Of course it is. Ol’ Frank did the same with reproductive rights.
That timeline is just insane to me. They don’t apply honest maps and we still have to vote.
The current maps are ‘illegal’. If you remember they were ordered to redraw the districts but have been using the maps from 10 or 12 years ago. There was no agreement on new ones and were ordered to keep redrawing but there was no teeth behind the order. There was a good NPR story on it last year.
Do you have any resources to share so that I could join one?
EL5 why this is significant, please.
( Not trying to be any which way.)
I don’t think Ohio is mid west.. I know(think) it had something to do with the original 13 colonies but at this point the naming conventions need to change definitions.
時代が求めたニューヒーロー『一撃男』と言えば?!? 『WEB界のカリスマ』と『最強ジャンプ遺伝子』の超強力タッグが描き出す! 平熱系最強ヒーロー“サイタマ”の日常ノックアウトコミック!!
I also did a druid. I tried to go pure storm and while it was fun, he was a bit more squish than i wanted. What other builds have you tried?
Summary ESA Summer 2023 is a week-long in-person speedrunning marathon, featuring speedrunners and score-attackers from all around the world. Our primary goal of raising money for our charity partner Alzheimerfonden. The Swedish Alzheimer’s Foundation wants nothing less than to eradicate dementia on...