When you have a high bluff score.
When you have a high bluff score.
That reddit AMA in the comic was a while ago, but feel free to ask Konsi any questions you want.
When you have a high bluff score.
That reddit AMA in the comic was a while ago, but feel free to ask Konsi any questions you want.
Konsi is way cuter than she has any business being. Translation: high praise, keep it up ;)
Konsi, Lucas Swiftriver, Icefall Investigator. Where did you learn your keen fashion sense?
The Tower of Luck in Waterdeep is my temple - while the priests don't tend to consider fashion, the temple is in the richest part of the city, so we get a lot of very fashionable nobles coming in to donate. We're also just down the road from the Temple of Sune.
@Konsi -- How do you take your coffee?
I'm not allowed coffee. They told me I'm already hyperactive enough.
What is your opinion on cats and does it depend on their size?
Cats are great when they want snuggles, but I always want snuggles and cats don't always want snuggles.
Do you stay up at night worrying that somewhere out there is Isnok, your sworn nemesis?
I have quite a few people who've made it their sworn mission to murder me actually..,
Konsi, you just got asked out on a date; what is your person like and what is your ideal date like? :3
This is some kind of trick, nobody in their right mind would want to date me.
Konsi, When was the last time you took a day off?
The fact you're not getting any replies tells a lot...