Ahdok @ ahdok @ttrpg.network Posts 121Comments 819Joined 2 yr. ago

Gorgon rule
heh, no worries :)
I did already workshop this one through about 20,000 people, so I'm pretty happy with it :D
Gorgon rule
Unfortunately, I was writing descriptions that a D&D DM might adapt into rules, and "venomous" isn't a damage type.
Gorgon rule
the ultimate d***head.
Gorgon rule
It's a good way to get more... :)
Of course!
This folder contains (I think) every comic in order. At the bottom there's a zip file which will let you download all of them together - it's about 70mb.
The three digit number at the start of each filename is the comic number, so if you sort them in alphabetical order, you can read them in the order they were posted.
Alright, I'll send you a link via DM. Anyone else who needs this, just drop me a message and I'll hook you up.
With the website as it is (we're migrating servers to a setup with more features), your best bet is probably the tumblr archive
The archive is "most recent first", so you'd have to open comics in reverse order (and skip over non-Konsi comics) - the first one is in February 2020
However, give me a moment, I can set you up with something that might be easier.
Yeah, it's this kind of content that I think tabletop excels at where nothing else does - you can really get into the weeds when it comes to the wider ranging implications of what you're doing.
These characters started in Dragon Heist (Alexandrian Remix) - having done all of the content in it... The powers that be in the city have good reason to be concerned about these idiots.
One of the reasons that it's only every other week or so is because I space them out with other silliness that also comes into my head....
Like this
The reason the temple of Tymora in Waterdeep is so wealthy is that they uh...
While they don't openly promote a prosperity gospel, they don't prevent the nobles of the city from subscribing to it.
I think I probably forgot to specify during the date, but the promotion there leapfrogged over regular Priestess. She went from Junior priestess to Senior Priestess.
Difficult to get all the little details from campaign events into speech bubble format while also trying to tell a story haha.
Konsi's the most powerful priestess in the temple (she's actually more powerful than the High Priestess)
If you post your stuff to Lemmy... people will meme about it???!?
Konsi wouldn't shame you for that, but she might quietly take you aside and privately ask you to not do that. :)
I think she has a lot of fans here :)
Well, we are already using cloudflare, that's one of the other reasons why the site is so slow... I don't think the other two suggestions prevent a scraper from requesting the information from the server... I think they'd just make it more arduous for real people to access the content.
I believe that there are multiple very high profile billion-dollar lawsuits being run against AI companies right now. I don't really have the budget to sue these companies.
That's pretty clever.
I think that these AI scrapers might be smart enough that this doesn't really work though - at least if I were designing them I'd have them all come from dynamic IPs and not have any of them bother hitting the same target more than once. These things are very dedicated to acquiring content without consent, and if they're capable of causing problems for (say) Reddit, I'm not sure my little website is going to have much luck deterring them.
Honestly a better strategy might be to just glaze everything I draw.
When you get the feeling everyone else at the table is just looking at their phones.
Whenever the DM introduces a friendly NPC, the players IMMEDIATELY derail from the plot.
It's a better excuse than "because that's what I rolled on the D20 table in the book"...