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Switched to Linux and I think I'm going back to Windows.
  • Running linux on a machine thats not specifically supported by a vendor will always require tinkering. if you want the OOB experience you're describing pls purchase a laptop made by any of the linux specific vendors. if you like popos that would be system76. there others, check the reviews of these devices and see which one you like.

  • Android users who have a keen eye for design and detail, how is the whole stutter/lag situation? Esp. after a few years of use?
  • in iOS the UI thread is split from the rest of the compute, and runs at elevated priority if i recall correctly. this used to not be the same case for android. having said that, my android devices run just fine as long as they have plenty of ram. so, if you buy a flagship samsung it usually comes with 12gb ram. the current minimum I'd say is 8gb. used to have the pixel 4xl with 6gb which kept lagging... how the situation develops in 2 to 3 years and if 12gb is still enough remains to be seen. in general apple is better with long-term device support (up to 5 years). all this is of course very subjective and depends on ur usage and if u game a lot on ur device.

  • Kampf gegen Geldwäsche: EU einigt sich auf Obergrenze für Bargeldkäufe
  • Das stimmt, Bargeld entstand als Schuldschein. Ich meinte aber eher den Unterschied zwischen Giralgeld und dem uneingeschränkten gesetzlichen Zahlungsmittel in Deutschland der Euro-Banknote. Hier mal zwei links zur Definition: und dem absichtlichen (u.U. sogar Gesetzes widrigen) eingrenzen des Handels mit Euro-Banknoten.

  • Kampf gegen Geldwäsche: EU einigt sich auf Obergrenze für Bargeldkäufe
  • Nur Bargeld ist echtes Geld, alles andere sind Schuldscheine. Daher, das einschränken von Geld Zahlungen jeder Art ist ein direkter Angriff auf die freie Marktwirtschaft der den Bürger entmündigt. Leider sind die alternativen noch nicht weitverbreitete und auch nicht ohne Ecken und Kanten.

  • How would you feel if Beehaw left the Fediverse?
  • I'm sorry if my subjective comment offended you. I do like the fediverse, and I did highlight that I'm happy to help improve lemmy instead of jumping to a different platform. Of course you're always free to take a single line of my reply and build your argument out of it. Being able to admin an instance to ensure that people dont call each other names and ensuring a space where everyone wants to participate is a great goal to stand behind and not in the least a ya-sayers echo chamber. But of course any ability to admin may also be over used to create just that.

  • How would you feel if Beehaw left the Fediverse?
  • Beehaw is my favorite lemmy instance, its actually the only one with meaningful discussions and lively community. I'm grateful for your time and commitment towards a place where people are nice and have meaningful discussions. You the admins do all the work, you have to make the call. I will come with you but I'm not certain how it will go. If there are easy to use mobile apps and notifications I'll be more likely to get notified about new content. I just haven't seen any old school boards that tick all those boxes. So, if I have a vote (which I believe I dont) I vote to stay and rather help you improve the admin tools.

  • Best distro for Lenovo Carbon X1
    1. you're likely describing hibernate not suspend suspend has different states and the most common one is suspend to ram which needs a low concurrent supply of power and that's on all laptops the default - certainly on all thinkpads I own
    2. check the systemd configuration file for your close lid actions such as suspend
    3. hibernate means the machine is completely off and only works if you installed the OS in a specific way (please search how to install fedora to do this)
    4. fedora is not superbly newbie friendly, maybe try ubuntu, linux mint or popos which usually work out of the box
  • What History Tells Us About the Feel-Bad Economy
  • CPI for example likely isn't being gamed, (I hope). There have been changes to the CPI so whoever made these does have the ability to push it into a certain direction. What I meant was, for a random fluff article I simply pick any of my favorite CPI categories and spin those to suit my main point.

  • What History Tells Us About the Feel-Bad Economy
  • That's what's called gaming the statistics. Actual purchasing power has been declining at a significantly higher rate as wages increased the net result being you can buy less stuff for more money. Fluffy articles citing feel good statistics dont matter.

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • If you really dont like a company and its products you must vote with your wallet or usage in this case. Its that simple. The reason why people that dislike M$ still use vscode and/or windows is simply they actually dont care that much and mostly make noise. I vote with my wallet and have a full jetbrains subscription, I use most their IDE's everyday and its been great. Anyone really depending on income through coding must acquire the best tools available if they are reasonably priced so be it.

  • Mars Sample Return Scientifically Critical, But Eye-Poppingly Expensive
  • Thank you for providing this interesting insight. I didn't know any of this. I hope JPL will be able to build up the necessary in house experience again to not having to depend on contractors. Maybe in the distant future mankind will be able to actually work together on this problem space instead of being busy with corporate infighting.

  • Mars Sample Return Scientifically Critical, But Eye-Poppingly Expensive
  • As Douglas Adams put it: most people where only concerned with the movement of small green pieces of paper. The amount of small green pieces of printable paper is completely and utterly irrelevant in comparison to the next milestone mankind can achieve and must achieve to survive. (My personal, admittedly strong, opinion of course)

  • Is an expensive mattress worth the money?
  • There are different types of mattresses, most of it is personal preference, except for making sure they are all full body so that no house guests accumulate inside. I personally prefer mem foam mix with some other material that makes the mattress just soft enough. As mentioned by others the mattress will not magically fix everything but it can greatly help not to make it worse.

  • Should it really be Telegram?
  • If installed on your phone it will keep syncing your contacts, which is what most parties are interested in anyway (should be the main reason to uninstall). Your options are IRC, xmpp and matrix (element) if self hosted (matrix is somewhat in question about its origins).

  • Best Linux laptop for 2023
  • If your OK with arm I'd say the macbooks and especially the macbook air are ready with asahi for daily use. I'm personally considering getting to run linux on as daily driver.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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