and cost us near 1k$ in repair each time. And other residents were increasingly frustrated of being stuck inside or outside the parking every time.

    I decided to take the initiative of replacing the door with a new fancy impact-resistant, fast rolling rubber curtain door. It took two years to complete this project. From seeking out submissions from various providers, negotiating prices, asking the other co-owners for the go-ahead, and all the delays due to supply chain issues for the materials. And on top of it all, on the day of the delivery and installation, the providers found out they screwed up the measurements and had to stop and leave the old door. We had to seek advice from engineers to see if we could cut through some cement in the foundation to install the new door, if it could damage the foundation, check the costs and it was all becoming way over budget. Finally we asked for a second opinion and found a way to make it fit as-is.

    Last week we were FINALLY getting our new garage door installed for real this time. We told the residents a week prior and a few days ahead that absolutely NO passage was going to be allowed through the garage door during that day and the next for the safety of the technicians and the residents. Then the technicians came over, took apart the old door and installed the new one. After about 4 hours the new door was mounted and ready to be hooked up to power.

    Well ONE resident, who was aware that no circulation through the door was allowed, decided that HE was too important and absolutely HAD to go. As he went to his car, our janitor told him that it was strictly forbidden to leave through the garage door today and tomorrow. But the guy insisted and imposed himself. I just had the time to move the technician's tools out of the way and he rushed through the door, And guess what...

    The whole right side of his car scraped the brand spanking new garage rail. The caulking round the rail wasn't even DRY. He scraped the protective paint off the guard, bent the obstruction photo-sensor. and cut the photo-sensor wire. I fucking SCREAMED. I let out a couple of swear words.

    The guy got out of his car and YELLED AT ME! He commanded me "DO NOT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT?" Like, are you stupid? We TOLD you you weren't allowed to exit the garage. The door is brand fucking new and you fucking scraped your car on the brand new rail that was JUST installed and you're asking me why I'm swearing? He accused me of disrespecting him, he yelled at me, threatened me and complained how his beat up old 2001 Civic was damaged because of the door and then he left. I swear I was so mad I couldn't sleep for two nights.

    He's known around the residence for being an entitled asshole who believes the rules don't apply to him. He rents a unit and thinks because he rents, he doesn't have to follow the rules. That fucker doesn't even pay condo fees like the rest of us. And apparently, his entire building was renovated and had new painted walls and new carpets, and the very same week they finished the renovations, he decided to move some large heavy boxes and scraped the entire wall in his hall and tore off parts of the brand new carpet and he refused to pay for the damages. He's a fucking sociopath.

    It's because of people like him that we can't have nice things.

    Question: How do we create a new community on

    Like the title says. How do we create a new community on

    I want to start a new community for a specific topic. How do I do that?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 18
    Comments 67