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Zen Z
  • Yup. Of course it is and half of the comment section is falling for it.

  • How to create a bootable Linux USB drive
  • Isn't that just 'sudo cp image.iso /dev/sdX && sync' ?

  • Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of China attempting to influence upcoming US elections
  • Oh shit. Such a edgy comment buddy. Now tell me, what elections does China has for the US to be meddling wih?

  • EU pulls its gun on China: The EU is accelerating its crackdown on what it sees as Beijing’s unfair support for companies that undermine European rivals
  • What are you talking about? It's known China pours tons of subsidies into their organisations that go so far as these organisations selling their products cheaper than what they cost to produce. They flood target markets with the clear intention of destroying local industries so they can take over the entire market for themselves.

    Also, free market? A company who wants to operate in china will have most times to do some sort of technology transfer and give part of the control to the Chinese government. Add child labour on top of that and the horrible working conditions Chinese workers endure and you will start to having a picture of how absurd it is to have "free market" with China.

    Free market is a good thing when you operate in the same leveled field.

    Victimisation?! They EU has done nothing about China's BS for way too long and it's now finally taking action. That's a good thing if you ask me.

  • [AksLemmy] Que vão oferecer no Natal?
  • Fora de brincadeira, gosto que me ofereçam meias. É algo que uso e estou sempre a precisar!

  • Rental property billionaire says buying a home (with a mortgage) is "fancy bullshit" and you should rent instead
  • Oh, I have something to say about this.

    About 7 or 8 years ago I bought my house. I had friends of mine showing me articles that basically had the same "renting is better than buying" message bullshit.

    You don't really need much brain power to understand that is absurd. Paying loads amounts of money for something that will never be yours is obviously stupid in the long term.

    The thing that made me very upset at the time is that my friends drunk the cool aid of these very same article and didn't buy a property when they had the chance... Now, 8 years after, they are all struggling to buy properties except now is a lot more expensive.

    The house you live in should be YOURS and no-one else.

  • Is there Linux software that I could make a PDF(or any format) by copy/pasting screenshots into a page, but also have the ability to spoiler blur/hide them until clicked?
  • I believe you can do that with Xournal. It's a pdf editor I use and supports pasting of images onto de document.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • This... OMG!

    All started with a docker run -v ... on sub folder on my home directory. The command changed the ownership of some files to root...

    In order to get my permissions back I sudo and tried to run chown -R andrefsp:andrefsp ./* on the folder.

    Thing is... My stupid ass didn't actually typed ./* but /* instead followed by an angry Enter.... It was so fast... So quick... The whole thing was fucked beyond recognition...

  • They won't teach you this in Drivers Ed
  • True! But only the Teslas do this

  • O roteiro gastronómico de isaltino morais em oeiras o roteiro gastronómico de isaltino morais em oeiras

    Isaltino Morais elogiou um arroz de lavagante a €120/kg e um restaurante marroquino com dança do ventre. Além de explicar porque é que um vinho Pêra-Manca de €55 é "um vinho banal".

    o roteiro gastronómico de isaltino morais em oeiras
    Firefox 119 released
  • Yes! This one is the big feature for me. PDFs are always a pain to sign.

    On Linux I've been using Xournal which does the job pretty well, but I'm really looking forward to try it on Firefox!

  • Porque não mais democracia?
  • Bem, vou aqui um pouco contra a corrente mas aqui vai.

    Na questão dos referendos, eu não sei se seria necessariamente a favor dependendo da quantidade e frequência.

    No meu caso, apesar e ter certas opiniões sobre uma coisa ou outra a verdade é que eu simplesmente não estou qualificado a tomar decisões sobre algo que seja complexo num campo que não domino.

    Vivemos em democracia representativa que basicamente significa que confio o meu voto a alguém mais qualificado do que eu a tomar as decisões de maior complexidade.

    O que quero mesmo é ter tempo para dedicar às coisas que sei fazer e me fazem feliz e de forma alguma estou interessado em viver num sistema que faz de mim político á força e gaste grande parte do meu tempo.

    Eu sei que isso de "a voz do povo" soa muito bem, mas não nos podemos esquecer que ser deputado é literalmente uma vida e o trabalho de alguém que está infinitamente mais informado e preparado a lidar com assuntos de estado do que o normal cidadão.

  • A densly mined area near Zaporizhzia
  • Given the proximity the mines are put together, wouldn't they all chain explode when one of them detonates?

    Never knew that mines would be put so close together!

  • What quote from a movie is instabtly recognisable?
  • "Merry Christmas you filthy animal! And an happy new year!"

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Before reading, I initially thought that maybe there was a reason like she could have mental health issues or that she could be just someone extremely incompetent at her job... But the more you read, the more this makes me want to vomit... It's truly sickening!

  • Vídeo mostra salvamento do pescador mordido por tubarão em Vila do Conde Vídeo mostra salvamento do pescador mordido por tubarão em Vila do Conde

    A Força Aérea Portuguesa partilhou as imagens que mostram o salvamento do pescador indonésio, de 35 anos, que foi, esta quarta-feira, mordido por um tubarão-azul em Vila do Conde.

    Vídeo mostra salvamento do pescador mordido por tubarão em Vila do Conde
    The Welsh disagree.
  • What an idiot this guy must be... Did it cross his mind that Welsh people are also tax payers? ...

  • Removed
    Huggingface recently created a ML framework for Rust
  • Very cool! In my company I had to serve BERT in rust using the tensorflow C API. If I knew of this framework I would have given it a shot, the examples are there and they look easy to understand.

  • O fogo de Odemira numa imagem de satélite do Copérnico
  • Aqui em Faro haviam cinzas no ar ontem na parte da tarde.

  • Lemmy is popular nowadays, yet is losing its active users
  • Here! I'm another active user!

  • andrefsp andrefsp
    Posts 5
    Comments 18