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Lemmy Beto
Server upgrades

Hey, friends!

In the last couple weeks I upgraded our instance to run the latest version of Lemmy, and because it was consuming more RAM today I upgraded the VPS to one with 4GB.

This means that the cost for running the instance have gone up. Historically I've been paying around $20 per month out of my pocket to run the instance (after Ko-fi donations), and this will increase to $35 after the upgrade.

Our cost per user is around $0.10/month, so it's not a lot. If you can contribute money, even $1/month, please do, it really helps.


S. Korea experiences the worst case of overdue wages
  • Steal $50 from your employer and you'll to jail. Employer steals trillions and nothing happens.

  • Grooveboxes, workstations and more! Beto
    Woovebox, anyone?

    Anyone else using the Woovebox?

    I received mine last year, and I'm slowly starting to explore it. It's a full groovebox, with samples, live mode, song mode, multiple synth engines. So small!

    New walkman from FiiO

    Let's wait for the reviews to see if the transport is any good. It would be nice to have a decent quality new walkman on the market!

    Moving away from Kindle
  • Ok, I played with it and it seems like the recognition only works in the "Notes" app. It doesn't work as a general text input for applications.

    It works pretty well, though. You select the text with the pen by circling it, and then you can copy it to the clipboard or replace the drawing with the actual text.

  • Moving away from Kindle
  • Battery life is good, I use it with the wifi off and only had to charge it once, and I read a full book on it.

    I haven't played with the handwriting recognition yet, let me take a look and I'll report back.

  • Moving away from Kindle
  • I bought a Mobiscribe recently, for the same reasons. It's an eReader with an eink display, but it's an Android tablet. I installed F-Droid, and then NextCloud (to access my ebooks) and Librera Reader. I also use it for listening to podcasts (via Bluetooth, since it's an Android tablet) and taking notes with the stylus.

  • I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?
  • This is amazing advice! Saving it for when I have a kid.

  • Internet Archive: Digital Lending is Fair Use, Not Copyright Infringement * TorrentFreak
  • Staying true to the centuries-old library concept, only one patron at a time can rent a digital copy of a physical book for a limited period.

    So sad that we solved the problem of knowledge scarcity, and because of greed we need to add it back artificially.

  • Frosty Rule
  • I thought the same. Definitely the same vibe.

  • Apps that shouldn't be Subscriptions
  • There's was a scanner app that I loved, for Android. Turned into a subscription, even though most people use it less than once a month and even though the app was basically complete and never got updates.

  • 1.1 History
  • Inflammable means flammable? What a country!

  • I can’t believe I’m siding with the South Park guys here
  • Because wait staff can be (and are) paid less than minimum wage due to the tips.

  • Lemmy Beto
    Upgraded to 0.18.5 today

    No major changes, just bug fixes.

    Let me know if something's not working.

    Based Linus rule
  • Singular they has been used for something like 7 centuries.

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • No one needs an AR-15 for self defense.

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • Ugh, I had a trans coworker who was conservative. Had an AR-15 "to defend herself", and was against non-binary people and immigrants. Joined the police as a volunteer, and was doxxed for hanging out with some white supremacists.

  • Tinder Now Letting Rizzless Sad Sacks Pay $500/Month to Message People Without Even Matching
  • There's a big conflict of interest in dating apps: if you're successful you stop using the app, and of course the company doesn't want that.

  • Russian Academy of Sciences says climate change is caused regional variations in the ozone layer as the Southern and Eastern Pacific oceans have cooled.
  • The report in the first link is 1 page of affirmations, without any evidence, backing, nor references. Followed by 50 pages of names of random people, including a veterinarian and my old scuba instructor (really!).

    That's not a report. I'll pass.

  • Lemmy Beto
    Please read

    There has been a shitty incident where someone intentionally posted CSAM to a Lemmy community that unfortunately someone in our instance was subscribed to. Due to federation, the images might have been copied over to our instance storage.

    Because of that I've taken the following measures until we understand the problem better:

    1. I've defederated from and
    2. I've deleted all images uploaded since 2023-08-27 00:00:00 GMT.
    3. I've disabled the image server.

    I'll post updates when I have them. Thanks for understanding.

    [Discussion] How did you get into production?
  • I signed up for a 2-hour Ableton class that was being offered at work. Not sure why, it just caught my attention. I was amazed by how the instructor could write a cool song in just a couple minutes! I had no idea that was possible.

    That's how I started, I bought Ableton and a small MIDI keyboard. Followed tutorials on YouTube and started writing a song every week for the song-a-week subreddit. I took a few online classes on music production and kept learning.

    A few things that clicked for me:

    • I don't have to do EDM just because I'm using Ableton and all the YouTube tutorials are about EDM. I can make ambient.
    • Notes sound better when they're not quantized.
    • There are no wrong notes to play.
    • Finishing songs is really important.
  • Lemmy Beto
    We have a Matrix space You're invited to talk on Matrix

    You're invited to talk on Matrix

    Link is also on the sidebar. We'll use it to keep people updated on releases and give support when people can't reach the Lemmy instance.

    Also, I'm an IRC kind of person, so forgive my noobness with Matrix. 🙃

    What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • No one is suggesting that the transition would happen overnight... It would be just like any other job that became obsolete in the past, it would gradually phase out.

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • No, but you can just take B12 supplements, the same ones that are given to cattle.

  • What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • "poorly planned vegan diets that do not replace the critical nutrients found in meat, can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies." (from the article)

    Yeah, switching your diet to anything has that risk, obviously. You need to understand what you eat.

    And your daily life is already supplemented with pills, the only difference is they're given to the animals you eat. Cattle is given B12 because they don't graze and don't have access to enough cobalt.

  • Lemmy Beto
    Instabilities today

    Hey, hey!

    This morning (Pacific time) I changed the nameservers on, switching to a service that provides a CDN and a WAF. It's a cautionary measure to protect us from DDOS attacks. That caused some instabilities, sorry for that.

    I also noticed that the CDN was too aggressive, caching URLs regardless of the Content-type, and it seems that Lemmy uses content negotiation (the same endpoint can return HTML or JSON depending on the headers). I've fixed the caching to take the headers in consideration, so hopefully you won't be seeing JSON responses when accessing the website on your desktop. If you do, let me know!

    On a related note, I created a spreadsheet showing the monthly expenses on the instance, and how much we're making from user donations on Ko-fi. The sheets was shared with the current supporters. If you can spare a dollar (or five) every month to help the instance run smoothly please do, anything helps.


    Music Beto
    The Who — Who’s Next? Who's Next (Deluxe Edition) by The Who

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    Who's Next (Deluxe Edition) by The Who


    > Out of all the legendary albums on this list, I doubt many of them had their origins as an abandoned rock opera. Many arrangements and scraps of Pete Townshend’s abandoned Lifehouse project became the basis for Who’s Next, an album that has no underlying theme or storyline. This sense of freedom allowed The Who to focus on making great individual songs rather than an overarching story. > > The result is The Who growing up in public. The songs combine the hard-hitting energy of the band in their youth with the more experimental elements explored on Tommy. The most noticeable improvement is Roger Daltrey’s voice, reaching heights that were only hinted at in the past. Keith Moon’s drum solo followed by Daltrey’s scream at the end of “Won’t Get Fooled Again” remains as one of rock’s greatest moments. > > While everyone knows about the singles, from the opening keyboard of “Baba O’Riley” to the building acoustics of “Behind Blue Eyes,” every song on this record is a potential hit. Listen to the explosive chorus of “Bargain.” Check out a rare lead vocal from bassist John Entwistle on “My Wife.” With tracks like these, it’s easy to see why Who’s Next moved The Who from a great band of the ’60s to a rock superpower in the ’70s. — Joe Marvilli (2010)

    Listen to it here.

    Lemmy Beto
    Supporting our instance

    Hi, folks!

    Since I started a lot of people have reached out offering help and financial support for our instance. While right now the hosting costs and administration efforts are mostly negligible, I want to make sure the instance can grown in a sustainable way, and I have some ideas on how to do that.

    For financial support, I created a Ko-fi page. If you're not familiar with Ko-fi, they're very similar to Patreon, but the fees are optional and they pay creators immediately (not monthly). They also support one-off donations, which is nice. Right now there's a single monthly tier of $1 (though of course people can pay more, if they want).

    The current monthly costs for the server, domain, and backups are around $25/month (edit: $45), and we have almost 200 users, so I'm hoping it will be relatively easier to get the costs covered. Any excess income would go towards a reserve to ensure we have a good runway and funds for upgrading the server as we grow. I'm going to create a spreadsheet and share with everyone donating, to keep this transparent.

    Second, so far I've been the only administrator in our instance. The volume of reports is still small, usually a handful of spam posts per week, but as we grow we're going to need more people removing spam, banning bad actors, and ensuring we're building a supportive and encouraging culture across our communities. I'm planning to reach out to some "long-term" users that have offered help, but feel free to DM me if you want to help.

    (An intermission about culture. This is a music-focused instance, and we're here to share the music we love and the music we make, and also help each other by sharing our process and tools. We're all united by the belief that music makes the world better. So let's put our differences asides, focus on what we have in common, and try to always be kind and supportive!)

    Third, I've been also the only sys admin of the instance, responsible for backups and upgrades. Right now the instance is running on a personal team on Digital Ocean, together with other personal projects. My plan is to move the instance VPS to a separate team, so I can invite 1-2 people to share those responsibilities with me. Initially these would have to be voluntary, but I'm hoping that if we get enough support through Ko-fi we can compensate people doing this work.

    Finally, for the long run I'd also love to set up a governance model. I'm not sure how this would work, but I'd rather have something where we can make decisions collectively.

    Let me know your thoughts!

    Edit: I just got my first AWS bill after switching the instance storage to S3, and while it's not bank breaking it caught me by surprise. My monthly bill is around $3-5, last month it was $28.64.

    Edit 2: people are migrating to our instance from because of malicious activity (DDOS and spurious file uploads), so if you can support the instance please do. I'm planning to move the database to a separate VPS, and maybe look into using CloudFlare to prevent us from being affected, and that will cost more money.

    Lemmy Beto
    Upgraded to 0.18.3 today

    Hi, folks!

    Sorry for the latest instabilities in the instance. For some reason we were getting spikes of 100% every now and then, and that would make the instance unstable.

    I just finished upgrading to 0.18.3, which was released today. There should be a lot of CPU improvements since 0.18.0, so hopefully the instance will be more stable from now on.

    Let me know if you encounter any problems! Since we're usually in the dark during instance upgrades I created a Mastodon account for the instance, so I can post status updates. You can find it here:

    Music Beto
    The Replacements — Let It Be Let It Be by The Replacements

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    Let It Be by The Replacements


    > Who would have thought four twenty-somethings from Minneapolis could produce something so timeless, so vital, and so vivid? Back in 1984, when The Replacements dished out their magnum opus, Let It Be, nobody did. While all eyes were on Prince at the time, Paul Westerberg, Tommy Stinson, Chris Mars, and Bob Stinson were creating pure, unadulterated rock and roll. With his heart on his sleeve, Westerberg poured his love, his loss, and his inhibitions into each and every lyric, note, chord, and yelp. > > On “Androgynous,” the first hit of the piano strikes your nerves, tugging at your eyes, and by the time Westerberg sings, “Future outcasts, they don’t last,” you’re right there beside him — in the dusty bar, within the late hours of a week night, and with nobody to hold onto but the music. That’s everything The Replacements were meant to be; here they do that in every note, over 11 tracks, and for 33 minutes and 31 seconds. It’s not an album, it’s a life preserver. — Michael Roffman (2010)

    Listen here.

    Music Beto
    TLC — CrazySexyCool CrazySexyCool by TLC

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    CrazySexyCool by TLC


    > With new jack swing falling out of favor by the mid-’90s and Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopez dealing with personal struggles that kept her away from the group for extended periods, TLC found ways to mature their sound on their sophomore album. Reuniting with Babyface, Jermain Dupri, and Dallas Austin while adding contributions from Sean “Puffy” Combs, Organized Noize, and Chucky Thompson, they bumped up the hip-hop and soul vibes to utter R&B perfection on CrazySexyCool. > > At the same time, they helped spur a sex positivity movement that still evolves today by tackling romance from numerous angles: the tryst of “Creep,” the sweetness of “Diggin’ on You,” the XXX of “Red Light Special.” In between, they delivered one of the most enduring cautionary tales of all time in “Waterfalls.” CrazySexyCool was the R&B album of the decade. Today, it stands as a testament to confident womanhood, a statement sealed in the record books as the best-selling album by an American girl group ever and the first to reach Diamond status. — B. Kaye

    Listen here.

    Music Beto
    Wilco — Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco


    > There is an alternate universe that exists where Wilco never releases Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, an album that would not only secure the band’s place in rock history, but would fundamentally alter the landscape of the music industry at the turn of the new millennium. Yes, this record is awash in mythology and backstory, best encapsulated in Sam Jones’ I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, which just so happens to be one of the best music documentaries of all-time. > > But YHF endures as a classic over 20 years later less because of that lore and more because it’s a collection of songs that’s so damn strong. Jeff Tweedy channels all his anxiety and self-consciousness into songs like “Ashes of American Flags” and “I Am Trying to Break Your Heart,” complementing those heavier tracks with the warm nostalgia of “Heavy Metal Drummer” and heart-on-your-sleeve romance of “Reservations,” which features a lyric that’s devastatingly direct: “I’ve got reservations about so many things, but not about you.” > > The genius of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is the decision to add layers of feedback and field recordings and noise and distortion on top of Tweedy’s folk and country and indie rock songs, leaning into the experimental to such an extent that the record dispatched the “alt-country” label that had dogged the band since its founding. From start to finish, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot mesmerizes and beguiles, and somehow manages to sound like both falling in love and the end of the world. It’s untouchable. — S.D.

    Listen here.

    News Beto
    Threads, a Twitter replacement from Meta Threads

    Say more with Threads — Instagram's new text app.


    Meta just released Threads, a Twitter clone that is promised to be compatible with ActivityPub in the future. You sign up with your Instagram account and have the option of bringing in the people you follow there, even if they haven't a Threads account yet.

    Lemmy Beto
    Downtime today

    I'm planning to upgrade to 0.18 today and move the storage to S3, so I'll bring the instance down between 5-6pm PDT.

    Update: this took longer than I expected. I started at 6pm because of work. I shut down the instance and took a snapshot, then brought it back up and upgraded to 0.18. The upgrade worked fine. I brought the services down and configured the instance to use S3 for object storage. That required migrating existing objects to an S3 bucket, which took quite some time. Then, after bringing the services back up again I got a "Server error" message. Unfortunately I had to stop at 8pm since I had something scheduled. At 9:15pm I was able to bring the services up successfully, and we're back!

    Update 2: turns out we hit this bug, and the instance was down around 11pm. I changed the hostname of the instance and now it seems to be working fine.

    Music Beto
    System of a Down — Toxicity Toxicity by System Of A Down

    Listen now on your favorite streaming service. Powered by Songlink/Odesli, an on-demand, customizable smart link service to help you share songs, albums, podcasts and more.

    Toxicity by System Of A Down

    !Cover of the album "Toxicity" by System of a Down, showing the Hollywood sign replaced by the name of the band

    > After making a name for themselves with their self-titled debut, System of a Down reached new heights with their sophomore album, 2001’s Toxicity. Melodic, chaotic, and downright hypnotic, the album expanded the boundaries of heavy music. The frenetic “Chop Suey!” became one of the most bizarre hits of all-time on rock radio (even with Clear Channel temporarily removing it from airwaves after the September 11 attacks), while songs like the crushing title track and the haunting “Aerials” also served to propel the album to multi-platinum status. > > Sounding like no other band before them, Serj Tankian’s operatic vocals soar over Daron Malakian’s complex musical compositions, with Shavo Odadjian and John Dolmayan forming a relentless rhythm section. All told, Toxicity stands as one of the finest works of heavy music in the 21st century, if not all time. — S.K.

    Listen here.

    News Beto
    Polyend Play gets a Piano Roll update
    Song Writing Beto
    Join us for 50/90!

    "50/90" is a challenge that started decades ago on Yahoo! Groups, with the goal of writing 50 songs in 90 days. It starts on July 4th, and goes til October 1st. These days the challenge is hosted on the FAWM website.

    I know you're probably thinking "there's no way I can write 50 songs in 90 days!". And yeah, it's not easy, and usually less than 10% of participants make it to 50. I've been doing the challenge since 2016, and in a few years I wrote only 3 songs.

    The important thing is that if you write one more song than you'd normally write, you're already a winner! 50/90 is an incredible supportive community, with prompts and challenges for inspiration. It's a great way to get feedback on your songs, and to practice finishing songs!

    The website is live, and the challenge starts in a week... who's up for it? 🙂

    Ardour 7.5 released Ardour 7.5 Revamps Tempo Maps Editing, Remembers I/O Connections Per Device - 9to5Linux

    Ardour 7.5 open-source DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is now available for download with revamped tempo maps editing and other changes.

    Ardour 7.5 Revamps Tempo Maps Editing, Remembers I/O Connections Per Device - 9to5Linux
    Music Beto
    How do you listen to music?

    How is everyone listening to music these days?

    I use YouTube Music almost exclusively, since I like having YouTube Premium and Music comes for free. But it's not the best experience.

    For indie artists I buy their music on Bandcamp and listen there, but I was thinking if I should download all the files from Bandcamp and upload to YouTube Music, so I can listen to everything in a single place.

    beto Beto

    Beto Dealmeida makes music as a one-person band called The Fishermen & the Priestess.


    Posts 47
    Comments 69