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  • Well, to keep a user is way harder than to attract his attention.

    I think that the key differences between this platform(s) and the more known alternatives are part of the problem - people are very dumb these days and lazy. Often the first reaction to something new and not working in the expected way is to skip it, or demand the solution, rather than look around, try different approach and such.

    I feel like I'm witnessing Diaspora 2.0 effect...

    • Yes, most people give up as soon as something does not work first time.

      Maybe there are enough of us to be enough abd to fix those annoying little things that make lemmy complicated to use.

      A lot if issues got resolved, apps are here,it is getting better fast.

      • I doubt it - too many people with different preferences they aren't willing to let go, I'm afraid.

        If you're asking me, it's "good enough" the way it is. I'd gladly have some more content filters, but even without them I perceive it as a platform with enough potential to consider it good.

    • I think those issues will be solved though. Apps will increasingly make onboarding simpler so Lemmy will be as simple to use as Reddit.

      At that point really its just a case of waiting for Reddit to fuck itself, which it absolutely will do eventually via corporate greed, and there we go, all the Lemmy content anyone could ever need.

      • I don't think Reddit will fall, sadly.

        It harbors too many people, who go there for a specific content and don't care about the internal dramas, or who leads the place and what he thinks about the userbase. In addition... Eh, it hosted Obama, Arnold, plenty of actors, celebrities.

        My assumption is that it will simply evolve into something different, but no less popular.

        After all, Facebook was caught redhanded on such abominable practices that it should be burnt to a crisp long time ago, and yet it's still there, led by that automaton, what'shisname...

    • One thing that bugs me is people asking for/using tools that replicate the look and feel of Reddit instead of learning the ropes. I left Reddit, I don't want another one. I get it, familiarity is comforting, but when the user base is a fraction of the other platform, no UI or app will ever give you the same experience. I say move on, get out of your comfort zone and participate.

      • Amen to that.

        I don't imagine staying on some site that resembles a drowning wreck, because "I got used to how things work here".

    • I’m just here because I like the pretty 3rd party apps.

    • I think I am on shitjustworks.. i don’t know how big my instance is I just chose it because it has a cool name.

      It has gone down a few times and at first my reaction was to go to is it down dot com to see if the problem was with my app… but then I had the realization that ohhhh, it’s just my home server is down… I thought about making a separate account on another instance but instead just decided to do something else with those few minutes I would have spent here….

      No big deal…. It’s happened a few times in the couple months I’ve been here, but it always works eventually… I really like this platform, and the philosophy behind it, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to understand all the inner workings and how the instances work together, but I don’t feel like I need to.

      But I can see how people who understand it even less than I do might get frustrated and so that is going to be a limiting factor with new growth here I would assume…

  • For some the novelty of lemmy dropped pretty quickly. Most reddit users which make up a huge chunk of lemmy users would go days if not, weeks without commenting or posting. You kinda have to factor in that a lot of people are lemmy lurkers that will comment or post once they find something that interests them.

  • For the last month and a half, I have not used reddit at all. Lemmy has most of the communities that I was a part of.

    But I get that, some niche subreddits still don't have communities here on lemmy. A few of my friends, stopped using lemmy because it didn't have the subs they were active in.

  • Sites like reddit, Instagram, and twitter make the cognitive effort to go from signing up to using the app as low as possible. The users' experience is considered from before they even have an account. They make sure you don't ever see a blank page or feel like you're battling the app to find content.

    Lemmy actively puts roadblocks in the way. Server choices, the hoops you need to jump though for server memberships, and highly fragmented communities all but ensure that people will face issues when signing up.

    Sadly, a lot of users here feel that because they had to overcome them, so should everyone else. Until that changes then the self-defeating cycle will continue.

  • My biggest issue is that at least two out of three times I go to browse/post/comment on, the server is down. I have no clue the actual up time, maybe I am just unlucky. But I am considering migrating my main account to another server.

    My alt's server has never experienced this much issue. Hopefully the devs add a migrate function.

  • It'll hit equilibrium eventually. Not like this is something unusual for a platform that's making the rounds as the new and exciting thing.

  • I'm just gonna leave this post here, for statistics.

    Joined Lemmy today and find it kinda refreshing and reminding me of the old days when web was small yet varied.

    Also really dig the web interface, especially the vaporwave-light theme :D

  • The problem with lemmy is that it's not 100% stable. I like it more than Reddit but at least 20% of time lemmy is overloaded, down, not refreshing or else.

  • These are natural growing pains of any new platform. A lot of people will come over, check it out, and then go back to Reddit.

  • I'm on the fence about sticking around. I don't see myself going back to Reddit, so I'll probably just leave and be productive.

  • It's natural progression once initial hype wears off. As long we manage to keep core amount of users it should grow slowly over time.

  • Lemmy has already hit equilibrium as far as I'm concerned if your on lemmy world I suggest changing instances my instance was down alot in the beginning when lemmy was getting alot of new sign ups but has since then been updated a few times and been rock solid since now it only occasionally goes down for maintenance