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Facebook is blocking emergency warnings as wildfires roar through West
  • In the article it does not seem like automated messages. Rather guess that their fake news detection triggered, because links to these government sites spiked even though the sites were seldom mentioned before.

  • mal was positives: grüne Welle fürs Rad Bis zu neun Sekunden mehr Zeit: Wärmebildkameras sorgen für Grüne Welle für Fahrradfahrer in Kiel

    In der Nähe der Kieler Universität erkennen Wärmebildkameras, wenn sich Radfahrer den Kreuzungen nähern. Die Ampeln bleiben dann länger grün. Das Pilotprojekt ist einmalig in Schleswig-Holstein.

    Bis zu neun Sekunden mehr Zeit: Wärmebildkameras sorgen für Grüne Welle für Fahrradfahrer in Kiel
    Hearing is be-leafing: Students invent quieter leaf blower
  • I actually see street cleaning teams here in Germany regularly where one person blows the dirt out from bike racks and from under parked cars and the other person sits in the big street sweeper to pick up the dirt. I think this is a very valid use for blowers. The blowers are electric, but I sure would.not mind them a bit more quiet.

  • fellas
  • You need to understand that this is not about sexuality, but about patriarchy. For them sex is about power over women, not about pleasing them. Cunnilingus focuses on female pleasure, which is a problem for this world view. Men unwilling to take part in the oppression of women are seen as "unmanly". This is expressed through the accusation of being "gay".

  • Looking for exact rules for casual format "King & Flanks"

    In my school years I used to play a casual format with my friends we called „King and Flanks“ (german „König und Flanken“). Here is what I remember rule-wise:

    You have two teams of three players each, with one king per team and two flanks (left and right). The each flank can only attack their opposing flank and once that player was dead the enemy king. The king can “send” their creatures through their flanks and can attack with the same abilities as either flank. The players have separate life totals, but share a turn (i.e. have to declare attackers at the same time).

    What I am unsure about is how targeting spells and abilities work. Limiting the restrictions to attacking creatures seems unbalanced to me.

    The format was a lot of fun, since slow decks can really shine as kings. We never build decks specifically for this format, this might have broken it.

    Has anyone ever heard of such a format? What do you think the targeting limitations should be? Can someone point me to a source of this? I could not find anything on the internet.

    Simple Mobile Tools is dead, long live FossifyX!
  • I think they will migrate everything to fossify. With the gallery this already happened, the SMT Gallery vanished from my phone and the fossify gallery appeared. I guess that’s a good way to go, since for now fossify is just the same thing with a different name.

  • Simple Mobile Tools have a new name: Fossify, an open-source fork
  • I don't think the new owners can just pull it from F-Droid, I hope the F-Droid team has a code backup. I think they will migrate everything to fossify. With the gallery this already happened, the SMT Gallery vanished from my phone and the fossify gallery appeared. I guess that's a good way to go, since for now fossify is just the same thing with a different name.

  • Simple Gallery Pro vanished from F-Droid, any similar alternatives?

    I just noticed today that i no longer have "Simple Gallery Pro" on my phone. It vanished from f-droid, too:

    I know Simple Mobile tools have been sold to ZipoApps and their future is unclear, but I did not expect the apps to just disappear on f-droid and my phone!

    Do you know of any forks yet?

    What would be the closest alternative for the gallery?

    Can I expect all my "Simple Mobile Tools" apps to just disappear?

    Edit: It seems it F-Droid just automatically upgraded to "Fossify Gallery". It just did not replace the icon shortcut in my launcher. So no vanishing, just a silent replacement. I can live with that :). Thanks for all of your helpful replies.

    Love and Trees

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