acme401 @ acme401 Posts 0Comments 12Joined 1 day ago
In the 2000's I interviewed for my dream job at Harvard. The manager and I got along famously, we both thought I was a great fit for the job and they gave me an offer at the interview: It was for literally $30,000 less than I was currently making and since this was the 2000s, I wasn't making too much to begin with. I literally laughed and walked away. Never again.
You have no idea how short my attention span is lol
Jambands/Grateful Dead type stuff.
Yes I know there are groups out there, but no one is extremely active. I'll give it time: Weir Everywhere
How is your week going?
Stressful....And will be for the foreseeable future
My fucking kinda place! Fuck yeah 👍
This is exactly the kind of game I love to watch others stream, but I know I wouldn't get through the tutorial.
Does anyone know how fond Caitlyn Jenner is of Texas?
Permanently Deleted
Not to be callous about your situation; but isn't this the subplot to Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?
Where my check?
I'll piggy back off your test
Edit: it took 7 hours but I finally got my DM! Woohoo!
The comments went in the same way they came out, by hand. Took me most of the day yesterday, but in the end it was worth it. After I deleted everything though I still found some instances of posts still lingering but you can't control it.
Hi. I made it.
Just deleted my 13-year-old account. I'm fucking pissed how much effort I put into that fucking place. The hardest thing was overwriting my content so they don't grt to keep my work. It's done, fuck that place.