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Medvedev on Twitter, HOLY SMOKES!!!
  • Ignoring or obfuscating who they fought for and who they fought against.

    Yes it is way too common a theme in western media at this point, obfuscation of things like conflict of interest. Never before in human history have we needed more critical analysis of news and media we consume, and the information flow is also in excess.

  • know of any good foss note taking apps to take notes
  • Silent Notes on F-Droid. Barely talked about, local (no cloud), great encryption, very discrete and great formatting options. My personal pick after shifting away from the bloated and feature-limited Standard Notes.

  • Simple Mobile Tools suite to be acquired by Zionist Reich adware company
  • GrapheneOS is not truly free and open source software. Its licensing relies on the whims of a singular deranged person Daniel Micay, who witch hunts, harasses and accuses people as he wishes, never having backed up any of his accusations in the past multiple years, and always threatens people to worship or do what he asks otherwise his code must be removed or else he will unleash his deranged community army to attack the "enemy".

    It happened to me already, and DivestOS developer was the one who was threatened on XMPP chatroom last year.

    Screenshot 1:

    Screenshot 2 continuation:

    I have investigated and documented "security" zealots/militants in FOSS/privacy community for the past 5 years. They engage in and encourage IT brodude asshole behaviour, and always crybully everyone as they please, while hiding behind anonymous/pseudonymous identities and platforms.

    He even harassed and accused Louis Rossmann recently, and upon the Matrix chats being made public, he called himself "autist" and hid behind his Discourse forum where the most extreme form of censorship and sugarcoating can be observed. He is the only person that commits to GrapheneOS, a one man show project, so his "stepping down" was a game of optics and a big lie.

  • Simple Mobile Tools suite to be acquired by Zionist Reich adware company
  • Bullshit. Never listen to those US Big Tech evangelists. GrapheneOS is the singular most vile group in privacy community, and adds harmful features without user or community consent, and has only one project contributor/committer who lies about everyone harassing him, attacking him or trying to help swat/murder him, and never gives evidence for anything while crybullying everyone.

    By your logic, we should all stop using open source apps and only use closed source corporate software.

  • How do I stop being an undisciplined coward?
  • Since I have not yet seen the first step, but only the second step being advised in these comments, consider watching these 4 videos in this order. This is the real deal.

    This will solve your life problems. Combine it with the combination of:

    • getting (half)naked sunbath for 30 minutes twice a week
    • exercising
    • proper sleep with unbroken 90-100 minute cycle phases (not waking up between a cycle, no erratic shitty alarms, get Gentle Wakeup alarm app on Android for $5)
    • no nocturnal peeing (do not overload with water before sleeping, pee before you sleep)

    and this is the ultimate formula to a healthy, active and long lasting life.

    Add a 10-15 minute power nap during midday/early evening/after office or school (use it as supercharger like you would coffee) and you have a good life foundation.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Buy yourselves a Victorinox Ranger ($60) for life, best SAK. Get their firestarter addon for like $5, that fits into the corkscrew. Single biggest "prep" item and BIFL upgrade to life. Boomers are now handing over their old Huntsman SAKs to children. Get fit and learn to survive on low food and water.

    The next step is community rebuilding, not becoming a lonewolf guerilla Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sylvester Stallone, which is only helpful in apocalypse.

  • ProtonMail Rewrites Your Emails
  • Nice username censorship methods. What conspiracies do I spread, that your instance admin and his friends do not? Or are you afraid to confront me with a proper debate with arguments?

  • PSA: Just want to give a heads up on what is about to come in the way of Lemmy users, a huge WARNING

    Read the comments in the chains that are beneath it.

    My participation will be low here for the time being, but this is something that affects all. Brace yourselves.

    Additional information that borderline fascistic instances like already exist (Finland NATO supporter), and (PrivacyGuides admin) is run by a US/Canada nationalist that defederated Lemmygrad day 1 and calls people here liberals.

    Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • I do gauge myself on the redpill/blackpill part of the spectrum. And I do need to investigate, but it is not easy. But I think it is worth it.

    I will not pretend I just pretended everything I said here, because these are indeed my current beliefs. But I will admit I wanted this engagement in comments, to be able to hear the leftist side of things to learn more, since I have watched enough content from the centrist/conservative entities I mentioned. There is now something more for me to ponder over.

    I have a question: why is there no guide or recommendations for these kind of topics, the way I make guides for digital privacy? I do have an answer for it in the form of social engagement being a circus, no matter which camp, but it may not be a sufficient answer. Also, anti-imperialism is a large focus of the communist struggle.

    Since you head this instance, I do want to tell it is not that I was salty about the ban, but about being called a misogynist with no dialogue exchange. Although most people will not want to consider other POVs unlike me, or are merely outing themselves by mistake, so I think there needs to be a consideration not just for gauging to ban someone, but to have a dialogue. I created this dialogue, nobody wanted to have it with me. And all of you that are talking to me, are doing so because there is a shared trust considering my year long history here, and because some recognise my tech privacy work. I think gauging people needs a lot more work.

    Ping and other admins for the last paragraph

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • I will process more diverse literature on this subject, but time is going to tell a lot of things. I do not think society is headed down a very bright path, and we are about to see highly turbulent times which will affect both sexes.

    I will keep a cool head and consume multiple sources instead of looking it as a way to deprogram, atleast this is what I can conclude. I am in no way righteous, but I think this is a subject where nobody has correct views. Social interaction goes so deep that even the most experienced extroverts get thrown off regularly.

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • Why is one country demographic so limiting in this case, when USA's per capita PPP is extremely high? I would instead argue USA's cultural westernisation effect carries over to almost all countries sufficiently for this study to be valuable.

    You think alcohol and drug abuse leads to a healthy life? It is a sign of deep internal instability. Why can you not see it comes down to these people hating the concept of committing to a partner, using each other like meat, thus revealing personality issues and internalised horrible ideas of how a society should be?

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • I do not think the reality is this simple. There is not a speck of doubt that misogyny has existed in society, but men have had their share of inequalities, like being the only demographic group to be conscripted during wars or emergency (includes current Russian SMO), men being the dominant group to be in military or in any dangerous factories or industrial facilities, men never having had an equivalent brotherhood like women have sisterhood throughout the times, men mostly never being given child custody in a broken marriage, and so on.

    Moreover, women overwhelmingly prefer traditionalism once they are post 30s, and feminists actively cherrypick traditionalist roles to conform to, despite the general notion being advertised as destroying traditional societal roles. How would you categorise this as, women being okay with misogyny as it benefits them in long term, or women being unfaithful to feminist movement, or feminist movement derailed in some capacity and/or by within itself, or some other explanation?

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • Regarding polygamy, there is a study that many people will not like. I do not think it is healthy, and just because something has been done eternally, does not mean it is correct to continue doing. Is that not what breaking down the medieval ideas, that still exist in society as it is, all about?

    I will try to skim through that literature, thanks for the rec.

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.
  • What, do you think we treat radfems like comrades or something? Lmfao no.

    That clarifies one point, thanks.

    Sure, some could have a few traits as mentioned above (only human after all, and some humans are scummy regardless of gender); but to say all women are like that is straight up falling towards Incel/MGTOW territory.

    I never said all women. I do not engage in liberal/fascist generalisation behaviours like that. However, many women in urban areas do have one or more of these behaviours, thanks to the incredible amount of sexualisation of mass media creating construed images of reality in womens' heads.

    traditional views like monogamy instead of promiscuity are better

    Very, very interesting how rather than using polygamy, you used promiscuity though.

    Yes, I wanted to gauge a reaction on this. Polygamy is harmful for both sexes and for society as a whole. I want to cover this bit in the next part where you made a massive generalisation.

    You men can get away with bedding lots of women and society barely bats an eye. It’s only when women do the same that you guys start seething.

    Let me tell you a few things. Women are the gatekeepers of relationships, which includes sexual relations. If a woman says no, man will go home. And these "you men" are not all men, but probably the 10% fuckboys that engage with a lot of misled women, again, thanks to oversexualisation of mass media. This happens mostly during post teenage years upto early 30s for both sexes.

    Another point I want to make is that a woman is considered purer than men for the single most important reason – she has the womb and she has to be in a healthy state to carry the baby. Woman is the one who will procreate, not the man. I know that the fuckboys/fuckgirls rationalisation is imbalanced, which is precisely why I think sex is a sacred thing, and it is not meant to be abused by anyone. Obsession with sex, drugs et al is bad for a valid reason.

    Chivalry is dead. Good men never get rewarded with healthy relationships in society, until an arranged marriage in most cases has to happen. Good women either are corrupted by mass media, or get tired of the incredibly conservative families they live in, and end up marrying people they do not inherently truly love.

    social code being different for men and women

    Are these set in stone, huh? So much for being a fucking leftist if you believe in this regressing shit.

    There are certain social codes for men and women that are simply going to exist, unless bizarre things like artificial wombs come into existence, erasing the codependency of man and woman. Yes, there are things that can be improved on both ends, and it is a very long conversation.

    What, did you had like bad experiences with women in the past that made you develop these thoughts? Or is it the fact that you got exposed to misogynist youtubers

    No bad experiences made me develop particular thoughts. However, one feminist whose friend I loved back in college, did tell me that my self improvement did not matter to anyone, and tried to rage bait me as well. That solidified my thoughts on liberals and not women.

    I never watched Tate or Shapiro or the likes, but I try to watch a healthy mix of content, mostly averaging as moderate on the spectrum. Matthew Hussey, Kevin Samuels, J-Hall and Whatever podcast. I keep a very tight hold on what views are shared there, selectively discarding anything that goes too conservative. These tubers are not incels or MGTOW, but closer to a mix of redpill/blackpill, mostly hovering around centre or centre-right.

  • Before leaving Lemmygrad, I want to have a discussion on my "weird misogyny takes". No drama, just possibly a simple closure.

    Final Edit: I have decided to take a break from here for undecided time. I might come back when sure of myself. Limited activity at main instance.

    Edit: I am replying, so please refer to them to get an idea of my worldview.

    Context: and these removed comments of mine, before Forte temp banned me

    a screenshot of my comments


    Before I start off, I want to tell that it is true that I am a cis het male human that holds monogamist views with the mildest of traditional takes. It is also true that despite never having had a real mother or a girlfriend in my life, I never became an incel. My mindset at the core is unapologetically survivalist, independent and masculine. I have also been chivalrous with women, and have been inclusive of the non binary communities. Some people will try to portray this as me never getting female love in life and all kinds of assumption based crap, which I can counter with years of selfless privacy community work.

    I want to know what is so misogynistic about:

    • a woman having multiple boyfriends and being a social player, which is very common today in the dating scene
    • traditional views like monogamy instead of promiscuity are better
    • social code being different for men and women
    • women often dating for free food
    • Western feminism not being a true representation of feminism, and how much it currently harms mainly men, and creating polarisation between both sexes
    • psychology of dominance and submission in relationships factoring into the stability of any long term relationships, including marriage

    Is it not deceitful to deny these patterns exist, and to just call someone misogynistic and shut down the conversation? Or have I misunderstood what Lemmygrad means for these kinds of conversations?

    When did this place become so lib, that people were straight up told to "change your ways before you end up ruining a poor girl’s life", or how "using 'male' and 'female' to refer to men and women as if they're animals" is a terminology that radical feminists would otherwise get excused for? What are these assumed ideas I have that are so batshit crazy, compared to the kinds of values that hardcore masculinity gurus, Tate fans, incels/femcels hold? And what is the defined threshold expected for this place to accommodate people?

    I hope I do not see a "404:site_ban" before I get to engage and get answers on this, and have a decent conversation. I am not threatening. I merely want a dialogue.

    To The Twats Who Say "Anime Pfp Bad"
  • Most anime pfps depend on what anime character they use. People with the Dragon Ball (I use Broly pfp) and Touhou pfps somewhat can be okay, but I have found many Hindutva genocide lovers using Eren from Shingeki no Kyojin with a tilak (red/orange mark on forehead) easy to spot on Twitter.

    I agree, the stigma is nonsensical and almost as bad as Nazi style stereotypical thinking of "le anime degeneracy".

  • Opinions on Slavoj Žižek and Sut Jhally?

    Bayarea415 was a big fan of him, and so am I. Žižek is an incredibly original thinker, easily top 100 of this century. Their documentaries Pervert's Guide on Cinema/Ideology and Dreamworlds series are some of my favourite videos, and today I watched Žižek's competition debate with Jordan Peterson, where the latter looked like a curious, heartbroken old man.

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