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What keeps you going every day?
  • I do, but I don't think so.

  • Deleted
    You're not a "content creator", you just make videos on the internet
  • Well actually agree with this upopular opinion. Maybe because I am old school, I remember youtube was just something random, videos made by casual who don't really pretending to become "ultra-rich-content-creator-influencers". Now its all about monetize every single bit.

  • What keeps you going every day?
  • Honestly I don't know, I give up on life time ago, then this last year I start "living" again by having a daily activies and job. But I deal with this like someone dead inside, I don't feel any joy. I am not even looking for a goal. I see nothing in other people, I interact with then know that i get forget as soon the day end. I am just too scared to kill myself.

  • What are the dangerous levels of friendship ?
  • In any situation. That's why most of adults don't have friends. We pretending to want someone but also really want to not have our lives destroyed.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • You can be positive at end because you have save something with your work. I have your age, never work a single day of my life, I don't have a bank account, I'm just living with my 70yo parent and keep going with his money that is the wage of essential worker. Where I am going? Enjoy what? What ride? I only see that probably I have to work like a slave in future, and that's it.

  • "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein
  • I'm glad to finally read someone that's say something real. Its all about lying, yes I educate myself and I even try to fake a fair enough resumee. I realize this is the only way to hope for something. I don't have special abilities, not good at math, coding boring me. I try a lot of thing in this life, I am in a training program now, but things move slowly, I'm 35, I should have a wife by now, an happy place called home, but looks so far away, looks even that I lost the train to having that life. Feeling already old even if I do nothing, life ask things I dont have. Stupid things like a car, I don't want it, I don't like it, but people want me to have it. This example apply to everything. In order to have something I wish for I need to want something I don't like, that's so stupid and I feel bad.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Still everything is now ashes, dust in the wind, nothing. All this fun hobbies are now only a meanless memory, I didn't have nothing back, all the fun you say is become, for me, hate. Hate to have wasted my time laughing like a fool behind videogames, books, even sports, telling myself that was okay, creating a big lie that hobby was something important, just to see it ending without any result. So that's the point, limited time sure it's everything, but meaning is also everything in this life.

  • How would you approach buildings if they were more like synthetic organisms?
  • Tree with intelligence? I don't see any reason why this trees accepts to be buildings, there will be no benefit from them to having us around.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I didn't find any good enough hobby in this 35 years of life that didn't fade after some time. At moment I'm very empty inside, I spend half day sleeping and other half working, everything looks expansive to do, I give up on everything, I'm keeping myself alive because I'm just scared of the pain and I can't imagine stop existing.

  • How would you approach buildings if they were more like synthetic organisms?
  • Like sentient organism? A building made of flesh who have thoughts? I will stay very far from any cities.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • My first porn was on floppy disk

  • "Distant" by Mr. Lovenstein
  • I think human interaction change with times that tell us what we need to have to be good as friend. I am also running from people but not because I can't deal with conflict but because shame. I spend many time to understand and shame is mine final answer. I am ashamed of my dirty apartment in my father garage, I am ashamed of not having a degree, a job, the will of even find an occupation. Then I ashamed of my body, fat and full of scars of heavy loss of height. Simple I am just a monster, that lives only because parents keep alive. What kind of friend can be possible be? That's there reason to escape. This why not everyone can have interactions.

  • NSFW Deleted
    I love a good post workout fuck (F)
  • damn that's so good, well done, lucky the guy who filled your beautiful ass.

  • NSFW
    I promise I will make you cum (F)
  • I promise you will have the whitest butthole

  • Deleted
    How is your experience on the Fediverse?
  • Too much extremist and people who just here to sell their blogs, website, onlyfans, ect.

  • NSFW
    Say yes if you like my side view! 🙈🩵
  • Perfect body

  • How did the Spanish word "éxito" come to mean "success"?
  • Failure is "fracaso". So you can exit and feeling good to have make it (éxito) or completely get destroyed by failure and never exit from your failure, living a life of despair and never be able to find the exit.

  • Why don’t application developers who have abandoned their development make the code they don’t need open source?
  • Because their code is a mess, ugly and full of bugs, that is better burn to the roots that trying to fix it.

  • NSFW
    Anon does not want to do NNN
  • Bored people who create unhealy goal to give at their life some kind of meaning, I can't blame.

  • Importance of a low intellectual quotient

    In recent weeks I have met a pretty and sweet girl with what I consider her only biggest problem: her IQ. She is slow, does not remember things and has no concentration at all, has no arguments, systematically repeats the usual twenty words. (A bit like the character of Forrest Gump, for those who do not know what low iq means). I feel like I like it to go deeper, but I wonder if it's not a mistake. Do you have similar experiences?

    Life outside comfort zone

    I'm about to explode because of a person, one of the bosses at work, which is always ironic in a bad way, to tease, to feel superior. I've been obligated to suffer for a month, and now I feel like I explode. I do gym and meditate, but every week this person ruines everything. I'm afraid I ran out violently, I'm trapped because I don't have an alternative, there's only that job now and for next year, I wonder if my life is going to end like this, for a fight, fired and arrested, while the boss continues to enjoy and insult his employees....

    how to die slowly

    i thought I was getting better, but I'm falling apart. I feel like a clown, I interact with people, they laugh and then turn their backs. At the end of the day I'm back here, alone, and I'm so sick.

    I've been left behind

    The evening was going well until a person 15 years younger than me started talking to me about his 2-year-old son. And I think of my life, alone and miserable playing the loser.

    Machine Learning

    Sto provando a creare questo minestrone che è il macchine learning e più mi inoltro in questa impresa e maggiore è la voglia di buttare via tutto perche tutto questo creare sistemi di sistemi di sistemi che comunicano tra loro mi crea disagio nel suo modo di essere una matrioska infernale. Cosa ne pensate? Il machine learning ne vale veramente la pena?

    Sanità pubblica italiana

    Domanda per chi si è imbarcato in questa impresa. Quale è stato il periodo piú lungo che avete dovuto attendere? In particolare con priorità bassa. Chiedo perchè sono rimasto di stucco ricevendo nel ultimo mese (con impegnativa) più volte la porta in faccia sentendomi dire che è impossibile prendere una data, che è tutto occupato per i prossimi 90 giorni, che dovrei telefonare tutti i giorni per avere un posto (???). Mi demoralizza molto questo modo di gestire le cose casualmente.

    Al Bar dopo dieci anni...

    Oggi sono andato al bar del mio paese dopo dieci anni che non frequentavo più. Avevo fame e ho pensato di fare una cosa che un tempo consideravo normale, cioè consumare una piadina al bar. Appena ho letto il prezzo della piadina ho capito di essere approdato in un nuovo mondo, che tutto è cambiato e che me la potevo sognare. 4€ e 20 centesimi per una piadina che dieci anni fa avrei pagato la metà, e difatti nel portafoglio l'unica cose che avevo erano 2€ e qualche centesimo. Penso a quanto possa cucinare a casa mia con 4.20€ e mi sembra ridicolo. Non credo consumerò mai più in locali pubblici, che vita miserabile.

    banana_meccanica banana_meccanica
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