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Anyone tried Kopi Luwak coffee?

The civet processed beans? I'm wondering if it's all hype? Or worth buying a bag to try?

How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • Random guy here, stumbled onto this thread.

    I can only drink decaf, doctors orders. My wife doesn't drink more than a cup a day usually, caffeinated.

    We have a breville espresso machine, got it during COVID because we were home so much.

    We made coffee every day, sometimes several times a day. But now that we're more or less back to normal, we're not home often enough to use it regularly. Perhaps once a week.

    We still love fancy coffee, just not enough to get up a bit earlier to make it, and take it with us, and then clean the thermos later. Bah.

    So we go through a pound or so every few months. It's actually a bit annoying because the coffee gets less fresh as the weeks go on.

    As for what coffee we buy? We buy local, there's a roaster near our house, which always smells amazing when you drive by. Their coffee is fine, quite tasty even, it just all kind of tastes similar, if that makes sense. Even if I go for some fancy flavors, which I'm guilty of doing (in a separate special grinder), they all taste very similar in base flavor. Maybe people like that 🤷‍♂️ it's fine.

    Our favorite coffee is schuil in Grand rapids Michigan, super tasty, and their flavors are phenomenal (if you like that kind of thing).

    Edit: beans are about $9-11/lb here in Michigan.

  • Slorp
  • I'd have to check my logs, but it was something like spring or early summer. Honestly though the solar cycle has a much larger effect on propagation, and right now we're near solar maximum so things are really hopping. At the beginning of COVID we were just starting to come out of solar minimum.

    I haven't been super active lately, so I can't comment on how often you'd be able to make contact. But with some coordination it's definitely doable. Especially if you get some decent metal in the air.

    You still have US citizenship? You might be able to do your testing in the USA over zoom and use a reciprocal license, though I haven't looked deeply into it.

  • Slorp
  • I had a similar but very different experience. At the beginning of COVID my buddy and I got our ham radio licenses.

    One of my earliest contacts was a guy in Japan, over 6000 miles away! Nothing between us but some wire strung up in a tree, and a couple of radios. Using the ionosphere to bounce our signals around the world.

    So. Stinking. Awesome.

    I've been hooked ever since.

    It's funny because it's almost the opposite of your story, you were using the amazing new technology and infrastructure to make the trip. These days we take that very infrastructure for granted.

    It's fun to try doing it with as little infrastructure as possible!

  • You're not supposed to be here
  • Most of the 24 hour Walmarts and similar stores in my area stopped doing that during COVID, and then never did again. Most close at 10 or 11. I miss going into Meijer at 3am and getting... Whatever I wanted 🤷‍♂️

  • Any recommendations a two person backpacking tent? Preferably one during this REI sale?
  • I didn't think about splitting the weight, that's a good point.

    Yeah during my short hike I could tell when I was loaded with water or when I was empty haha.

    I appreciate the write up! I definitely plan on doing a super short hike which will basically just be a test of the gear, get her a feel for it. Then I have a short hike in mind after that, about an 8 hour drive to get to, not bad.

  • iFixit is breaking up with Samsung. ‘Samsung’s approach to repairability does not align with our mission,’ says iFixit’s CEO.
  • Thanks for the recommendation!

    I like the fold concept in theory, though it's a bit exhausting protecting the screen all the time.

    Being able to set the phone anywhere at an angle to take a picture has come in handy super frequently.

    If this phone was full price though I think I'd be mad. I baby this screen line no tomorrow, and I'm diligent about keeping my pocket free of any dust and lint, let alone dirt or bits.

    I've got a tiny scratch in the middle of the fold, and the entire fold area has long tiny cracks forming from folding. I've only had this phone for like 7 or 8 months.

    My buddies broke in 30 days of buying it, and he had to fight to get it replaced.

    Again, I like the idea, and I enjoy using it. But there's still too many pain spots for me to make the jump. It'll have to get a lot cheaper or a lot more sturdy before I'll get another.

  • iFixit is breaking up with Samsung. ‘Samsung’s approach to repairability does not align with our mission,’ says iFixit’s CEO.
  • I had the original Galaxy Note and loved it. Then I went to oneplus one and loved it. Then I went Nexus 6 and liked it enough. Then I got the first Pixel.

    I've been pixels ever since. But there was a deal on the Galaxy flip5, $0 up front, $300 over 2 years. I couldn't pass it up, for the novelty if nothing else.

    There's a lot I like about this phone, but a lot more that I don't. I'm looking forward to going back to Pixel when I can.

    This phone is missing so many standard features, and so many others are locked behind Samsungs walled garden that I refuse to sign up for. It's just a mess. I'm frequently frustrated.

  • Any recommendations a two person backpacking tent? Preferably one during this REI sale?
  • Thanks for the feedback!

    My plan was to do some local (Michigan USA) hiking trips to get a feel for backpacking with my wife, with the ultimate goal of Iceland. So I wanted to buy gear based on that extreme.

    However, Iceland in September was only recently presented to me as an idea by a friend of a friend. He assured me that the weather would be more like 50 to 60f, and we'd end up at a waterfall. It seems he was mistaken, or misguided, and I should do some appropriate research.

    I'm going to take your suggestions under advisement! What would you suggest in Europe?

    My wife likes camping in general, but has reservations about some of the more rustic aspects of backpacking. The thing that caught her attention was the ability to go and see things that aren't easily done or perhaps impossible to do without backpacking. Sights that can only be seen after a couple days of hiking. Do you have any suggestions for something like that?

    I'm definitely a noob here, and while I loved my first trip out, and would likely enjoy almost anything, I find i don't have enough information to plan a trip for my wife.

  • Any recommendations a two person backpacking tent? Preferably one during this REI sale?
  • That's fair, good suggestions. Thinking about it, my hammock and rain fly were also cheap, I didn't weigh them separately but I bet they could've come to 5lbs or more. My loaded pack without water was 35lb. I'm 175 and fairly strong so I didn't mind it for the 25 miles we did. But it wasn't nothing.

    I think I'm gonna go for it 😬

  • Any recommendations a two person backpacking tent? Preferably one during this REI sale?

    I'm new to backpacking, did my first trip this year with a hammock and had a great time.

    Trying to get my wife into it with me. We're planning on going to Iceland in September, no trees. Plus she sleeps cold so she'll probably be more comfortable if we're in the same tent.

    I'm looking to spend as little as possible, we're really not sure this will be our thing going forward, it might just be something I do solo. And we already have a big six person tent for glamping with a big air mattress.

    I'm hoping for under $200, less if possible.

    But I also don't wanna buy garbage, or carry something excessively heavy.


    Edit: this seems popular and well liked?

    Are there any household gadgets you found unexpectedly useful after you'd gotten them?
  • It works! In the pot On the plate

    Not bad! Though I used Bisquick, for better flavor, and for the work involved dirtying bowls and measuring cups I'd rather just use a pan.

    In fact I made extra and made three pan sized pancakes in the time it took to make one big fluffy potcake.

    Don't get me wrong, it's a great Idea and it totally works. If I were gonna do it again seriously, I'd get a dedicated pancake mix that uses just water, to maximize the simplicity, which is the goal I think.

    It was fluffy and delicious, though I will say a lot of pancake flavor comes from the crispy edges and the thinness of the cake and you lose some of that with the thick potcake.

    Glad I tried it, thanks to op for the idea!

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