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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Why should we listen to alarmist doomers who believe in near-term human exctinction? Climate change could take down industrial civilization and billions of lives within the course of a few decades or even years, but the idea that in about 1000 days the earth will look like venus and all humans will die strikes me as unhinged. this guy lowballs it, but I think there’s good reasons to be skeptical about the clathrate gun hypothesis

  • Best place to live in China?
  • here's a video with english subs to explain why 云南 is so special. here's another video that's more about 昆明 tourism

  • Best place to live in China?
  • It's sad to see 苏州 (suzhou) characterized by its relationship to 上海 (shanghai), when 上海 is merely a city invented by China within the last 100 years to interface with the capitalist west. 上海's culture draws from the original, ancient cities of 杭州 (hangzhou) and 苏州. If history had played out slightly differently, 普通话 (common speech) would probably be their 吴语 (wu chinese) due to 南京 (nanjing)'s influence.

  • Best place to live in China?
  • Chinese people I've heard from generally say 昆明 (kunming) is the best place to live, at least from a natural scenery and weather perspective. Here's a map, where 昆明 is outlined in the 四季如春 (four seasons as spring) area, meaning the weather year-round is like spring. Beyond the climate, 云南 (yunnan), where 昆明 is located, is a mountainous province that is also a biodiversity hotspot. There's bountiful microclimates and many local cultures as well. Definitely not a "Max GDP" sort of place, but the other factors are incredibly good.

  • It's really hard to feel motivation to do anything in life when you basically know things are going to get far, far worse before they get better
  • No, the author is not an anticommunist. This book would not be so widely promoted in China if it were anticommunist. His depictions of the cultural revolution are focused on the suffering people went through in a neutral way. I don’t think it’s controversial in China to say that there were issues with the cultural revolution that led to suffering for some. Here’s an official narrative to summarize the cultural revolution on Chinese internet:


    The full name of the Cultural Revolution is the “Proletarian Cultural Revolution”, which took place from May 1966 to October 1976. It was a civil unrest that was wrongly launched by leaders and used by counter-revolutionary groups to bring serious disasters to the Party, the country and the people of all ethnic groups, leaving an extremely painful lesson.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - Marshall Plan: Now As Farce - COTW: Ireland
  • It is true that there are many hotels across NYC that have been repurposed to house newly immigrated people. The people living there are mostly from Latin America, but also there are hotels of people just from sub-saharan Africa, so it’s a diverse mix.

    I am in contact with someone who works directly on managing new immigrants for NYC. From what they’ve told me, it is a serious crisis for the city, since they are constantly looking for increasingly creative ways to house everyone. Their allocated capacity would run out and they’d have to scramble to accommodate new arrivals.

  • Kenyan DJ makes Waves With Home-made Turntable

    This isn't exactly Earth-shattering news but I thought it was neat and this community might enjoy it

    NYT copes that people traveling to China are undermining their narrative
  • What other place could have:

    • Police on every corner
    • Ubiquitous surveillance
    • Systemic repression

    what's that? it's new york city? whoops.

  • Any good Chinese shows or movies? Especially ones that'll help me learn Chinese?
  • here's a pretty solid list of recommendations that you can adjust to your level. I enjoyed watching yolo and 喜羊羊 is a favorite kids show similar to spongebob in the west.

  • Europe is not a continent. It's Eurasia.
  • While we’re at it, we may as well make it 4 continents: Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, Australia, and Antarctica. I think there’s even an argument for combining Afro-Eurasia and the Americas too, since it’s just one big contiguous landmass during ice ages. This has important biological consequences for the historic exchange of humans and other animals via Beringia. It also makes it easier to understand the close linguistic and genetic relationships between Siberian peoples and Native Americans. I hope you have enjoyed this argument for why a 3 continent world mental model is good, actually

  • Silicon Valley’s Best Kept Secret: Founder Liquidity Silicon Valley’s Best Kept Secret: Founder Liquidity

    Ask most venture-backed founders why they get 10x more equity than employee #1, 100x more equity than employee #5, and 1000x more equity than employee #15, and you'll get the same answer: "I'M TAKING SO MUCH RISK, IT'S SO HARD TO START A COMPANY, I MADE A BIG MOVE!!!" And

    Silicon Valley’s Best Kept Secret: Founder Liquidity

    This lib article bemoans that it’s only founders who get liquidity at startups, but it is still worth reading to have another datapoint on how the “risks” capitalists take to found their businesses are elaborate illusions: tech startup founders take millions behind closed doors, even at very early stages.

    China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • here’s the old and new without distortion from the original platform. i think they look lighter, but this looks to be mostly just from simplifying the depiction to make it more cartoonish. now i’ve really read into this too much

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • I agree. they definitely just made these kids whiter lmao that’s why they are wearing long, sun-protecting clothes.

  • China Watcher don't be creepy about children CHALLENGE
  • It’s funny how big the projection is on making this about sexuality. I think the real story is that they made these kids extremely pale and made them wear long sleeves and pants to avoid the sun. If there’s anything toxic here it’s East Asia’s obsession with paleness (and they are so good at it that they are often paler than euros at this point lmao). For this textbook it’s probably just to convey the innocence of the children, seeing that they’ve been protected from the aging rays of the sun. I’m not Chinese or even Asian for that matter so what do I know though.

  • Macron Calls State of Emergency Over Protests in the Colony of New Caledonia
  • Paris is actually quite close to New Caledonia…provided you go through the center of the Earth. I’m sure controlling an island on the other side of the world is a trivial task that the French will surely succeed in! /s

  • How socially conservative are China and Vietnam, and how can they realistically become more progressive?
  • Yeah, I’d venture to guess most people alive in China today spent their childhoods in rural areas based on the urbanization trend. There’s been a lot of recent progress in marriage law within the last year or so. The gist is something like for a woman to divorce her husband you needed evidence of him wronging you and had to wait a cooldown period. Those rules have been relaxed in a drive to combat domestic violence.

  • Do you think the obesity epidemic is caused by capitalism.
  • One thing people haven’t touched on is how socialism could be more effective at fighting obesity. At the end of the day, farmers produce surplus calories for the rich world far beyond the per-capita caloric needs. Sellers are able to create demand so farmers can get paid by making high calorie foods unsatiating and ubiquitous, which creates an energy surplus as the population level. An obesity epidemic is implicitly a policy decision.

    Production could be planned to meet caloric and nutritional needs for the entire population if a society looks past the profit motive. Furthermore, certain food ultraprocessing methods could be better-controlled to contain foods that are basically poison for the body’s energy balance

  • How to dedollarize your finances?
  • Thanks for taking the time to write this out! I really appreciate it. Having secure physical resources that are immediately useful is a good idea, I’ll think of what I can do to that extent.

  • How to dedollarize your finances?

    I have some extra money lying around in USD being slowly devoured by inflation. The conventional wisdom is to invest in stocks or bonds in the US. Fundamentally, that’s just gambling on the continued success of empire. Should I buy gold or other metals instead? Are there non-dollar-denominated ways to invest in economic development of the global south instead? I don’t care about returns I just want long-term stability of value

    Which one of you is this 🤔

    Alternative title: man talks about how he is not Chinese but can be a Chinese Marxist

    ‘A Good Day for World Peace’: Biden Signs Aid Bill for Ukraine and Israel Biden Says Weapons Will Flow to Ukraine Within Hours as He Signs Aid Bill

    The $95.3 billion measure comes after months of gridlock in Congress that put the centerpiece of President Biden’s foreign policy in jeopardy.

    Biden Says Weapons Will Flow to Ukraine Within Hours as He Signs Aid Bill

    Something something orwell

    A 12-year-old student opens fire at a school in Finland, killing 1 and wounding 2 others A 12-year-old student opens fire at a school in Finland, killing 1 and wounding 2 others

    Heavily armed police cordoned off the lower secondary school, with some 800 students, in the city of Vantaa, just outside the capital, Helsinki.

    A 12-year-old student opens fire at a school in Finland, killing 1 and wounding 2 others

    Finland is already reaping the rewards of NATO membership. May the burgerification of Finland begin!

    I'm going to get to meet an original CPC member!

    They joined before 1949. Because of the sensitive nature of the situation, politics cannot be brought up at all when I meet them, but that does not stop my excitement! I'm posting here because I have nowhere else to talk about this. I'll see if I can post about it again in a few weeks to let all of you know what kind of person they are or if they had good life advice.

    This Is Not ISIS - Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack This Is Not ISIS - Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

    Ukraine and West resorted to false flag operation in order persuade everyone that ISIS was behind the terror attack in Moscow concert hall, said Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of RT and Rossiya Segodnya, Sputnik's parent media group

    This Is Not ISIS - Rossiya Segodnya Editor-in-Chief on Moscow Concert Hall Attack

    > “This is not ISIS. This is a well-coordinated team of several other, also widely known, abbreviations," Simonyan concluded.


    Micro-apartments are back after nearly a century, as need for affordable housing soars Micro-apartments are back after nearly a century, as need for affordable housing soars

    Boarding houses that rented single rooms to low-income, blue-collar or temporary workers were prevalent across the U.S. in the early 1900s.

    Micro-apartments are back after nearly a century, as need for affordable housing soars

    A century ago these would have been called tenement houses, but now we did a hip and cool Millennial rebrand: micro-apartments! The article spins this nicely:

    > The 180-square-foot (17-square-meter) room is filled with an air mattress where she, her partner and their children, ages 2 and 4, sleep. It’s also where they play or watch TV. At mealtimes, it becomes their dining room.

    > Boarding houses that rented single rooms to low-income, blue-collar or temporary workers were prevalent across the U.S. in the early 1900s. Known as single room occupancy units, or SROs, they started to disappear in the postwar years amid urban renewal efforts and a focus on suburban single-family housing.

    > Now the concept is reappearing — with the trendy name of “micro-apartment” and aimed at a much broader array of residents — as cities buffeted by surging homelessness struggle to make housing more affordable.

    Wow look at all this urbanist progress!

    BuT HaVe YoU CoNsIdErEd tHe EnViRoNmEnTaL iMpAcTs oF LaB gRoWn DiAmOnDs? Lab-grown diamonds come with sparkling price tags, but many have cloudy sustainability claims

    Lab-created diamonds come with sparkling claims: that they are ethically made by machines running on renewable energy.

    Lab-grown diamonds come with sparkling price tags, but many have cloudy sustainability claims

    I can’t believe someone unironically wrote this article. It’s completely transparent this is just ass-grabbing by the traditional diamond industry trying literally anything to deter people from buying manufactured diamonds. I wonder how much AP was paid to run this slop.

    Sure, it probably does have a lot of emmissions to manufacture diamonds. Let’s hope this deters people from buying vanity diamonds altogether! Good thing the traditional diamond industry is renowned for its clean energy practices, environmental stewardship, and working conditions. Unbelievable.

    Indonesia Presumed President-Elect Prabowo Subianto’s Foreign Policy Where Does Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto Stand on Foreign Policy?

    The defense minister would likely follow the broad approach of President Joko Widodo, but with a heavier emphasis on defense.

    Where Does Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto Stand on Foreign Policy?

    Definitely link a better article if you have one. It seems like this outlet is not too rabidly liberal. Overall, it looks like Indonesia will continue down a non-aligned path, which is surprising considering this new president is related to Suharto

    Books 中国共产党万岁
    Best books on and by Kissinger?

    I would like to better understand this guy’s life and thinking. Does anyone have recommendations for the best books Kissinger himself wrote as well as books about him?
