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Etiquette of sharing blog posts: should I share full text?
  • If it's your own blog you're free to share it in whatever manner you like. If it's not your own blog you should respect the wishes of the author, meaning ask for permission if you want to copy paste the entire blog. Otherwise, excerpts alongside credits to the author is fine.

  • “Communism bad”
  • Remember that our CoC applies even on communities outside our instance. Try to avoid personal attacks and telling people to harm themselves per CoC 3.2 and 3.7. Continued failure to do so will lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

  • To take a step back and see how far we've gone, Discuit, another link aggregator created around one year ago, published their weekly report - 245 weekly active users (detailed report in link)
  • Just a reminder that our instance CoC applies even on communities outside our instance. Please try to avoid calling people slurs per CoC 3.2 and 3.5. Failure to do so may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

  • DARPA suggests turning old C code automatically into Rust – using AI, of course
  • Looking at your instance handle, I hope/assume that your comment is supposed to be in lighthearted jest. However that would only be an assumption on my part and in general it's not ok to say someone's job/work tool is for [remarks directed at sex, gender, ethnicity, orientation, disabilities, etc...] per CoC 3.5.

    Please take into consideration that members on this instance may be of different backgrounds than what you're used to and interpets what you say differently. Further breaches of our Code of Conduct may lead to temporary or permament ban.

  • [suggestion] block new accounts from posting
  • I think a 30 day limit is far too restrictive. Imagine making an account to ask for help and then being told you have to wait 30 days. You'll just turn to reddit like the 99% did from the start. The fact I couldn't help/answer people's question on SO after signing up permanently turned me away from that network, just as as an example.

    Most spam reports that reaches this instance is from other instances, so even with the wrong assumption that us putting up a restriction would block spammers, it would hardly put a dent in the amount of spam.

    I think the real solution will be better moderator tools so that mods can effectively control their community as needed. An auto-mod can already do exactly what you're asking for on a community level, which wouldn't be as oppressive.

  • [Closed] Looking for new moderators #302
  • Permanently Deleted

  • [solved] Checking admin status of user via the API
  • That should actually work great, in the absence of being part of the API, thanks! Funnily enough the copilot autocomplete suggested that when I was formatting the url param.

  • Lemmy Support UlrikHD
    [solved] Checking admin status of user via the API

    Sorry if this is the wrong community, not sure where else to post the question, and I'd rather avoid creating an issue over on Github.

    Is there a way to check if a federated user is an administrator via the API? .get_person_details() will have the admin field set to false for all other than local admins and .get_community() only reveals the list of moderators.

    I know I could scrape the admin list from the main page html, but scraping html is prone to errors if an instance uses an alternative frontend or the frontend is updated. Getting the data via the API should be a more stable solution.

    Based on #3703 it seems like a decent chance that this information isn't currently exposed to federated instances though?

    Do we have a date for the lemmy 0.19.5 upgrade?
  • might give a more precise date, but unless there is an important security update, we prefer to wait 1-2 weeks to see how the update goes.

  • Featured
    Welcome to c/Python!
  • From the perspective of the admin team, as long as reports are consistently resolved in a timely manner we are happy.

    If you have any questions or want help with finding extra moderators, feel free to ask it here or via DM, otherwise we also have a Discord server and a Matrix space where we can talk.

  • Featured
    Welcome to c/Python!

    Just a reminder that we sent you a DM some time ago, but have yet to receive an answer. Happy cake day :)

    -The admin team

  • How System Requests Work and How to Add Your Own SysReq
  • Please refrain from harassing our users, keep whatever argument you have contained to the thread it started. Following and harassing users across communities/instances is not tolerated.

    You will only be given a temporary ban of one week from our instance, but if it continues after that it will changed to a permanent ban.

  • Futo, Please don't attempt to create your own Open Source Definition · Danb Blog
  • Per our Code of Conduct, please avoid insulting users when commenting on our instance, even if "they started it".

  • Meta, a Human-Friendly Programming Language
  • While we have opened up community creation for users, please refrain from misusing the feature.

    Also, as specified in our code of conduct, try to avoid personal attacks.

  • Any interest in hosting q&a style programming communities?
  • Community creation is open for all users, you are free to create a community dedicated to Q&A if you want a community explicitly for it. The admin team is willing to help out with moderation if that is what's holding you back.

  • Removed -> A Perl script that preprocesses C with garbage collection!
  • Please refrain from using slurs and disparage people for no good reason on our instance.

  • D&D makers also want a Baldur’s Gate 4, but say they won't rush to a sequel (it shouldn't take 25 years, mind)
  • A shame we won't get an expansion or sequel by Larian, but DOS 3 sounds good too.

  • Removed
    Rust, implemented in something real
  • The person has previously been warned to stopped posting links to the site. They've now been given a temp ban, if that doesn't deter them, they'll be given a permanent ban and we might ban the site from our instance.

  • Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running
  • I didn't mean to imply CD stores sounds files of worse quality, only that if you aren't after the experience vinyl provides, digital files is a more convenient form of media.

  • Vinyl records outsell CDs for the second year running
  • Maybe I should have written a longer comment to elaborate on what I meant. What I meant to say is that if your primary concern is sound quality rather than the experience physical media gives you, I would assume a flac file would be a more popular option due to its convenience.

  • MIT scientists have just figured out how to make the most popular AI image generators 30 times faster
  • There's way more to a game's look than textures though. Arguably ray tracing will have a greater impact than textures. Not to mention, for retro games, you could just generate the textures beforehand, no need to do it in real time.

  • [Closed] Looking for new moderators #302

    Describe the problem

    3/4 moderators of the community are inactive, leading to a backlog of unresolved reports from the community.

    Suggested solution

    Find 1-2 active users in the community volunteering to moderate c/programmer_humor in the comments of this post.

    Expected time cost

    A few minutes each week, the volume of the reports from the community is currently low.

    Temporary solution

    The community will be moderated by the admin community team until new moderators are found.

    Overview of planned features?

    Are there any websites or posts where one can see planned features for the app? It would be nice to know what's missing from the initial release. I see plenty of feature requests, but none contains confirmation of whether that feature will be worked on or not.

    UlrikHD UlrikHD
    Posts 3
    Comments 165